(06-06-2020, 03:42 AM)SharpnShiny Wrote:
(06-06-2020, 03:30 AM)LOOT Wrote: Not to argue, but I've chased Wolfman razors since Jan 2018. I was deeply immersed in the underground of obtaining his razors. Several of the guys had a closer relationship than I had with him....and I never, EVER heard of a drop being announced to anyone. No heads up on specific days, let alone exact times. If you have some solid evidence of such malfeasance, do share. Please.

The same groups of my friends also chase other specific brush drops too. I only know of one American knot tier who told his friends of a drop specifically to poke a new American knot tier in the eye on the exact same day as his inaugural drop. That's knot the only time hes done it either. His business, he can run it any way he wants, just like DuFour. I find it shady and bullcrap frankly. In fact, that's part of the seedy, slimy underbelly of the "gentlemans" hobby I referenced a few posts back. Some people kinda suck. I'll admit, if you have proof, my opinion of DuFour would certainly be tarnished.

Does James have favorites? I'm sure there are guys with direct pipelines and honestly, nothing wrong with that. Actually, this is probably how he selectively hooks his friends up. I'm just guessing here, are you?

I know you didn’t quote me specifically but I can understand how someone can think that there is an inner circle conspiracy. When the same users are always posting their 12th or 15th newly acquired Wolfman razor on a random drop that sells out in seconds, well I don’t know. I would be lying if I said I never thought of it like that sometimes and I just moved on to other stuff.
Yeah, I'm sure I'm enemy #1 to 85% of those reading along. I get it. I can see how that notion crossed a whole lot of minds. None of my drop scores came from inside information...and I think I hit the vast majority of drops in 2018 and early 2019. Many, many hours of refreshing screens. Drops suit me...I can obsess over just about anything. It paid off on getting in DuFours head a bit. My circumstances allowed me the flexibility of wasting as little...or as much of my time on such pursuits as I want. Others not so much, I totally understand that too which is why I facilitated a crap ton of other drop orders by sending the GO text to my friends who cant waste time. A bunch of those very appreciative eyes will read this and know its absolute truth. The rest will still be the skeptic...and I totally get that too. Lucky for us all...those days are over. I'd still like to see some proof.

Shavemd, TheHunter, Hdad and 5 others like this post

Living on the edge
(This post was last modified: 06-06-2020, 03:24 PM by Tester28.)
The thing about dealing with JD in pre-google list days was that you only had to score on a drop once or twice.
This gets you on his radar.

Thereafter, you could just wait 3 months.

The next day, you reply to the last email exchange with him and say something along the lines of:
I ordered a blah blah 3 months ago and was wondering if you would consider making me another.
You had to be super precise and brief in your wording....anything that smacked even a little of entitlement
or took the re-ordering process for granted could very well be ignored.

There's also benefits to being shameless. The story of how I got my Ti razor from him was interesting.
I had reached out to him and he said if you want Ti contact me at the end of next month...or I can do you
a SS now. It seemed like a choose this or that option and since Im a bird in the bush kinda guy, I ordered a
1.45 in SS immediately.

After a month passed, I felt there is no way he will do me a Ti now, considering I
just got a SS. So I nearly didn't write to him...but then I said fuck it, let's try.
And to my surprise he said, yes , I'll take your order.

With him, nothing is fixed, what worked for one individual may not work for another.
It's maddening but...we persevere.

The only thing is don't blab too much in public about what you discuss with him or you will
have hundreds doing what you've done and he may get inundated and he will know who blabbed.
In his last AMA on reddit, he kinda dropped a hint that making Ti razors is tough on his machines
because "Ti fights back". I have a feeling maybe this is why the keeps the Ti output a bit less...although
I cant say for sure.

Certif, LOOT, shaveSymptomatic and 2 others like this post
James LOOT Go text definitely helped me get several Of my Wolfman razors back in the day of drops. I personally like the new system, just wish it included Ti razors, but there is a whole new world of razor companies out there since I started wet shaving so many years ago, and it is so much easier to get blades and great software.

keto, Dragonsbeard and LOOT like this post

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
I too was aided by Loot and others who won’t be mentioned unless they choose to self identify

keto, LOOT and Tester28 like this post
LOOT has scored some great Wolves, there’s no doubt about it. But he’s also ‘put an addition‘ on DuFour’s condo, participated in unsolicited and unheralded PIFs, loaned his loot to lots of virtual strangers and provided valuable advice and opinions. I, for one, say thank you to loot.. Without him, I’d probably be wielding a Merkur HD this morning instead of my WR2 1.25.

JimmyH, AQU, LOOT and 5 others like this post
(06-06-2020, 11:49 AM)Hdad Wrote: LOOT has scored some great Wolves, there’s no doubt about it.  But he’s also ‘put an addition‘ on DuFour’s condo, participated in unsolicited and unheralded PIFs, loaned his loot to lots of virtual strangers and provided valuable advice and opinions.  I, for one, say thank you to loot..  Without him, I’d probably be wielding a Merkur HD this morning instead of my WR2 1.25.
Condo addition haha  nice thoughts about loot.
The other guys said some nice things also, that's great of LOOT.

LOOT and Hdad like this post
I don't know about any Wolfman drops being tipped either and I call BS on the rumors. I got good at catching drops just by analyzing info that was publicly available and by conferring with others who did the same. No inside info, no special treatment, nothing. Just old fashioned detective work.

LOOT, AQU, NJDJ and 1 others like this post
Now it can be told ...  Smile

LOOT, and Tester28 helped me understand how to monitor the site in order to have a shot at a drop. 

Gave me a whole lot of insight into what gaps would suit my personal preference, and LOOT actually sent his Ti 1.55 to me to try when he barely knew me from DFS. 

In finally getting to deal with James he ignored some of my entreaties completely, without a reply, others he replied briefly, but in a friendly and gentlemanly manner.

LOOT and herbert7890 like this post

Golf Nut
San Antonio, Texas
(This post was last modified: 06-06-2020, 01:47 PM by herbert7890.)
I think my post was not understood correcly. I never mentioned Loot or said he was part of that process (i adore Loot’s input on everything related to wofman razors and to me his knowledge is arguably the highest of any human, besides wolfman himself).

I was told of these “skip by” treatment by a very prominent youtuber and of course i wont mention his name. Nonetheless, tester28s post pretty much confirms my statement regarding his treatment. Thus why i keep my believe the current waitlist is the best approach.

With all that being said, this is in the past and I have moved on with being mad at wolfman, as i have my wr2 coming this next week, so i chose to support him and have put myself back in the list for a 1.25 as well.

I think we should all move on, and discuss the razor not his business anymore (as his current business strategy is solid in most people’s opinion)

LOOT, Darktrader and JimmyH like this post
(06-06-2020, 01:39 PM)herbert7890 Wrote: I think my post was not understood correcly. I enever mentioned Loot or said he was part of that process (i adore Loot’s imput on everything related to wofman razorsand to me his knowledge is arguably the highest of any human, besides wolfman himself).

I was told of these “skip by” treatment by a very prominent youtuber and of course i wont mention his name. Nonetheless, tester28s post pretty much confirms my statement regarding his treatment. Thus why i keep my believe the current waitlist is the best approach.

With all that being said, this is in the past and I have moved on with being mad at wolfman, as i have my wr2 coming this next week, so i chose to support him and have put myself back in the list for a 1.25 as well.

I think we should all move on, and discuss the razor not his business anymore (as his current business strategy is solid in most people’s opinion)
I get it, but posts like yours is what starts ugly internet rumors about artisans. I wouldnt have an issue with your post except your wording was definitive...like, fact. When it was hersay as far as I'm concerned. A simple "I heard" caveat and we are square. I'd still tell you my experience. I try very, very hard not to speak with certainty unless I have first hand knowledge. Especially when my comments disparage a vendor and his business practices. I dont want to be the guy perpetuating false information....like some idiot spewing "1.35 is a as high as the WR2 head can go" just because he had some other knucklehead tell him that. So, I catch the next drop and BAM!...1.45 inbound. Then, just because, next time around here comes a 1.55. And so on.

I'm not trying to beat you up brother, I promise. I just have a thing for DuFour because I love his poo and I dont like leaving things on the table that put him in a bad light because he has been more than gracious with me over the years, that's all. Carry on.

I did not intend for this to turn into a pat LOOT on the back either, but I do appreciate the kind words. *LOOT tips the hat to his boys*

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