Windsor (D.R. Harris)
leather & vetiver
Shave 23 ・ 89 g left
Rosy-fingered dawn hadn’t so much as cracked her knuckles before I was zipping along the coastal road in the dark. My destination: a woman in a long black robe with a skewed sense of humor. I had received my fourth judicial summons in the last six months, this time being called to serve on a grand jury. As I had done with all previous summonses, I did my utmost to work out an escape plan, but to no avail. So I was left with a quandary: whether to show up in court bright and very early, or to put in a pleasurable day with the sheriff. I elected for the former. To boost my spirits and soothe my way into the day, I first sought solace in a reviving bowl of
Windsor—a cheerful blend of leather and vetiver. That little indulgence may be all the comfort I will eke out of today.
Razor 1938–1945 Gillette Tech ・ Blade PolSilver ・ Brush AP Shave Cº. Blue Lagoon ・ Story PG Wodehouse, Right Ho, Jeeves・ Hoard 18,023 g (⇣19,954 g)