Wool Fat (Mitchell's) ★★★★☆ soapy floral
I've had some remarkable shaves with this soap over the years, but today's just seemed run of the mill. There was nothing wrong with the lather. It's never been difficult for me to make a heaping pot of suds from this puck. The scent, well, it's nothing to write home about, but it's not annoying either. It smells like soap, which is exactly what it is. Who can fault it for that? In the past, though, I've reveled in the smooth soft feel of the Fat's finish. I suspect other soap cookers have at last caught up with what Mitchells perfected some time ago. Now it's not unusual for even a mid-tier soap to leave you as plump as only Mitchell's soap used to.
I've had some remarkable shaves with this soap over the years, but today's just seemed run of the mill. There was nothing wrong with the lather. It's never been difficult for me to make a heaping pot of suds from this puck. The scent, well, it's nothing to write home about, but it's not annoying either. It smells like soap, which is exactly what it is. Who can fault it for that? In the past, though, I've reveled in the smooth soft feel of the Fat's finish. I suspect other soap cookers have at last caught up with what Mitchells perfected some time ago. Now it's not unusual for even a mid-tier soap to leave you as plump as only Mitchell's soap used to.