(06-09-2016, 06:54 PM)merelymoe Wrote: (06-09-2016, 01:57 AM)Toddster64 Wrote: Cold water shaver, I shave before showering. Face latherer. Visible, dark, coarse beard, usually 3 passes to BBS, some buffing often to get to that level, although it varies by razor. Beard growth in multiple directions so I vary the WTG/XTG/ATG routine depending on factors such as razor aggressiveness and blade choice.
Wow, I have found my shaving twin! This is my process and beard description to a T!
Needless to say, I am highly anticipating your review of this razor...
Hey thanks Moe! And you're my favorite Stooge...
First here are the goods to support Day 1 of my Timeless OC shave:
As noted yesterday, I follow a rather regular routine, using cold water and face lathering. I rinse with a store-bought glycerine soap beforehand, also with cold water.
Darkbulb did a very thorough description of the razor itself and the shave, so I won't repeat his valuable and seemingly spot-on points, but will reiterate it's an absolute beauty of a razor (and at this price, it had better be!). I also appreciate the "chamber" of lather that reduces the need to rinse the razor. The weight feels perfect, and my hands aren't that large so the handle size works for me (I tend to grip close to the guard/comb anyhow, so long handles don't provide me noticeable additional benefit).
I wholly agree with Darkbulb that the audible nature of the shave is apparent, and it is a highly efficient razor to boot. I've just spent about a week trying out RazoRock's recently released Old Type OC, which I enjoy, but you really can't compare an exquisitely machined $285 razor with an unbelievably value-priced $15 OC. While this isn't a review of the latter, I will say that the RazoRock seems to have more blade feel, but a milder shave; while the Timeless OC is louder, I feel less blade, but it it is more efficient. Where the RazoRock feels like about a 5 on the efficiency scale, I would put the Timeless into near Muhle R41 territory at something closer to an 8, although I prefer (much) the feel of the Timeless, believe it to be more forgiving and more flexible on effective angles than the Muhle. (Note - Muhle R41 2013 is an 8 for me, the 2011 version is a 9, and then iKon ShaveCraft Tech is a 9+. YMMV, of course.)
For me, three passes, plus some occasional touch-up, is more or less the norm for my very scattershot beard growth - I often do some XTG/ATG combos plus buffing if I really want to nail a BBS. As I move up the efficiency/aggressiveness spectrum (aware that these descriptions don't necessarily correlate 100%), I can sometimes do two passes, perhaps with a bit of final cleanup on the chin and jawline. Indeed, that was exactly what the Timeless OC offered up this morning - a first pass I knew was just better than most, a second pass that pretty much reduced the need for a final pass, and some of the usual touch-ups. One weeper or nick (I couldn't figure out which) appeared thanks to a bold ATG move above my upper lip; I probably should have done an XTG pass before moving onto the ATG. Otherwise, despite the close shave and loud feedback, I never felt at risk with the razor, and its weight distribution allowed the razor to do all the work, with no inclination to apply any pressure.
Now this, remember, is just one shave. But I was impressed, even at this extremely high price point that puts it around the OneBlade (another favorite of mine). I think, beyond the quality of the razor itself, its unique and highly effective synthesis of OC and CC strengths (comfort and efficiency) could make it a very special treat for both longtime wet shavers as well as newcomers who happen to have some extra dough to spend on a really nice instrument. I can't wait to get more shaves under my belt and provide additional feedback.
NOTE - today I applied Witch Hazel as a moisturizer (thank you TSE for your videos touting this product!) and Shambala as a fragrance. The Baker Street soap from Strop Shoppe (alas no more!) smelled and performed as good as always, and I felt I could count on my new Gillette Silver Blue blade to bring out the best that the Timeless had to offer.
Hope this provides some additional guidance to those on the fence about buying this razor, or who simply (like me) enjoy reading reviews from other wetshavers, notably on the fabulous DFS site.
Todd R.