
NJ & Arizona
American: CRSW
European: Pannacrema Nuavia Rosa

Matsilainen and herbert7890 like this post
I would choose my own soap, but if I couldn't choose my own, then I don't know that I could pick. The world is full of very talented soap makers and I'd be happy shaving every day with almost any of them.
(This post was last modified: 04-10-2016, 05:21 AM by EFDan.)
Artisan: Mikes. Yep, I'm boring.

Non Artisan: Saponoficio Varesino

Matsilainen, Asafiev and herbert7890 like this post
(03-11-2016, 01:20 AM)NeoXerxes Wrote: GloryUprising that would be my other choice, if I could have two. Between the non-tallow base of Nuavia and the tallow base of B&M Glissant (plus the wonderful aftershaves), a shaver might find all he requires. Both brands strike me as similar in one area: the artisans care about scenting their soaps with fragrances of exceptional quality.

Totally agree. Bit since we're talking about a brand in it's entirety a big nod goes to Will Barrister_N_Mann due to his constant dedication the community dispite growing so big and the completeness of his line of products.

Now, Will if you're reading this, I know more than a few of us would be interested in true fragrances..... I'd love that parafum of LGC.... Wink

Barrister_N_Mann, Hobbyist, Freddy and 1 others like this post
Cold River Soap Works

Matsilainen likes this post

Ontario, Canada
Valobra hard puck including C&S/AOS Tallow variations. Too bad P&G killed such a great soap.

NeoXerxes likes this post

Idaho Falls, Idaho
I'm with dabrock. The old AOS tallow is a hard one to beat.

Xpec and PannaCreamma

Lfs70 and NeoXerxes like this post
BARRY--- BBS OR BUST---- Modern Razors Only
I just recently bought a puck of saponifico varesino Felce aromatica and I must say I'd clearly give away all my other soaps for this soap brand. Smells awesome and performs wonderfully. I think I just may do that

Matsilainen likes this post

I'd have to go Beaver Woodwright

Brett Wall likes this post

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