For me smoothness is describing the feeling of the razor across my face, ie very little blade feel, no tugging or skipping. for me the scale is very smooth to very aggressive. Efficiency is how well the whiskers are removed after a traditional 3 pass shave, ie do I need to do a lot of buffing and cleanup. With that in mind the Karve on plate D is in the middle of smooth to aggressive, I definitely feel the blade more so than the Timeless .95 and significantly more than the Paradigm17-4.
Efficiency The Paradigm and the .95 are equally efficient or very close. The Karve was not quite as efficient but for me the angle of the shave did not just fall into my natural shave angle so I am playing with it. My second shave with it was several steps better than my first try. Hope this helps.
For me smoothness is describing the feeling of the razor across my face, ie very little blade feel, no tugging or skipping. for me the scale is very smooth to very aggressive. Efficiency is how well the whiskers are removed after a traditional 3 pass shave, ie do I need to do a lot of buffing and cleanup. With that in mind the Karve on plate D is in the middle of smooth to aggressive, I definitely feel the blade more so than the Timeless .95 and significantly more than the Paradigm17-4.
Efficiency The Paradigm and the .95 are equally efficient or very close. The Karve was not quite as efficient but for me the angle of the shave did not just fall into my natural shave angle so I am playing with it. My second shave with it was several steps better than my first try. Hope this helps.