Glad you are feeling better Frank

DanLaw and Dragonsbeard like this post
(This post was last modified: 03-09-2023, 08:06 AM by Dragonsbeard.)
Update & a Question 

So as most of you know the last few releases have now come in at least 4 products, A Shave Soap or Creme, Splash, Lotion and a Serum and it will continue that way as those are the 4 core products when I launch a new aroma. So with that said looking at some of the standard scents like Succès , Lavender and a few others I"m missing either the lotion or the Serum or both in some of them. Dragonsbeard, Vanilla Safi, Tonka Bean are all missing both Serum and Lotion. Lavender Supreme has a Lotion but doesn't have the Serum. So my question is looking forward and looking back are there any Aromas that you'd like to see the 4 product sets that I many be missing?  As I said if it's a brand new release like the upcoming Rosa and Revello it's an automatic that they will at least have the 4 products. I've got a good amount of the new unscented Skin Food Lotion and the new Revitalizing Serum made and all it needs is the Aroma ingredients to be completed so I thought as long as I'm ordering labels for the new upcoming releases, I might as well order the labels for the Collections that are missing the Lotion or Serum or both. 

Decided after a talk with Jason at the Razor Company that we are adding a EDP in the Blue Note so that's new and I thought I'd share it. 

Ordered a brand new batch of the Lavender from the grower in France and she said this last crop veiled one of her favorite batch of Essential Oil. So can't wait to get it. It will go in the new Serum for sure.  

I've decided since I'm definitely behind in schedule in making Shave Soap that I"m going to hold off on both Lost Souls and King of the North until Fall and focus on both getting the new ones out which include for winter, Dragonsbeard V 4 in the F Base, Tonka Bean in F Base, the new Rosa in both F Base and Tallow Shave Creme, the new Revello Tallow Shave Creme and then on to both some of the new upcoming Spring and Summer Aromas like the Violet  and also restocking some of the older Soaps and Cremes like Vetivert, Nuage De Citron, Fresco, Shave MD and an updated Aroma Blend for Mélange d’i Agrume  I've been messing with it and I like it better than the original as I eliminated both the Pink and White Grapefruit and I'm using just the Ruby Red Grapefruit as it's got a lot more punch than the other two so trust me it's better and speaks even more Grapefruit than it did before as I also lowered the amount of both the Yuzu and May Chang Essential Oils while raising the amount of the Ruby Red Grapefruit quite a bit.  I'm also thinking of making another batch of Blood Orange as I have the base ready only in the new Tallow Shave Creme base. If you remember the Blood Orange was the very first and I think we've come along on that base since. 

Good new from Italy. It's the beginning of the 2023 harvest season for all the Citrus fruits so brand new fresh Bergamont , Lemon, all the different oranges etc. 

Today was my 2nd Day back at ETHOS and I got a bunch more orders out but tomorrow is my first day back to the CBD labs for the day and then Friday back at ETHOS so I should get all the back orders out on Friday along wit the orders that just came in the last 2 days.

Lastly, I also promised you a look at a sort of a under the cover project I've been working on but it's getting late and I've got to get ready for bed so I'll post the basics up either tomorrow or Friday. 

Good night and great shaves! 


ALI, jbreakfield, DanLaw and 11 others like this post
Frank, I'm glad that you are feeling better!
I am very much looking forward to your new scents...particularly the Rosa line, and the continuation of your Lavender Suprême line....the best Lavender shaving line I have had the pleasure to use.
Also looking forward to more of your Sandalwood products. I haven't had a chance to try your sandalwood forward soaps, but if your Mysore Santal Skin food is anything to judge by they must be incredible. Will you be re-stocking your Sándalo Artistico shaving soap anytime soon?
I may have missed this discussion elsewhere. Will you be offering the 7.5 ounce size of your shaving soaps/creams again?

DanLaw and Dragonsbeard like this post
(03-12-2023, 02:26 AM)WhiskeyJack Wrote: Frank, I'm glad that you are feeling better!
I am very much looking forward to your new scents...particularly the Rosa line, and the continuation of your Lavender Suprême line....the best Lavender shaving line I have had the pleasure to use.
Also looking forward to more of your Sandalwood products. I haven't had a chance to try your sandalwood forward soaps, but if your Mysore Santal Skin food is anything to judge by they must be incredible. Will you be re-stocking your Sándalo Artistico shaving soap anytime soon?
I may have missed this discussion elsewhere. Will you be offering the 7.5 ounce size of your shaving soaps/creams again?


Thank you very much for the thoughtful words. Every day gets a little better. 

I’m glad you like the Lavender Supreme and I have a new shipment of the Lavender I get from a grower in France and she said this is a good one so next batch I’ll use it.  I will always try to keep this and Succes in stock in both bases as they seem are very steady sellers. 

I’m very excited about the Rosa group of products and all the ingredients are in, the labels are all designed and just got to wait to proof them and I’ll order them and shouldn’t be to long before I release the line. 

The Sandalo definitely has to be made again along with the Bay Rum as they sold out way faster than I anticipated so I’ll probably make that next weekend.  The Sandalo Artistico has 65% Authentic Sandalwood Oil in the Blend so lots of the real wood oil and there are 2 other Mysore Accords and a few other EO’s so although it’s not 100% Sandalwood Oil like the Mysore Santal the feedback I’ve gotten so far is they match up well and a few gents say they are very close. I guess it depends on the nose. 

I will be offering more and more Aromas in both the 4.5  & 7.5 oz sizes moving forward as I’ve been getting more and more requests for the larger size.  

Thank you for your interest and support and if you ever have questions please feel free to contact me via the website contact info. 

Best regards! 


DanLaw, WhiskeyJack, 1700Z shadow and 3 others like this post
[Image: YEQ5krQ.jpg]

Hello all 

I mentioned in a previous post that I've been working on another project for awhile now behind the scenes, well this is it. The Tiger is a very special animal to me and I've been fascinated by them since I was a kid.  I've always said that I have two animals. Dragon is my favorite Mystical/fantasy animal and Tigers are my real world favorite animal. Lots of reasons why but I won't go boring you with my stories about why they are so special to me.  I'm very excited about this project and once again like I did with the King of the North there will be a contest over on Instagram with a prize of an adoption kit from the WWF as seen in the photo below but also a full set of the Beauté Sauvage products that will be initially released. Beauté Sauvage which means " Savage Beauty " in French and I've had that name picked out for a while now. To me it fits the description of what a Tiger is and that is an absolutely amazing beautiful creature but they will remind you they are not tame. The Amur or Siberian Tiger is the largest Cat Species in the world followed by the Bengal Tiger. The Male Lion comes in 3rd. Other Tiger subspecies are smaller than the first two mentioned.    

All Tiger subspecies are endangered with a total of all species totalling a little over 3,000 and some being as low as 30 to 40 left in the wild. There are more Bengal Tigers left in the wild due to protected habitats the Government of India as put aside for them but according to the numbers I"m seeing there is still only about 1,500 in the wild. The Amur is in the neighborhood of 300 or so just to put that into perspective.  Some countries like China in particular are actually creating Tiger Farms where Tigers are bred for both consumption and also  to make luxury products like Tiger rugs, Tiger bone wine and some people actually collect the bones as Art objects banking on the future extinction of them. Crammed into small concrete enclosures as they are bred for slaughter. Sad but true and this also inscentifiys poacihing.  China is not the only country doing this to be clear but they are by far leading the way.  China also just recently lifted a ban on using Tiger parts for all kinds of uses so this is not good news for the Tiger. Thank God there are Tiger Sanctuaries and even some Zoos that have programs to help keep this amazing creature around for our children to be able to enjoy.  That's the short story as I could say so much more on the subject.  In conjunction with the WWF, Wildlife Protection Society of India, Big Cat Rescue and may others.. I'm going to donate a portion of the proceeds of sales to some of these organizations. Just trying to do my part to help save my favorite animal. 

Some may want to ask me what the Aroma Blend is and I don't blame you but I'm going to hold off on that for now and will update the Aroma Blend when I've got all the labels created with the ingredient list. All I can say is so far it smells fantastic and is made up of 100% Natural Essential Oils, Absolutes, CO2 Extracts and an Organic  Hydrosol. Very soon I"m making a big batch of the brand new F Base in different Aromas and this release will be one of them.  The contest is real easy and all you have to do is bring in a new follower and your automatically in the contest.  When this is released I'll be announcing the date when we pick a winner. This release will only be available on the ETHOS website. 

Thank you all for the continuous support of ETHOS and I want you all to know it's very much appreciated.   

[Image: pM7mUvD.jpg]

The WWF " Adopt a Tiger Kit " contents as taken off the WWF site. 

1. A Soft plush Tiger stuffed animal in a gift box or bag. 
2. 5" x 7" Formal Adoption certificate
3. 5" x 7" Full Color photo of a Tiger with interesting facts on the back. 
4. Hinged double frame that you can display your photo and certificate. 


[Image: A671Y6G.jpg]

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! 


HighSpeed, Darktrader, lukester and 9 others like this post

Chester County, PA
(03-07-2023, 10:38 PM)Dragonsbeard Wrote: Well I got a decent amount of orders filled and shipped for my first day back. It felt so good to be back in the saddle.

(03-12-2023, 08:37 PM)Dragonsbeard Wrote: [Image: YEQ5krQ.jpg]

Hello all 

I mentioned in a previous post that I've been working on another project for awhile now behind the scenes, well this is it. The Tiger is a very special animal to me and I've been fascinated by them since I was a kid.  I've always said that I have two animals. Dragon is my favorite Mystical/fantasy animal and Tigers are my real world favorite animal. Lots of reasons why but I won't go boring you with my stories about why they are so special to me.  I'm very excited about this project and once again like I did with the King of the North there will be a contest over on Instagram with a prize of an adoption kit from the WWF as seen in the photo below but also a full set of the Beauté Sauvage products that will be initially released. Beauté Sauvage which means " Savage Beauty " in French and I've had that name picked out for a while now. To me it fits the description of what a Tiger is and that is an absolutely amazing beautiful creature but they will remind you they are not tame. The Amur or Siberian Tiger is the largest Cat Species in the world followed by the Bengal Tiger. The Male Lion comes in 3rd. Other Tiger subspecies are smaller than the first two mentioned.    

All Tiger subspecies are endangered with a total of all species totalling a little over 3,000 and some being as low as 30 to 40 left in the wild. There are more Bengal Tigers left in the wild due to protected habitats the Government of India as put aside for them but according to the numbers I"m seeing there is still only about 1,500 in the wild. The Amur is in the neighborhood of 300 or so just to put that into perspective.  Some countries like China in particular are actually creating Tiger Farms where Tigers are bred for both consumption and also  to make luxury products like Tiger rugs, Tiger bone wine and some people actually collect the bones as Art objects banking on the future extinction of them. Crammed into small concrete enclosures as they are bred for slaughter. Sad but true and this also inscentifiys poacihing.  China is not the only country doing this to be clear but they are by far leading the way.  China also just recently lifted a ban on using Tiger parts for all kinds of uses so this is not good news for the Tiger. Thank God there are Tiger Sanctuaries and even some Zoos that have programs to help keep this amazing creature around for our children to be able to enjoy.  That's the short story as I could say so much more on the subject.  In conjunction with the WWF, Wildlife Protection Society of India, Big Cat Rescue and may others.. I'm going to donate a portion of the proceeds of sales to some of these organizations. Just trying to do my part to help save my favorite animal. 

Some may want to ask me what the Aroma Blend is and I don't blame you but I'm going to hold off on that for now and will update the Aroma Blend when I've got all the labels created with the ingredient list. All I can say is so far it smells fantastic and is made up of 100% Natural Essential Oils, Absolutes, CO2 Extracts and an Organic  Hydrosol. Very soon I"m making a big batch of the brand new F Base in different Aromas and this release will be one of them.  The contest is real easy and all you have to do is bring in a new follower and your automatically in the contest.  When this is released I'll be announcing the date when we pick a winner. This release will only be available on the ETHOS website. 

Thank you all for the continuous support of ETHOS and I want you all to know it's very much appreciated.   

[Image: pM7mUvD.jpg]

The WWF " Adopt a Tiger Kit " contents as taken off the WWF site. 

1. A Soft plush Tiger stuffed animal in a gift box or bag. 
2. 5" x 7" Formal Adoption certificate
3. 5" x 7" Full Color photo of a Tiger with interesting facts on the back. 
4. Hinged double frame that you can display your photo and certificate. 


[Image: A671Y6G.jpg]

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! 


Very exciting - that label looks amazing can’t wait for this one!

mrdoug and Dragonsbeard like this post
(This post was last modified: 03-16-2023, 12:10 PM by Dragonsbeard.)

As of today all the regular orders went out which included some of the ones that have been sitting there almost the entire time I was out of work.  

Id like to thank everyone for the understanding, patience and support. 

Today was also the first day back for my assistant Skip and what a difference in how much faster things get done when I have help and don’t have to wear every shoe in the place..

 We will be working this weekend in an effort to complete some of the custom orders I have and will begin filling the Revello, Blue Note and Rosa Tallow Shave Creme as the base is already made.  

Starting on Monday and right through next weekend I’ll be making some F Base Shave Soaps including the new Rosa, Tomka Bean and the Beauté Sauvage.  If I can I’m going to try and squeeze Dragonsbeard V4 in there but since the base will be the latest version of the F Base I’ll have to order new labels. 
Soon after I’ll begin to work on all the Spring & Summer releases which include some brand new Aromas along with some of the oldies but goodies like Nuage De Citron, Vetivert, Fresco and ShaveMD.  

I’ve been working half days as the Doctor ordered and getting as much rest outside of work and I’m now at about 85% so each day seems to get a little better and I’ll be going back to full days starting this coming Monday. 

Great shaves all. 


Dave in KY, jbreakfield, dtownvino and 14 others like this post
Frank, please answer me (order#1833). I wrote to you before you became ill and also received a reply. But I'm still waiting for the return label. I sent you two reminders after your recovery and haven't received a reply yet.
I am from europe, I use a forwarding service and that's why I ordered 3 non-alcoholic skin food lotions. But the package contained 2 alcoholic splashes and therefore the forwarding refused further transport. The service will only accept a return with a prepaid return label. After 45 days, the service charges storage fees.

Dragonsbeard likes this post
Hello my friend and I’m sorry for the delay and confusion. I’ll be in the warehouse again on Wednesday as I’m working at my other job tomorrow. Let’s touch base by email and we will get this taken care of.

I’m still confused on the return label thing as I have not had that happen yet but we can go over that by email. If you speak English you could WhatsApp me as I have a lot of customers that I talk to that are not in the USA

Thanks for your patience. Am I just went back to work last week and only half days as the doctors orders so to say things have been crazy and overwhelming is putting it mildly.


jbreakfield and DanLaw like this post
Looking forward to getting a ShaveMD set in the den. He was a great man and I was sorry to miss the initial drop. Hope you are feeling better Frank.

jbreakfield, keto, DanLaw and 1 others like this post

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