
Atlanta, GA
After exchanging messages with SharpSpine and with his encouragement I decided to start a journal of my ongoing use of the AlumiGoose V1 and SS Mongoose Batch 2.  Hopefully this journal will provide a means to document my experience and opinions of the razors over a prolonged period of time.  I am not nearly as good a writer as Brian but I will do my best to live up to his high standards.  

I was not fortunate enough to receive one of the limited number of Mongoose razors produced in the first batch.  I joined the wait list of a Mongoose razor wait list in October 2014 with less than 2 months experience in traditional wet shaving.  While on the wait list I researched every piece of information available on the Mongoose razor and was fortunate enough to locate Brian's Mongoose Journal on another forum.  I followed each post and tried to comprehend all the info provided so that I would be better prepared when my turn came.  If you have not had read Brian's Mongoose Journal, I would suggest reading it as time allows.  http://damnfineshave.com/thread-sharpspi...se-journal  

At last my Satin Mongoose Batch 2 arrived on 12/30/14 and my journey began.  Sorry but I was so new to the hobby I didn't document the unboxing with photos.  My first use was 1/1/15 and I logged 167 shaves with the Mongoose during 2015 which accounted for 46% of the my total shaves during the year.  It's fair to say, that I really liked the razor.  During 2015 I tried most all of the blades available and found that I prefer the Feather Super Pro followed closely by the Feather Pro blade.

In December 2015 I received notice of the AlumiGoose.  I was unable to order the complete razor but was able to get the head only in shiny black knowing I could pair it with one of my titanium handles.  

[Image: B067F52C-47F9-409B-974B-14E2F49C281C_zpsrmosrxrx.jpg]

So the journey begins.

SharpSpine, Gavo, D_SM and 3 others like this post

Atlanta, GA
[Image: IMG_1741_zpskoo2y2u0.jpg]

2/1/16  Satin Mongoose B2 with Feather Pro (1)

Very pleasant shave this morning.  Using ATG and XTG passes followed by touch ups provided a near BBS shave.  Not bad for a work morning shave with no drama.  After not using the Mongoose for the past two months, I was reminded how smooth the Feather Pro blade works for me.  It's not nearly as efficient as the Feather Super Pro requiring more touch ups to achieve my desired shave.

Gavo and SharpSpine like this post
clint64, thank you for your kind words. I'm just happy to hear my ramblings on the Mongoose were helpful to you. I'm excited to hear how this goes for you. The Supers were too aggressive for me to use regularly. Fortunately the regular Pros work just fine for me with little to no touch-ups.

Depending on how this test goes & if you think it's worth doing, maybe we can find you a B1 to borrow for a thorough evaluation.
>>> Brian <<<
Happy beeps, buddy! Happy beeps!

Austin, TX
I love these threads and thanks to both you clint64 and SharpSpine for the content!

Will be following closely.

SharpSpine and clint64 like this post

Atlanta, GA
(02-02-2016, 04:59 AM)SharpSpine Wrote: clint64, thank you for your kind words. I'm just happy to hear my ramblings on the Mongoose were helpful to you. I'm excited to hear how this goes for you. The Supers were too aggressive for me to use regularly. Fortunately the regular Pros work just fine for me with little to no touch-ups.

Depending on how this test goes & if you think it's worth doing, maybe we can find you a B1 to borrow for a thorough evaluation.

I found your journals very helpful in planning my approach to learning how to use such a different razor.

(02-02-2016, 06:44 PM)kwsher Wrote: I love these threads and thanks to both you clint64 and SharpSpine for the content!

Will be following closely.

Thank you Kevin.

Atlanta, GA
It might be helpful to outline my approach to razors in general.  My two broad categories of razors, work morning razors and fun razors.  On work mornings I have a lot going on between morning work outs, getting ready and a long commute.  Accordingly, I want a quick, efficient and drama free shave.  Not necessarily a shave that would satisfy a " Drill Sgt Inspection" but a very close shave in the minimum time.  Fun razors are just razors that I enjoy using but really do not want to use on work mornings.

[Image: D54A78B6-EE7A-44A4-A731-905EC5477506_zpsrqy8nglw.jpg]


Mongoose B2 with Feather Pro (2)

I was running way late this morning so it was an exceptionally quick shave by even my standards, 2 quick passes with very little touch ups at all.  Evaluating the stubble 8 hours later, I got a much closer shave than I realized this morning.  I would rate the shave as an A- for closeness and A+ for irritation.

SharpSpine and andrewjs18 like this post

Philadelphia, PA
Kudos for sharing your thoughts.

Freddy and clint64 like this post
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.

Atlanta, GA
[Image: FE54FCF4-FCAF-4D27-AA05-49A68D7FC711_zpsjjb99xod.jpg]

2/3/16 Mongoose Satin B2 with Feather Super Pro

While the last two shaves with the Mongoose were very smooth, I felt I was having to work to hard for the results in just 2 passes. Also, I keep comparing these 2 shaves with last week's shaves with the AlumiGoose and Feather Pro blade which I were a notch better. With that in mind, I changed out the blade for a fresh Feather Super Pro. Make no mistake the Feather Super does make the Mongoose more aggressive. In fact it was only after using the Mongoose for quite sometime that I was able to even consider the Super Pro as a daily blade. I have found a very slick lather is the key to the Mongoose and the Mystic Water Lime produced a wonderful slick lather. I went with 2 passes, ATG & XTG paying particular attention to my trouble spots as I went. With one touch up on my jaw line I ended up with a BBS. More importantly the shave was smooth and irritation free with no nicks or weepers. I would rate the shave an A+ for Closeness and A+ for irritation. This was one of the rare work morning shaves that everything clicked.

SharpSpine and kwsher like this post
Those Super blades really are the grim reaper for stubble. Nothing will be left behind, but a deft touch is required to wield them otherwise there will be blood.

You mention remembering the AlumiGoose with the Pro blade being a notch better than the stainless with Pro blade. Did it feel more aggressive or did it just seem to do be more efficient?
>>> Brian <<<
Happy beeps, buddy! Happy beeps!

Atlanta, GA
(02-03-2016, 05:25 PM)SharpSpine Wrote: Those Super blades really are the grim reaper for stubble. Nothing will be left behind, but a deft touch is required to wield them otherwise there will be blood.

You mention remembering the AlumiGoose with the Pro blade being a notch better than the stainless with Pro blade. Did it feel more aggressive or did it just seem to do be more efficient?

I agree the Super Blades are certainly the grim reaper for stubble but they do not suffer fools very well. If I am the least bit careless, I pay in blood.

I used the AlumiGoose 2 weeks last month. With the Feather Super Pro blade the AlumiGoose certainly felt more aggressive. In all honesty, it could have been my fault unintentionally using pressure due to it's light weight. After using the Supers for the first week I went with the Feather Pro blades for the second week. With the Feather Pro blades, I felt the razor to be about the same in terms of aggressiveness but a notch better than the SS Mongoose in efficiency.

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