So my schedule slipped this week and I wasn't able to get the razor out until today. I apologize to those waiting patiently for their turn, but I have to admit I'm glad to have had the chance to get a few more shaves out.
tl;dr - I'm seriously thinking about spending more money that I ever thought I would for a razor.
Last Saturday, I decided I ought to try the carbon fiber handle as long as I had the chance. When the razor arrived, I decided that I liked the looks of the R2 handle better than the carbon handle. The R2 felt good in my hand and I imagined that I would find the carbon fiber to be too light. So I put the carbon fiber handle aside for the week.
But, as long as I had the opportunity, I figured I ought to give the lighter handle a test drive. My first go with the handle was a 3-pass shave on Saturday. I was amazed at how the razor handled and how much control it offered.
Things got busy for me and the next time I had the chance to shave was on Tuesday morning. I took off 3 days' growth with the + plate with one of the best shaves of my life. Two more shaves using the carbon fiber handle and the original and - plates. Excellent, comfortable shaves with BBS results lasting through the day.
So where does that leave me? Great shaves with the R2 handle and the original and - plates. But even better with the carbon fiber handle. Ugh. I never thought I'd spend $300 for a razor - and now I'm thinking about the Atlas. (The web plates would be an added bonus.) Looks like I'll be selling some items on the BST sometime soon.... And then, who knows?
Thanks again to Sean for the opportunity to try these razors. I've sent the package on to