
Austin, TX
Glad that it is working out positively for those that have recently picked it up. It is a very solid, efficient razor IMHO as well.

For those that are still researching, there are some other thoughts as well as pics in the unboxing thread that darkbulb started too. Very similar feedback in general.

onethinline likes this post

San Francisco
After taking the weekend as a chance to try out my new Feather SS non-folding (nifty razor! straights are tricky! but fun!), this morning I went back to the OneBlade, which made this my third go with it.

Semogue 830
Pannacrema Nuàvia Rossa
Feather (1)
L'Occitane Cade ASB

I'd say I enjoyed this shave the best so far. While the razor continues to be remarkable for not nicking or irritating despite an effective shave, this time I better appreciated some of its design choices (small side guards to keep a corner from nicking your nose, for instance) and its feeling of being one sharp blade seated in high-quality metal, despite its smooth-shaving character. This still feels like a real razor doing real work. This is no cartridge. Far from it.

I also discovered that while the angle is very easy to find (there's a very obvious "shave surface" created by the guard and cap bits), it's certainly possible to stray from this angle. But at that point, you can tell the razor isn't really cutting, so getting back is simple and intuitive. This didn't even come up on my previous two shaves so I'd say generally the razor orients itself to the skin very easily. I also did better with edging my sideburns and tackling the whiskers right under my nose (with this razor, those come off with XTG and ATG strokes).

This morning I had 1.5 days growth (which didn't throw the razor in the slightest). I was aiming for a two-pass shave (WTG-XTG above the jaw, WTG-ATG below), but given how problem-free the OneBlade was being I went for an ATG pass on my cheeks as well. They're now ridiculously smooth. And as before, no irritation, no nicks.

I'm now confident saying, if you're looking for an efficient but smooth, problem-free single-blade shave with almost no learning curve (and that would include many guys just ditching cartridges), this is the razor to consider first. My other razors can get me there too, but need a meaningful amount of care and skill on my part (some more than others!). This is a good thing, as the skill involved is fun and satisfying. But for just lathering up and getting it done, no fuss, but still getting all the advantages of a single sharp blade, it looks like the OneBlade is indeed the one.

JustinHEMI, Len, clint64 and 3 others like this post
David : DE shaving since Nov 2014. Nowadays giving in to the single-edge siren call.

San Francisco
Another close, (pretty much) irritation and nick-free shave with the OneBlade this morning. This makes for my fourth shave with the razor, and I'm feeling that much more familiar with it.

Shavemac #177 silver tip
Tabula Rasa Steam Punk
Feather (2)
Nancy Boy Blossomwood ASB

With confidence built from the ease of previous shaves with the OneBlade, I went through this one with few inhibitions: ATG angles or extra touch-up passes (even a few without lather) which would almost certainly cause razor burn from other set-ups resulted in, instead, an exceptionally smooth shave. Possibly the best BBS I've ever had, because it's the first time I bothered to track down every bit of roughness remaining from the jaw up and tackle it until it was gone.

To be fair, there was the slightest alum sting, and a very subtle feeling of tightness or heat on my face during the next hour, but given how much I pushed things, I'm hardly bothered. Plus, that slight sting was very, very minor and is already gone. I discovered one weeper under my chin, but only an hour after the shave, so it must've been small. Still, lesson here is the OneBlade can be pushed a little too far. It's just that "too far" with this razor seems to leave it in the "still pretty darn comfortable" category.

I do wonder how much into a third shave this Feather FHS will last, given my coarse beard and how much it feels I've driven the blade by now. It did seem as if it were just a bit less effective today on a second shave, but certainly more than acceptable, so at the very least I'll be getting two shaves from each blade. Tomorrow I'll see what a third feels like (I'd switched the blade out after last week).

It's good stuff, though. I wish the marketing of the razor felt a little less "finance bro," but I can't deny they've done their job with design and (by initial impression) craftsmanship. Let's hope the whole thing holds up.

Len and clint64 like this post
David : DE shaving since Nov 2014. Nowadays giving in to the single-edge siren call.
I completed 5 shaves with the Feather blade. The last one was getting rough and I won't push the blade that far again. However, I very much doubt I will use Feather blades in this razor. I am two shaves in on a GEM blade and there really is no comparison. The GEM is smoother, far less expensive and is giving even better results. I was so impressed with the GEM I ordered 200 of them from Connaught.
Using the GEM made me appreciate this razor even more. I have both an oc and a sb Wolfman on order since last June and I am beginning to wonder if I really want them.

SharpSpine, beisler and andrewjs18 like this post

San Francisco
(This post was last modified: 02-24-2016, 10:42 PM by onethinline.)
(02-24-2016, 09:55 PM)AFG008 Wrote: I completed 5 shaves with the Feather blade. The last one was getting rough and I won't push the blade that far again. However, I very much doubt I will use Feather blades in this razor. I am two shaves in on a GEM blade and there really is no comparison. The GEM is smoother, far less expensive and is giving even better results. I was so impressed with the GEM I ordered 200 of them from Connaught.
Using the GEM made me appreciate this razor even more. I have both an oc and a sb Wolfman on order since last June and I am beginning to wonder if I really want them.

Ooh, don't give up on the Wolfman razors! I adore my OC Wolfman, and no matter how completely I may switch over to SE razors, I can't see giving it up (nor my replated NEW SC for that matter). One thing about the Wolfman that you'll appreciate if you like SE razors: it clamps down on the blade really well, adding extra rigidity thus offering a nice, smooth, chatter-free shave from a DE blade. (If for some reason you don't like the Wolfman razors, you should have no problem selling them.)

As far as the GEMs, I have some PTFEs I bought both for trying in the OneBlade, and for the GEM 1912 I still haven't used yet. Are you just despining your GEM blades, or are you adjusting the back notches as well to seat completely in the OneBlade?
David : DE shaving since Nov 2014. Nowadays giving in to the single-edge siren call.

Philadelphia, PA
(02-24-2016, 10:42 PM)onethinline Wrote:
(02-24-2016, 09:55 PM)AFG008 Wrote: I completed 5 shaves with the Feather blade. The last one was getting rough and I won't push the blade that far again. However, I very much doubt I will use Feather blades in this razor. I am two shaves in on a GEM blade and there really is no comparison. The GEM is smoother, far less expensive and is giving even better results. I was so impressed with the GEM I ordered 200 of them from Connaught.
Using the GEM made me appreciate this razor even more. I have both an oc and a sb Wolfman on order since last June and I am beginning to wonder if I really want them.

Ooh, don't give up on the Wolfman razors! I adore my OC Wolfman, and no matter how completely I may switch over to SE razors, I can't see giving it up (nor my replated NEW SC for that matter). One thing about the Wolfman that you'll appreciate if you like SE razors: it clamps down on the blade really well, adding extra rigidity thus offering a nice, smooth, chatter-free shave from a DE blade. (If for some reason you don't like the Wolfman razors, you should have no problem selling them.)

As far as the GEMs, I have some PTFEs I bought both for trying in the OneBlade, and for the GEM 1912 I still haven't used yet. Are you just despining your GEM blades, or are you adjusting the back notches as well to seat completely in the OneBlade?

I think you have to despine the GEM blades so it'll slide into the razor head.
Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
I've waited this long for the Wolfmans I suppose I may as well ride it out but I do think some of my other DE razors may have to find new homes. You will have to despine the GEM blades but it's a simple task that can be done with pliers although a nipper tool makes it even easier. Once despined they fit snugly into the razor so I have not tried to modify them further.

San Francisco
Yep, knew about the de-spining part; I was wondering whether you were also nipping the tabs in the back as well. Good to hear it works for you even without doing this. I've read of some people adjusting those notches too, so the GEM seats on the OneBlade tabs on the back. At least one guy said it made the shave smoother for him.
David : DE shaving since Nov 2014. Nowadays giving in to the single-edge siren call.

San Francisco
(This post was last modified: 02-25-2016, 06:00 PM by onethinline.)
This morning's OneBlade shave was the third on the Feather blade, and though it still went relatively well, it didn't feel quite as efficient and smooth as the two previous. The sharp blade in the OneBlade's design seems to contribute a lot to the razor's ease, and while I still ended up with a nice, irritation- and nick-free shave today, I could feel things were just a little, well, rougher? Not uncomfortable, really, just not as spry as the previous two days.

I do have thicker whiskers, and I also pushed the blade a bit the previous day. But I suspect two shaves per blade will be optimal for me with the Feather FHS. That's fine with me, as I'm in this for the quality of the shave more than economy of blade use. I realize some guys get 4, 5, or even 7 shaves from these blades; I would guess that hair type and shaving technique (number of passes, etc.) affects this. I still need to try a de-spined GEM blade.

Overall, I'm very impressed with this razor. Its ease and ability to provide a close shave with no harm — especially in areas that are usually tricky for me — while relying of the virtues of a single sharp edge, is remarkable. It isn't kicking other razors out of my roster, because I enjoy the skill involved in more traditional safety razors and straights, not to mention the variety of shave experience. But it's great to have the OneBlade as the tool (and a gorgeous tool at that) to get it done, no bites, no drama: quick, carefree, and smooth.

SharpSpine, Len and clint64 like this post
David : DE shaving since Nov 2014. Nowadays giving in to the single-edge siren call.
I was looking at the One Blade website and checking out the price of blades. Why is it cheaper to buy 30 packs then 60 or 90? You could buy 3 packs of 30 for several dollars cheaper than 1 pack of 90 so instead of a discount for buying in bulk is actually more. Is three anything that makes financial sense with this beautiful razor system?

I love my AS-D2 but if One Blade blades were cheaper or lasted longer then a few shaves (recommended one shave) then I would buy one next time it is on sale. I saw it was 35% off last December which would be very tempting for me.

hrfdez likes this post

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