(07-19-2023, 06:22 PM)Fedsbackhand Wrote:
.70 SB
I don't really care for guarded blades in the WR4 other than the Kai. Even the SoftGuards were scratchy. Just received a pack of Supers that I'll try in the next shave.
Guarded blades? Scratchy? Is a Schick proline guarded? That's the only blade I have used...I do have some Feathers. I used my .86 yesterday with the Proline and it was not good. I shave every 3-5 days and all of my shaves have been brutal on the first pass. Tugging and pulling hair. It does not want to wipe the skin clean, it is leaving a good bit of stubble. I am not used to this at all. A Sailor opened at 1 full rotation will remove all of that growth in 1 pass. Subsequent passes are just to clean up places where hair grows at odd angles. 2nd passes have been very good with the WR4 tho. Feels great when there is little work to be done. I do have trouble with the extra blade width on my chin, not sure why either.
I'm to the point where I'm ready to sell the razor. I will give a Feather a try before I give up on it totally.