Fougère by JabonMan (Eufros)
dark fougère
Shave 4
It takes only a wee bit of this soap and a lot of water to make a gorgeous lather. I may have overloaded today since I came away with enough lather to shave most of the north shore, but wasn’t it fine stuff, so dense and still so slick. I risked a full three passes, and now, seven hours later, I feel neither pain nor hot spots. Give credit to the Overlander razor, which, after nearly fifty shaves, I’m finally learning to master. But principal snaps go to JabonMan’s soap. It weds cushion and closeness, and throws in a spicy aromatic fougère fragrance to boot.
Dave in KY, that's three with Greenfresh! You're on a roll. Keep it up.
Brush Phoenix Shaving Peregrino (665) ・ Razor Karve Brass Overlander (48) ・ Blade Wizamet (5)