Memorial Day is one of my favorite days. Somber, solemn, sacred. I’ve an Uncle memorialized in Flanders. Neil Breed, owner of Heritage Brushes and a marine may have said it best “Memorial Day is not a day to thank a vet that is living. It’s a day to remember the ultimate sacrifice of Veterans that died defending our freedom. So don’t thank me or any other living veteran…remember and RESPECT the ultimate sacrifice that so many gave.” I spent time thinking about the young men and women that sacrificed their lives for this Nation and me. I don’t suppose there is any harm in honoring vets, nor visiting the resting place of loved ones. Those are all good things but Memorial Day should always be remembered for those who died so we can live free.
Mikes Lime seemed a fitting tribute and it was amazing. Bright and lively just as those young solders were.
I also honored them through service by making a flower box for my bride. (Now she wants two more services).
After the work we went for a drive to see how the streams were running and happened upon a couple of moose. One little bullwinkle and another big tough bruiser. Antlers are just growing now so there was not much to see however come august that big boy is going to impress! He looks similar in size to the three year old in the foreground but that is deceiving. He is actually half again bigger. They seemed not to mind us at all as they stripped cottonwood leaves and in fact we’re as close as 15 yards for some time. We watched them for about an hour.