Well, I ended up blooming this one to see what would happen. What happened is I loaded way too much and had to drown it out during face-lathering to get a good workable lather going. Pretty sure I'll bloom Eufros again in the future but it will very likely be because I forgot about today
BTW, the scent on this one is fantastic! A lime-forward scent but with a touch of menthol added. There isn't so much menthol added that it's considered a face-freeze but enough to make this miserable hot weather a little more tolerable. Pairs up very nicely with Stirling's MITA WH & AS
BTW, the scent on this one is fantastic! A lime-forward scent but with a touch of menthol added. There isn't so much menthol added that it's considered a face-freeze but enough to make this miserable hot weather a little more tolerable. Pairs up very nicely with Stirling's MITA WH & AS