(05-15-2021, 09:26 PM)TommyCarioca Wrote: Ethos Agrumes

This soap has a GREAT scent, residual slickness off the chain, and demonstrates a very clean finish. It is not thirsty at all: I almost broke her down. A little too light and bubbly for my taste. Not a yogurt like lather, and very difficult for a puck to face lathering guy to negotiate. I have to dial in how much to get in my hand /bowl as one can not lather from the jar. As it stands now, this is a 'bowl latherer' product - and not for an old grumpy triple milled tallow puck face latherer [I know that guy quite well]. Very fussy for me to get to the point where I was ready to put the razor to the flesh. I understand a croap is on the way - sign me up. I must be the only guy on the planet not enthusiastic about this formula /lather and lathering process. Don't kill me. Tomorrow, something really hard - maybe DRH Arlington. [Image: 12a0d64d71ea520be5c0cef4d079cb14.jpg]

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

Hi Tommy
First off my friend I’d have to beg to differ with you on the soap not being thirsty my friend. Myself and most of my customers who I have frequent communication with have the opposite experience and find it will take a lot of water. The trick is to take about a half an almond size out of the jar into a bowl and start with damp brush and keep adding water. Let me also say Melange Di Agrume is one of the softer batches of this base I’ve made but I have quite a few customers that do load from the jar and I’ve done it myself only you have to do it gently until you get the right amount of soap on again a damp brush. Myself and a whole lot of my customers can load the Clean and Lavender out of the jar with no problem. As you have read I’m in the process of making this base a little firmer to the point where it’s a tad firmer than the Clean which is the firmest of all the soaps I’ve made so far. I’ve been wet shaving for 18 yrs and I’ve used hundreds of shave soaps and I find it very easy to whip up a thick yogurt like lather with it each and every time. Your spot on as far as post shave and it was my intention to not over super fat this base but instead to use skin care technology to hydrate the face without leaving a residue on the face. I’ve said it before. A shave soap is meant to provide protection from a sharp blade against your face ( Cushion) along with slickness so the razor moves easily across the without skipping or getting hung up. ( try shaving with just water lol.. so using shampoo as a comparison. The main purpose of a shampoo is to cleanse the hair and scalp. Yes can conditioning ingredients be added to the formula? Of course they can but no matter what a shampoo can never deliver the level of conditioning that an actual hair conditioner or hair treatment can! That’s a fact! Same with shave soap. As far as post shave goes the real star are the post shave products! Yes can a shave soap be super fatted to an extent where you get a residue from the oils and butters that will continue to build as your own sebum starts to build and just so people know using a aftershave with alcohol in it stimulates the skin to produce it. So that is what my customers like about this ETHOS base.
As you also know I’m in the process of making a firm base and it has a unique post shave which I’ll explain when it’s ready for release.

So I’d suggest playing with your lathering technique when using this ETHOS base and maybe you’ll get better results. But as always to each their own my friend.

Great shave!

Lipripper660, ExtraProtein, Dave in KY and 5 others like this post
(05-15-2021, 02:29 PM)TommyCarioca Wrote:
(05-15-2021, 02:46 AM)FaceScraper Wrote: Swing open the door to an old-school boot shop and take a whiff. That's this stuff. Straight up new leather smell. Why I don't bring this one out more often is beyond me, because I love it. It's a powerhouse of a scent too. I left the container in the bathroom, on a shelf to dry. Before I even enter the adjacent bedroom I can smell it. Almost like a candle that doesn't have to be lit.  
Gotta love the residual slickness with many of these artisan soaps too. I was in a hurry this morning and didn't bother to re-lather for additional passes. A little splash of water was all that was needed to keep the party rollin'. And you still get plenty of that post shave goodness that WK is known for. 

[Image: TpuLItR.jpg]
Nice post! Love that artisan

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Thank you, Tommy! Indeed - WK's products are excellent, and make up the bulk of my stash, along with Grooming Dept.

ExtraProtein, TommyCarioca, zaclikestoshave and 2 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 05-16-2021, 01:07 PM by Dragonsbeard.)
(05-15-2021, 11:38 PM)Nero Wrote:
(05-15-2021, 09:26 PM)TommyCarioca Wrote: Ethos Agrumes

This soap has a GREAT scent, residual slickness off the chain, and demonstrates a very clean finish. It is not thirsty at all: I almost broke her down. A little too light and bubbly for my taste. Not a yogurt like lather, and very difficult for a puck to face lathering guy to negotiate. I have to dial in how much to get in my hand /bowl as one can not lather from the jar. As it stands now, this is a 'bowl latherer' product - and not for an old grumpy triple milled tallow puck face latherer [I know that guy quite well]. Very fussy for me to get to the point where I was ready to put the razor to the flesh. I understand a croap is on the way - sign me up. I must be the only guy on the planet not enthusiastic about this formula /lather and lathering process. Don't kill me. Tomorrow, something really hard - maybe DRH Arlington. [Image: 12a0d64d71ea520be5c0cef4d079cb14.jpg]

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
You and me. Only thing I'm impressed with is how that thread seems to stay bumped.

So you seem to have a problem with ETHOS and it also seems to bother you at the enthusiasm that has my thread as long as it is. For one thing It’s probably because a whole lot of people like the products I’m putting out there, also because of the kind of customer relationship I have with my customers and we also have fun in the thread that was going well. You’ve made little and sometimes subtle negative comments on here about ETHOS but also over on another forum where I could not comment or defend myself that started that thread that took a quick downward spiral once those two people personally attacked me because of a comment I made on FB. They also not only attacked me but also tried to discredit my brand which was actually funny as they were buying ETHOS products and a lot of them before the FB issue. In fact one made a comment saying the products were stellar and the other who was the main perpetrator sent me an email after using the clean shave soap and these are his exact words from the email where he also stated the Clean Unscented Skin Food Splash was exquisite. His exact words from the email copied and pasted. ( The unscented soap is the best soap I have ever used ) So when the haters took the bashing to another level some of my good customers asked for the thread to be closed. Another attempt at bashing ETHOS was done over on B&B where one member actually made the most ridiculous comment that not only a bunch of my customers but my friends who are very well known soap makers had a good laugh at when he stated that ETHOS gave him Ingrown hair!! An that’s impossible! Soap does not give you ingrown hairs. Laughable but sad at the same time! An it really blows my mind in this Covid environment when many folks are struggling to keep their businesses open that people feel the need to bash a brand! I’ve seen it just happen to T&S because they lowered the amount of soap in their tub by an oz but kept the price the same as it was at 4 oz. If I could have gone into that thread and had their back I would have in a NY minute! What they don’t realize that since Covid every single component of what it takes to make a jar of shave soap has gone up in price! Jars, lids, labels, shave soap ingredients and aroma ingredients. An especially since they use all essential oils that is even more of a reason. They also tried it with B&M about his new base. Will and I had a long talk about bashing or people who try to discredit a brand. I usually don’t say much but I know that I’ve used 100’s and 100’s of razors doing my Shave Offs and I never bashed a razor even though many times I personally didn’t care for it. Instead I’d use a term like yeah it just didn’t work for me or I wasn’t able to connect to it and leave it at that!

I could go on but at this point I’ll leave it at this, IMO and a lot of others I know if a person doesn’t like something about a product rather than making a negative comment about it just move on because in many cases people see right through their agenda!

If you’d like to pm or email me we can continue this chat!

frenchy, Dave in KY, FaceScraper and 3 others like this post
(05-16-2021, 01:43 AM)mrdoug Wrote:
(05-16-2021, 01:19 AM)FaceScraper Wrote: Another early rising morning, another quick shave and out the door. I almost went with Cremo (also a fine performing choice). Obviously, that's not what was chosen in the end. Proraso lathers quickly, and I much prefer the sandalwood scent of Proraso over the Bourbon (or whatever it's called) scent of the Cremo. 
[Image: Rd1BMH9.jpg]
Great choice! A classic soap with a nice scent.

Thank you, sir! Most definitely a classic, and it gets the job done with very little fussing.

mrdoug and HoosierShave like this post

New York
(This post was last modified: 05-16-2021, 01:28 PM by mrdoug.)
Wow, I'm shocked Frank Dragonsbeard . I truly look at the tub of Greenfresh and think it'll be a disaster if I tried to tub lather. Looking at the consistency, I picture myself loading a metric ton of the stuff accidentally. I just play it safe and pull out the bowl.

It is an amazing performer, I just need to use a bowl. Though you have me curious now and I might get brave enough to give it a go.

Nonetheless, I definitely can't wait to try the harder formulas.

Edit: Additionally, you are being modest Frank. I think (at least Greenfresh and Colonia) do quite well in post shave. I've never skipped on my aftershave lotion because of a soap (which makes your point, I guess), but this stuff is absolutely quality in those regards, too.

ExtraProtein, dmshaver, DanLaw and 2 others like this post

expert shaver
Panther's Stanley Cup Champs
CBL Bergamot Lemon
[Image: VBqY5t8.jpg]

Polovez, ExtraProtein, FaceScraper and 3 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 05-16-2021, 02:08 PM by Nero.)
(05-16-2021, 01:04 PM)Dragonsbeard Wrote: So you seem to have a problem with ETHOS and it also seems to bother you at the enthusiasm that has my thread as long as it is. For one thing It’s probably because a whole lot of people like the products I’m putting out there, also because of the kind of customer relationship I have with my customers and we also have fun in the thread that was going well. You’ve made little and sometimes subtle negative comments on here about ETHOS but also over on another forum where I could not comment or defend myself that started that thread that took a quick downward spiral once those two people personally attacked me because of a comment I made on FB. They also not only attacked me but also tried to discredit my brand which was actually funny as they were buying ETHOS products and a lot of them before the FB issue. In fact one made a comment saying the products were stellar and the other who was the main perpetrator sent me an email after using the clean shave soap and these are his exact words from the email where he also stated the Clean Unscented Skin Food Splash was exquisite. His exact words from the email copied and pasted. ( The unscented soap is the best soap I have ever used ) So when the haters took the bashing to another level some of my good customers asked for the thread to be closed. Another attempt at bashing ETHOS was done over on B&B where one member actually made the most ridiculous comment that not only a bunch of my customers but my friends who are very well known soap makers had a good laugh at when he stated that ETHOS gave him Ingrown hair!! An that’s impossible! Soap does not give you ingrown hairs. Laughable but sad at the same time! An it really blows my mind in this Covid environment when many folks are struggling to keep their businesses open that people feel the need to bash a brand! I’ve seen it just happen to T&S because they lowered the amount of soap in their tub by an oz but kept the price the same as it was at 4 oz. If I could have gone into that thread and had their back I would have in a NY minute! What they don’t realize that since Covid every single component of what it takes to make a jar of shave soap has gone up in price! Jars, lids, labels, shave soap ingredients and aroma ingredients. An especially since they use all essential oils that is even more of a reason. They also tried it with B&M about his new base. Will and I had a long talk about bashing or people who try to discredit a brand. I usually don’t say much but I know that I’ve used 100’s and 100’s of razors doing my Shave Offs and I never bashed a razor even though many times I personally didn’t care for it. Instead I’d use a term like yeah it just didn’t work for me or I wasn’t able to connect to it and leave it at that!

I could go on but at this point I’ll leave it at this, IMO and a lot of others I know if a person doesn’t like something about a product rather than making a negative comment about it just move on because in many cases people see right through their agenda!

If you’d like to pm or email me we can continue this chat!

I really didn't need to hear the history of ethos bashing. I gave your products (soaps and splashes) more than a fair share of effort and time. Maybe you'll be surprised to know I still make all my own conclusions: I don't like oud, I don't care if something is a cream or a soap, I don't think I Coloniali is that great, I liked XPEC's scent, etc.

I made my conclusion on ethos. I don't find it has any traits that are remarkable.

What isn't subjective is that the labels were all crooked, the lids were dented... not to mention I had to remind you 3 times to ship my order, and then when it arrived one product was totally missing. Not really high marks for customer satisfaction on these objective things. I'm sure things have gotten better since then and that my experience was a one-off.

Don't be someone you hate... allow people to disagree.

My only agenda is telling my experience/opinion. I have no pride in hurting a small business, especially today. I'm totally on your side, more than you know.

Stay well.

PS - I might even try your stuff again in the future... I have a way of wanting to trust others' opinions, even after I've done my due diligence before.

martini, TommyCarioca and zaclikestoshave like this post

Posting Freak
Sir Henry's Bay Rum

I have several bay's i really like - and this is one in my personal Bay Rum ring of honor [c Mystic Water, Barrister & Mann, Stirling, Long Rifle, T&S, and GD]. Fresh and invigorating which makes it a great all year puck. Not heavy on the cloves at all [which I don't mind btw]. Ya'll know the story on performance. Finished with Sir Henry's ASB - also in my ring of honor.

Have a good Sunday
C U all tomorrow [Image: bb8d52dce0b3ca4ffd66f53ca5462211.jpg]

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

FaceScraper, muelex, Bouki and 10 others like this post
[Image: IbC1NjC.jpg]

AQU, Nero, HoosierShave and 4 others like this post

Super Moderator
Not only does MW create a great lather, Michelle really knows how to do floral-scents well!

Ended up using my Gem G-bar for the 1st time in nearly 2 years.  Found it funny this morning that, due to the larger head of the razor, it's easier to go ATG on my upper lip than it is to go WTG.   

[Image: 949sZIi.jpg]

Tidepool, TommyCarioca, zaclikestoshave and 6 others like this post

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