(04-07-2020, 05:24 AM)Bouki Wrote: Felce Aromatica v. (Saponificio Varesino) light green
Saponificio Varesino makes a soap that fills your brush with only twenty swirls. In fact, loading past that point doesn't always lead to a richer lather. Instead the emulsion goes gummy and keeps begging for another drink of water.
This IS why SV does not work for me. Even when I think I load lightly with it, I still have to add a pint of water.
Maybe I just need to keep working on my touch. (but I don't feel like buying it again).
Glad it works for you!
Tangent Warning:
YMMV is a very real thing. If I watch current IAMCDB videos, he always gets a great shave
1. from lather that is way too thick (early and not enough water) for me
2. and he only paints it onto his face
Whereas, I need more water, more time, higher brush speed, and more brush force (...not that I'm forceful, but moreso than just slapping/painting); otherwise I DEFINITELY will cut/nick myself, every time. I must scrub the lather in so that it is part of my skin.