ATT SE1 w/ Hempel Ti Handle/ Feather AC Pro
Vie Long Silvertip Beehive
The Strop Shoppe Austin Tallow
Fine Fresh Vetiver Aftershave
SEptember continues! The ATT SE1 is an absolute pleasure to use. This razor is SO smooth, while still being very efficient with the Feather AC Pro blade, which can be a little harsh on the 1st shave(the blade, that is.)
I did continue on with the Vie Long Silvertip Beehive, because The Strop Shoppe soap is very soft and light in texture. I would really like to get back into one of my 2-Band badgers, but this soap is very good in performance and I feel that one of the 2-Bands would load WAY too much product.
I'm still hanging with the SE guys! Two days in a row!!!!!