Jan 16
I had planned to return to some sort of fixed setup for a week. I succeeded with the Amakuni, but struggled with the Athena. The razor is wonderful. However, purchases made in December have arrived and try as I might to stay focused, I found myself wanting to change razors this morning.
Longtime readers will know that the Karve Christopher Bradley, specifically the B solid bar plate and to some extent the C plate, was The One for quite some time. Up until Chris released the Overlander. This November or December someone listed a stainless steel CB razor and I decided to pick it up. I had sold my brass CB last year, or maybe at the end of 2023. I didn't use it much and often seemed to nick myself.
Well this morning the C plate called to me, and I moved the Nacet blade from the Athena over to the CB and went after the whiskers. It was awesome! What a nice "homecoming." It was an effortless shave, whereas my memory of the brass C plate was of an almost white-knuckle shave experience. What gives? Is it the metal making the difference? Or has my technique improved such that the razor is mild? In any case, I loved the shave. In fact, I went back and looked when my Overlander arrived, back in January of 2023. It was the razor with a ton of buzz and hype, "shaves like a C or D plate but feels like a B plate." Kind of a fun stroll down memory lane. I am very happy to have the original Karve back in my line up, especially in a lighter format for my poor, arthritic hand!
mrdoug and
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- Eric
Put your message in a modem,
And throw it in the Cyber Sea
--Rush, "Virtuality"
Overloader of brushes, Overlander fanboy, Schickhead, and a GEM in the rough!