(12-17-2020, 04:24 PM)muzichead Wrote: (12-16-2020, 08:29 PM)JimmyH Wrote: Well I have to give a shout out of praise to Karve !
Back when the polished SS didn't come to fruition in a timely manner, after some months Chris @ Karve gave a $100 (CAD) coupon code to those of us who had prepaid for the polished SS.
I had already canceled the polished and applied my $ to a standard SS set which was in stock, and shipped within a week of the change.
In April of 2020 Chris offered all who had ordered the SS polished the coupon code and I decided to hold onto it to apply to the forthcoming Titanium Karve.
Well, since that didn't materialize I sent in an order for two SS baseplates on December 11. The coupon codes covered both the two baseplates and free DHL shipping.
I wondered if Chris would honor the coupons after all this time ?
Today, Dec 16 I received shipping confirmation.
Kudos to Chris @ Karve !!
So I'm just gonna go out on a limb here and guess your faith in the Titanium razor actually being produced at this point is slim to none?
(12-17-2020, 05:28 AM)Ventastic Wrote: If I understand this correctly, JimmyH received a full refund for his polished stainless steel razor and this 100CAD on top as a gesture of good will bribe. Quite a sum of money bribe just to say sorry I screwed up again!!
1. JimmyH has used the coupon and accepted the apology
2. The order for a razor was sent out in under a week
Things are looking good. What I don‘t understand is why some people feel the need to express their disdain the moment something positive is said about this vendor.
Anyway, I placed an order yesterday and shall report.
I corrected the opening of your post for you!! No need to thank me for it!!
As to why so many express disdain for this vendor is because 99% of the time he garners said negativity because he's the most dishonest mfg in the industry and instead of just fessing up that he bit off more than he can chew or just say I screwed up, he does nothing but lie about lead times and deliveries, then issues a store credit and hopes people just forget abut his past and forgive him for being the way he is!!
What to me is completely mindboggling about this situation is NO ONE in this thread was a bigger crusader against what Karve was doing than JimmyH. He broached subjects over and over again, refreshing/retreading things. And please understand, I'm not being critical of JimmyH, but I'm just surprised that he would have the discontent with this vendor, yet still go on a mailing list about a Titanium. Subsequently, give up on that and then again, attempt to put more money into Karve's pockets promo/discount notwithstanding.
The behavior is just completely incongruent I mean if someone had done me like that, I'd have said my peace and then punched out for good out of principle, but that is just me. Good on JimmyH for giving Karve try after try I guess but again, why bring up the issues time after time only to keep soliciting business from the vendor that gave you such irritation. And then to top it off, give them credit for not tripping over the low bar of expectation when all Karve did was honor a promo handed out, and ship an in stock plate.
paradox and
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