
Santa Rosa - CA
Someone requested an unscented Mallard. I'll make some, it'll be called Pekin Smile

I had no idea, the the white duck is a domesticated version of Mallard!


martini and TheKey like this post

Posting Freak
(12-17-2017, 03:13 AM)GroomingDept Wrote:
(12-17-2017, 03:02 AM)Marko Wrote: I'm not sure why so many people are hung up on the whole multiple bases and changing formulas thing.  I think its an incredible ride and I'm just happy to be along Big Grin   After a while you get to know what certain artisans are about and seriously, do we really expect that they're going to put out something crappy?  I think its incredible that we can be part of the whole thing and that occasionally we might be surprised by what people like Mohammad are capable of...sometimes blown away.  I in no way want to constrain abodes creativity.  An example of what can happen when an artisan is left to their own devices is Chatillon Lux Blackberry Blossom Bay.  I had really grown to love Shawn's creations in the post shave space and I'd been talking to him and suggested that he ought to have a bay rum in his lineup - I love bay rum and I figured if you make post shave stuff bay rum is a no brainer.  Well, Shawn isn't a fan of bay rum so he politely declined - he won't make something he himself doesn't like.  I was a bit disappointed but thats life.  Eventually I got Shawn to consider the concept of a bay "inspired" fragrance and he was open to it.  I had no more input into the process because who am I to tell an artist how to apply paint to canvas?  So the outcome was Blackberry Blossom Bay and I love it - its like nothing else.  And I'm hoping it comes around again Smile  I guess I'm saying relax and enjoy the ride.

Thank you so much! I understand how stability is important for some people. I think 3 fixed bases is good for now to get people comfortable about what they're buying and not feel that they're missing out on upgrades or newly introduced changes. I'll use the special editions to showcase new or special ingredients I'm working with.

I'm working on a bay rose aftershave Smile

I'll be looking forward to that one Mohammad!

GroomingDept likes this post

Posting Freak
(12-17-2017, 03:25 AM)TheKey Wrote: Marko, you apparently missed my post a few places earlier.

While I think it's cute that so many people try to tell everyone else how to think, I for one would appreciate if each person would simply state their own opinion and not try to suggest how others should think.

By all means, state your opinion. I sure do. Other than that, when I do, I clearly say that this is my opinion and my preference. I think that is a tremendous advantage to someone like Mohammed. It gives him a chance to hear from many of us and then make his own mind up.

Some, think like you do.

Some would prefer more stable bases. I fall into that camp. However, like I wrote sometime back, there is room for all of this.

There's room for having stable bases so that those that think along the lines that I do can be satiated. And there's room for experimental bases that lets those who would like to be on the cutting-edge of new, all the time, also enjoy that side of things.

Perhaps more importantly though is there should be room for each of us to state our opinion without others trying to tell us how to think.

Whatever Muhammad does with his soaps, he does. I will live with it. And I will love them. I have many soaps from him. And I am a huge, vocal supporter.

And I have my preferences. And I state them so that he knows. I think we should all do that. And I think we should all feel comfortable in doing it without having somebody try to meta comment and presuppose what we're suggesting would be better left unsaid.

You may or may not be familiar with the meta program choice called "Sameness vs. Difference".

People are approximately evenly divided between them. Basically, those that have their default response at sameness, don't like change. They like things to be predictable. They like to know that what they're doing today will be the same tomorrow. It gives them a sense of control.

Alternatively, Differences oriented people like new things. They can't stand to have things predictable for long. They constantly want something new to experiment with.

These distinctions can also predict how long a person will keep a job etc. They are hardwired in after a very young age and generally do not change over time. They are however context-dependent. Change the context, and you may be a different one of the patterns.

I could go on and on but that's probably enough.

Arguing one, when others are a different one is pointless. You will get nowhere.

A smart business strategy is to appeal to both types where possible.

I trust, that this is well enough said.

Sorry if I came across as argumentative and I by no means was presuming to tell people what to think. I was expressing my own opinion, part of which was that I didn't understand other people. Thats not uncommon for me. I obviously understand that people will have their own opinions on everything but often what those opinions are and why they have them baffles me. I don't lose sleep over it though because I guess the world would be a boring place if everyone held the same opinions and preferences as I do. I am not familiar with the "sameness vs difference" meta program choice but it sounds interesting and based on my own experiences and observations I'd say pretty accurate.

Back to the subject at hand, however, I've been running around all day and still haven't managed to get my shave in which I'm about to do now with Mallard. I'm excited.

Matsilainen, gregcss, TheKey and 1 others like this post
(12-17-2017, 04:47 AM)Marko Wrote:
(12-17-2017, 03:25 AM)TheKey Wrote: Marko, you apparently missed my post a few places earlier.

While I think it's cute that so many people try to tell everyone else how to think, I for one would appreciate if each person would simply state their own opinion and not try to suggest how others should think.

By all means, state your opinion. I sure do. Other than that, when I do, I clearly say that this is my opinion and my preference. I think that is a tremendous advantage to someone like Mohammed. It gives him a chance to hear from many of us and then make his own mind up.

Some, think like you do.

Some would prefer more stable bases. I fall into that camp. However, like I wrote sometime back, there is room for all of this.

There's room for having stable bases so that those that think along the lines that I do can be satiated. And there's room for experimental bases that lets those who would like to be on the cutting-edge of new, all the time, also enjoy that side of things.

Perhaps more importantly though is there should be room for each of us to state our opinion without others trying to tell us how to think.

Whatever Muhammad does with his soaps, he does. I will live with it. And I will love them. I have many soaps from him. And I am a huge, vocal supporter.

And I have my preferences. And I state them so that he knows. I think we should all do that. And I think we should all feel comfortable in doing it without having somebody try to meta comment and presuppose what we're suggesting would be better left unsaid.

You may or may not be familiar with the meta program choice called "Sameness vs. Difference".

People are approximately evenly divided between them. Basically, those that have their default response at sameness, don't like change. They like things to be predictable. They like to know that what they're doing today will be the same tomorrow. It gives them a sense of control.

Alternatively, Differences oriented people like new things. They can't stand to have things predictable for long. They constantly want something new to experiment with.

These distinctions can also predict how long a person will keep a job etc. They are hardwired in after a very young age and generally do not change over time. They are however context-dependent. Change the context, and you may be a different one of the patterns.

I could go on and on but that's probably enough.

Arguing one, when others are a different one is pointless. You will get nowhere.

A smart business strategy is to appeal to both types where possible.

I trust, that this is well enough said.

Sorry if I came across as argumentative and I by no means was presuming to tell people what to think. I was expressing my own opinion, part of which was that I didn't understand other people. Thats not uncommon for me. I obviously understand that people will have their own opinions on everything but often what those opinions are and why they have them baffles me. I don't lose sleep over it though because I guess the world would be a boring place if everyone held the same opinions and preferences as I do. I am not familiar with the "sameness vs difference" meta program choice but it sounds interesting and based on my own experiences and observations I'd say pretty accurate.

Back to the subject at hand, however, I've been running around all day and still haven't managed to get my shave in which I'm about to do now with Mallard. I'm excited.
Makes good sense. Thanks for clarifying.

Enjoy your shave. That's what I used this morning for mine.

One thing I like to do with Mallard is to give a couple of additional seconds of loading of my brush with it. It makes such an incredible, creamy lather that I love having a nice amount available after I'm done to put on my face. Which I do with all of Mohammad's soaps, but I really load up my face with extra Mallard once I finish my shave.

Then I clean up my Razor Etc. So it stays on my face for a few minutes. Then I shower and rinse it off.

The aftershave feel doing it this way is absolutely luxurious.


Marko, gregcss and Matsilainen like this post

Also...Caps won tonight!!!!

GroomingDept and Freddy like this post

Down South
(12-17-2017, 03:38 AM)GroomingDept Wrote: Someone requested an unscented Mallard. I'll make some, it'll be called Pekin Smile

I had no idea, the the white duck is a domesticated version of Mallard!


I think it’s a good idea. Unscented version of well accepted base is always a nice compliment to the group of people with sensitive skin, allergy and extra sensitivity towards scents and certain oils. Probably it will make good business sense as well, due to the ever increasing number of people in those groups. I don’t have any of the above problems, but I’ll buy it right away, because I can make in no time my favored scented lather for the day. I know other members are also practicing this and all of us will welcome such creation.

Matsilainen, TheKey and GroomingDept like this post

Posting Freak
(12-17-2017, 04:54 AM)TheKey Wrote:
(12-17-2017, 04:47 AM)Marko Wrote:
(12-17-2017, 03:25 AM)TheKey Wrote: Marko, you apparently missed my post a few places earlier.

While I think it's cute that so many people try to tell everyone else how to think, I for one would appreciate if each person would simply state their own opinion and not try to suggest how others should think.

By all means, state your opinion. I sure do. Other than that, when I do, I clearly say that this is my opinion and my preference. I think that is a tremendous advantage to someone like Mohammed. It gives him a chance to hear from many of us and then make his own mind up.

Some, think like you do.

Some would prefer more stable bases. I fall into that camp. However, like I wrote sometime back, there is room for all of this.

There's room for having stable bases so that those that think along the lines that I do can be satiated. And there's room for experimental bases that lets those who would like to be on the cutting-edge of new, all the time, also enjoy that side of things.

Perhaps more importantly though is there should be room for each of us to state our opinion without others trying to tell us how to think.

Whatever Muhammad does with his soaps, he does. I will live with it. And I will love them. I have many soaps from him. And I am a huge, vocal supporter.

And I have my preferences. And I state them so that he knows. I think we should all do that. And I think we should all feel comfortable in doing it without having somebody try to meta comment and presuppose what we're suggesting would be better left unsaid.

You may or may not be familiar with the meta program choice called "Sameness vs. Difference".

People are approximately evenly divided between them. Basically, those that have their default response at sameness, don't like change. They like things to be predictable. They like to know that what they're doing today will be the same tomorrow. It gives them a sense of control.

Alternatively, Differences oriented people like new things. They can't stand to have things predictable for long. They constantly want something new to experiment with.

These distinctions can also predict how long a person will keep a job etc. They are hardwired in after a very young age and generally do not change over time. They are however context-dependent. Change the context, and you may be a different one of the patterns.

I could go on and on but that's probably enough.

Arguing one, when others are a different one is pointless. You will get nowhere.

A smart business strategy is to appeal to both types where possible.

I trust, that this is well enough said.

Sorry if I came across as argumentative and I by no means was presuming to tell people what to think.  I was expressing my own opinion, part of which was that I didn't understand other people.  Thats not uncommon for me.  I obviously understand that people will have their own opinions on everything but often what those opinions are and why they have them baffles me.  I don't lose sleep over it though because I guess the world would be a boring place if everyone held the same opinions and preferences as I do.  I am not familiar with the "sameness vs difference" meta program choice but it sounds interesting and based on my own experiences and observations I'd say pretty accurate.

Back to the subject at hand, however, I've been running around all day and still haven't managed to get my shave in which I'm about to do now with Mallard.  I'm excited.
Makes good sense. Thanks for clarifying.

Enjoy your shave. That's what I used this morning for mine.

One thing I like to do with Mallard is to give a couple of additional seconds of loading of my brush with it. It makes such an incredible, creamy lather that I love having a nice amount available after I'm done to put on my face. Which I do with all of Mohammad's soaps, but I really load up my face with extra Mallard once I finish my shave.

Then I clean up my Razor Etc. So it stays on my face for a few minutes. Then I shower and rinse it off.

The aftershave feel doing it this way is absolutely luxurious.


I did enjoy my shave and thank you for the tip - Mohammad told me the same thing - although I didn't get the messages until this morning I figured out pretty quickly that Mallard is a thirsty soap. I had the lather locked in by the third pass. I generally face lather but next time I'll either palm or bowl lather as its easier to build a properly hydrated lather that way when using thirsty soaps. Mallard really is a luxurious experience and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The lather was so rich and thick.

I'll give your technique of applying the leftover soap to my face afterwards a try. That sounds really nice and I've always felt it a shame to just rinse perfectly good lather down the drain. I think thats one of the reasons I had increased my shaves to 4 and then 5 passes. While it did use up the lather, It wasn't that good for my face and I've reigned it in to just the 3 passes now. Better.

Thank you,


Matsilainen and GroomingDept like this post

Northern NJ
Any premier soap maker that makes a tallow non vegan soap that does not neglect the Unscented market will always get loyalty from me. I’m glad some artisans are realizing that there is a spot for Unscented soaps in their lineup. When you have sensitive skin and find a top tier base that works for you you stick with it. I get my variety from hardware changes during my shave.

GroomingDept, Matsilainen, Marko and 1 others like this post

Santa Rosa - CA
(12-17-2017, 08:44 PM)Marcos Wrote: Any premier soap maker that makes a tallow non vegan soap that does not neglect the Unscented market will always get loyalty from me. I’m glad some artisans are realizing that there is a spot for Unscented soaps in their lineup. When you have sensitive skin and find a top tier base that works for you you stick with it. I get my variety from hardware changes during my shave.

I developed an appreciation for unscented soap during the first 48 iterations of the vegan base; I only made unscented versions of the soap Smile

I immensely enjoy layering fragrances, aftershaves and/or EdTs after the shave.

martini, Matsilainen and TheKey like this post

Santa Rosa - CA
A more voluminous lather can hold more water -- but whipping air into the lather for the sake of it is a waste of time. It looks cool, kind of that "lather porn" look, but it is creates too much friction to be optimal for shaving.

From Putting the wet in wet shaving

Read my mind Smile I wanted to design a soap that is viscous, gel-like and holds lots of water.

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