I've had a mustache since I could grow one and a goatee on my chin almost as long. I have tried different shapes over the years and found that some worked fine with my normal shaving routine yet others did not. I decided to let my chin goatee (which I keep at 1/8" every week since it is now completely grey) flair out at the sides instead of curving downward. I like the look but boy is it a pain to shave above it now and change the directing I normally shave that area! This week I found one day that I had missed a spot! I also have a "divot" under my lips which has been shaped into a point, done as a square and now it is a rectangle! In moving my mouth to shave, the bottom actually becomes a curve and I have to trim is as a curve to get it to look right. Do any of you have similar experiences with experimentation with new looks?
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