(08-31-2021, 04:23 AM)I’m churchilllafemme Wrote: I just received my latest Ethos order: DFS Colonia shaving soap and splash and custom Honeysuckle soap and splash, as well as Vanilla Safi aroma blend. 
The Colonia smells good. 
The Honeysuckle smells incredible (like walking by a huge blooming honeysuckle bush on a summer day, as my wife said), and I can hardly wait to shave with it!
[Image: dDAnrJH.jpg]

John I’m glad everything got to you safe and sound and you like the way the Personal Blend Shave soap and Skin Food splash came out. 
I really enjoyed working on this custom order with you and because of it I found a new aroma ingredient  I like and can work with in the future. 

Looking forward to your first use of the products. 

Once again thank you for the continuous support my friend. 


DanLaw, mrdoug, jbreakfield and 1 others like this post

Don’t forget I’ll be picking a winner of the name the Collection contest over in my merchant section for the Vanilla Safi Shave soap and Remède Serum of your choice with the added Vanilla Safi Aroma in it today between 5pm and 7pm EST. Basically when I get out of work and have time to go over all the picks.

So if you want a chance to win get your picks in before that time.

Good luck to all

DanLaw, ExtraProtein and jbreakfield like this post

I like Pizza
(08-05-2021, 05:23 AM)Dragonsbeard Wrote: ExtraProteinFrank, what’s the word on Dragonsbeard V3? 

Any preview of release dates?  (Asking because I’m gearing up to travel for 2 months and DB sells out FAST)

How will it differ from V2? 

[Image: 6JdNbAw.jpg]

Great drawing my friend! Love these! 

Ok so I’m planing on a early Fall release of the V3 and it will be in the new F Base which I’m very excited about. I’m predicting it will be better performing than V1 or V2. If you are going to be gone when it is released, that’s no problem as I have a waiting list now for the V3 release and I can put you on it and yours will be waiting for you when you get back.  Send me your info in a pm or email as I want to make sure I put you on it. 
I hope your journey is full of discovery & new experiences. Going back I and a couple of my buddies alone with 2 dogs went on a 6 month trip around the US from NY to FL then along the southern coast to the south west and all the western states. Then headed back to NY going the northern route. So we saw a good portion of the US and pretty much camped the whole time. So many stories about that trip. So glad I did it. 

So get in touch! 

Thanks Frank, I’ll get you my info and CC info if necessary.  I’ve been enjoying the darkness of Dragonsbeard since v1 made its debut at the Maggards meet and want to continue the tradition! Wow does that seem like it was ages ago!? Was summer 2019.  My brother was yapping with you, I was at Peter Wolf’s table drooling over his work. I can’t wait until they do that meet again, it will be a lot of fun to put faces to the names of the members here who attend.

Unfortunately my work travel brings me to petroleum-slicks and disasters.  Hurricanes, Oceans and Petro don’t go well. A real Holiday won’t happen until December and hopefully we’re (my family) discovering new hiking trails and fun beaches. Hopefully the politicians will ease up on their current cash grab and allow us commoners some travel.

DanLaw and Dragonsbeard like this post

I like Pizza
(08-21-2021, 11:12 PM)Dragonsbeard Wrote: Contest Announcement: 

So I had a contest on another site and I think it's time to have one here as well. This one is for a new Collection name I need and for some reason I'm drawing a blank on this one.  So this Collection is all about Herbal Extracts, Forests, Ferns, Green plants and trees, etc. I think you get the drift. I'll be adding products in this collection as we move towards the fall and winter seasons. 

So here is the prize. 

1 Vanilla Safi 4 oz size jar of Shave soap. - Retail - $125.00
1. Custom  Reméde serum with Vanilla Safi Aroma Blend. - Retail $75.00 

Total value of the prize = $200.00 

The contest will start immediately after this post goes up and I'm going to post it in my merchant's section as well. 

The contest will end on Monday, Sept 30th at 12 noon EST.

This contest has only a few rules. 
1. Each person can pick up to 4 names. 
2. You can start with 1 or 2 picks and then go back and add more until you get to 4 picks. 
3. You can edit 1 of your picks during this period but you must mark it in Green next to the pick you are changing and put a line through the one you are eliminating from your 4 picks. This will make it easier to go over when I go through everyone's picks. 

That's it and good luck everyone and please let's keep this contest fun! 

Best regards! 


[Image: y7HvIe3.jpg]
My contest pick is:

“Valle Verde” which is simply “Green Valley” in Italian (and Spanish)

(09-03-2021, 06:57 AM)ExtraProtein Wrote:
(08-05-2021, 05:23 AM)Dragonsbeard Wrote: ExtraProteinFrank, what’s the word on Dragonsbeard V3? 

Any preview of release dates?  (Asking because I’m gearing up to travel for 2 months and DB sells out FAST)

How will it differ from V2? 

[Image: 6JdNbAw.jpg]

Great drawing my friend! Love these! 

Ok so I’m planing on a early Fall release of the V3 and it will be in the new F Base which I’m very excited about. I’m predicting it will be better performing than V1 or V2. If you are going to be gone when it is released, that’s no problem as I have a waiting list now for the V3 release and I can put you on it and yours will be waiting for you when you get back.  Send me your info in a pm or email as I want to make sure I put you on it. 
I hope your journey is full of discovery & new experiences. Going back I and a couple of my buddies alone with 2 dogs went on a 6 month trip around the US from NY to FL then along the southern coast to the south west and all the western states. Then headed back to NY going the northern route. So we saw a good portion of the US and pretty much camped the whole time. So many stories about that trip. So glad I did it. 

So get in touch! 

Thanks Frank, I’ll get you my info and CC info if necessary.  I’ve been enjoying the darkness of Dragonsbeard since v1 made its debut at the Maggards meet and want to continue the tradition! Wow does that seem like it was ages ago!? Was summer 2019.  My brother was yapping with you, I was at Peter Wolf’s table drooling over his work. I can’t wait until they do that meet again, it will be a lot of fun to put faces to the names of the members here who attend.

Unfortunately my work travel brings me to petroleum-slicks and disasters.  Hurricanes, Oceans and Petro don’t go well. A real Holiday won’t happen until December and hopefully we’re (my family) discovering new hiking trails and fun beaches. Hopefully the politicians will ease up on their current cash grab and allow us commoners some travel.

Good memories my friend and your right it seems so long ago since the Maggard Meet and it was good putting a face on some of the people we talk to daily on here. I still got and use that Wolf Whiskers brush I got there. I’m hoping they have one in 2022. 

On the V3 of the Dragonsbeard Shave soap, I’m going to start it soon as I’m hoping to be able to release it in early October and maybe even on the 1st which is my B Day. 

I know the feeling of not being able to travel. My plans to go visit my family in Italy have been put on hold twice and the need to take a vacation is really calling me a lot lately. Sounds like your job travels are probably a bit stressful with what’s going on currently. 

Thanks for reaching out to me and if you ever have time for a phone chat I’d really like to not only catch up but I had an idea I’d I would like to discuss with you. Pm me if and when that may be possible. 

Best regards! 


jbreakfield, ExtraProtein, DanLaw and 1 others like this post
So I made this Personal Blend Skin Food Splash for a customer today as he wanted a Aroma blend that was what I call a Ginger ale type scent only I did it naturally using only Organic Essential Oils of Lemon, Lime and Ginger. After making it I doubled the batch I liked it so much and guess who’s got one for himself.  This aroma is so clean and refreshing I can’t stop smelling it! This may have to be regular offering next spring in a Shave soap etc also as it’s a perfect Summer scent!  If anyone wants one of these made I got permission from the gentlemen who I made it for to make more of someone wants one.  I’m going to put this aroma blend as an option in the drop down menu in the Custom Collection under Personal Blends right after Labor Day which by the way I hope you all have a very enjoyable one with friends and family! 

[Image: Km0tsKQ.jpg]

jbreakfield, muelex, DanLaw and 3 others like this post

So now that the Labor Day holiday weekend is pretty much over ( at least on the East Coast ) I figured I’d post some updates that Ive been wanting to get up before this but thought I’d wait till tonight. 

1.  First thing I’d like to go over is ordering & shipping on the ETHOS website. So as some know I was put on a limitation because I had two words posted on the website, CBD and Cannabis which is against PayPals policy. Especially without notifying them which I was completely unaware of as I’ve seen many CBD products being sold online. Anyway I complied very quickly and took them down and PayPal took that into consideration and just recently reinstated my account so once again PayPal is one  of the payment options when checking out.  In my talks with them i learned that they do have a variant policy that allows CBD to be sold on a website using a type of app that basically allows you as a customer to buy the CBD products but you can’t check out using PayPal. I’m looking into that but also plan on registering for a permit to be authorized to sell it but from I’ve been told by the owners of the CBD company I work for that it can take 3 or 4 months to get approval so we’ll see how this all plays out. The shave soaps and serums are now in a climate controlled environment in the CBD labs and are just fine and probably the soaps will be even better with more time to cure.  

2.  I have been working the last 10 days completely alone as my assistant is on vacation and I’m happy for her to be able to get away and see CA with her family but at mine end I unknowingly got slammed by the biggest amount of orders I’ve ever gotten in such a short period, so trying to do everything including making some new products along with some products that I ran out of because of the number of orders I got. I also had a few custom products I squeezed in and of course trying to fill and ship the orders. So overwhelmed is putting it mildly!  Riley will be back on Wednesday and it can’t come quick enough. 

3. Continuing on the subject of ordering & shipping I’ve had a few of the same situations come up this past 10 days I’d like to address. Here’s an example. So a customer orders and pays for 3 separate orders within a 12 hr time period and then messages me if I can ship them all together so that not only they can get all their products in one box but also when combining the 3 separate orders it would easily surpass the $75 Free Shipping threshold and I totally get that. Here’s the problem, anyone of those orders had a weight to them and the shipping is calculated based on weight and distance. Well if I were to put all 3 orders in one box. Any one of those 3 shipping labels would not reflect the true weight of the parcel and if I tried using one of them that let’s say was only 1 lb when the combined 3 orders might weigh 4.6 lbs I don’t think the USPS or UPS would appreciate that. The only way I could do that is to cancel all 3 of the orders and issue a refund and have them reorder all the items at one time.  All of that takes time not only to do it but also I had to in a couple cases contact the customer to ask a question before moving forward with the order,  so that  makes it take even more time to get the order out the door on its way to the customer. So the main message here is please give some thought when ordering and if possible please place one order with however many products you wish. Also please understand that if I get multiple orders over a certain amount of time they may go out as 3 separate orders, and in some cases forfeiting what would have qualified you for Free Shipping had you combined your order into one. I mean it’s a win, win for both of us if you do.  Don’t get me wrong order as you please but I just wanted to make you aware of this type of situation. Also while I’m on shipping I just want those that ordered especially some of the out of the USA orders because I’m alone and because of the shear amount of the orders I got and throw in the loss of the holiday today and tomorrow I work at my other job so many orders won’t go out till Wednesday. Oh and just so you know I ship on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 

3. I NEED TESTERS! So as I’ve mentioned before I’m coming out with a Non Tallow Shave Creme. Well I have 2 separate formulas and I keep going back and forth on which one to release as I like them both but it’s not me I have to please but many of you. My customers.  So what I’m looking for is like 6 people to test both formulas. Obviously a blind test as one will be marked A and the other B and let the testers tell me which one worked best and why. BTW these are both Cremes not crops. Very soft and shinny. Both lather up like crazy and a half a teaspoon will produce more than enough for 4 or 5 passes at least on my face. I’m probably going to put some kind of simple aroma blend in the samples. 

So how about this.  I’ll put in 6 slots below and the first people to sign up will be the testers. US only please as I’d like to release the shaving cream within the next couple of weeks. So please copy and paste the 1 - 6 list as you sign up. 
Then please send me your complete shipping information via an email to 
Ethosgroomingessentials @gmail.com 


Got a lot of new things coming out from now until the 1st of 2022. With more updates coming. 

Happy trails all 


jbreakfield likes this post
(09-07-2021, 04:48 AM)Dragonsbeard Wrote: UPDATES: 

So now that the Labor Day holiday weekend is pretty much over ( at least on the East Coast ) I figured I’d post some updates that Ive been wanting to get up before this but thought I’d wait till tonight. 

1.  First thing I’d like to go over is ordering & shipping on the ETHOS website. So as some know I was put on a limitation because I had two words posted on the website, CBD and Cannabis which is against PayPals policy. Especially without notifying them which I was completely unaware of as I’ve seen many CBD products being sold online. Anyway I complied very quickly and took them down and PayPal took that into consideration and just recently reinstated my account so once again PayPal is one  of the payment options when checking out.  In my talks with them i learned that they do have a variant policy that allows CBD to be sold on a website using a type of app that basically allows you as a customer to buy the CBD products but you can’t check out using PayPal. I’m looking into that but also plan on registering for a permit to be authorized to sell it but from I’ve been told by the owners of the CBD company I work for that it can take 3 or 4 months to get approval so we’ll see how this all plays out. The shave soaps and serums are now in a climate controlled environment in the CBD labs and are just fine and probably the soaps will be even better with more time to cure.  

2.  I have been working the last 10 days completely alone as my assistant is on vacation and I’m happy for her to be able to get away and see CA with her family but at mine end I unknowingly got slammed by the biggest amount of orders I’ve ever gotten in such a short period, so trying to do everything including making some new products along with some products that I ran out of because of the number of orders I got. I also had a few custom products I squeezed in and of course trying to fill and ship the orders. So overwhelmed is putting it mildly!  Riley will be back on Wednesday and it can’t come quick enough. 

3. Continuing on the subject of ordering & shipping I’ve had a few of the same situations come up this past 10 days I’d like to address. Here’s an example. So a customer orders and pays for 3 separate orders within a 12 hr time period and then messages me if I can ship them all together so that not only they can get all their products in one box but also when combining the 3 separate orders it would easily surpass the $75 Free Shipping threshold and I totally get that. Here’s the problem, anyone of those orders had a weight to them and the shipping is calculated based on weight and distance. Well if I were to put all 3 orders in one box. Any one of those 3 shipping labels would not reflect the true weight of the parcel and if I tried using one of them that let’s say was only 1 lb when the combined 3 orders might weigh 4.6 lbs I don’t think the USPS or UPS would appreciate that. The only way I could do that is to cancel all 3 of the orders and issue a refund and have them reorder all the items at one time.  All of that takes time not only to do it but also I had to in a couple cases contact the customer to ask a question before moving forward with the order,  so that  makes it take even more time to get the order out the door on its way to the customer. So the main message here is please give some thought when ordering and if possible please place one order with however many products you wish. Also please understand that if I get multiple orders over a certain amount of time they may go out as 3 separate orders, and in some cases forfeiting what would have qualified you for Free Shipping had you combined your order into one. I mean it’s a win, win for both of us if you do.  Don’t get me wrong order as you please but I just wanted to make you aware of this type of situation. Also while I’m on shipping I just want those that ordered especially some of the out of the USA orders because I’m alone and because of the shear amount of the orders I got and throw in the loss of the holiday today and tomorrow I work at my other job so many orders won’t go out till Wednesday. Oh and just so you know I ship on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 

3. I NEED TESTERS! So as I’ve mentioned before I’m coming out with a Non Tallow Shave Creme. Well I have 2 separate formulas and I keep going back and forth on which one to release as I like them both but it’s not me I have to please but many of you. My customers.  So what I’m looking for is like 6 people to test both formulas. Obviously a blind test as one will be marked A and the other B and let the testers tell me which one worked best and why. BTW these are both Cremes not crops. Very soft and shinny. Both lather up like crazy and a half a teaspoon will produce more than enough for 4 or 5 passes at least on my face. I’m probably going to put some kind of simple aroma blend in the samples. 

So how about this.  I’ll put in 6 slots below and the first people to sign up will be the testers. US only please as I’d like to release the shaving cream within the next couple of weeks. So please copy and paste the 1 - 6 list as you sign up. 
Then please send me your complete shipping information via an email to 
Ethosgroomingessentials @gmail.com 


Got a lot of new things coming out from now until the 1st of 2022. With more updates coming. 

Happy trails all 


1. Glock

Dragonsbeard likes this post
(09-07-2021, 04:48 AM)Dragonsbeard Wrote: UPDATES: 

So now that the Labor Day holiday weekend is pretty much over ( at least on the East Coast ) I figured I’d post some updates that Ive been wanting to get up before this but thought I’d wait till tonight. 

1.  First thing I’d like to go over is ordering & shipping on the ETHOS website. So as some know I was put on a limitation because I had two words posted on the website, CBD and Cannabis which is against PayPals policy. Especially without notifying them which I was completely unaware of as I’ve seen many CBD products being sold online. Anyway I complied very quickly and took them down and PayPal took that into consideration and just recently reinstated my account so once again PayPal is one  of the payment options when checking out.  In my talks with them i learned that they do have a variant policy that allows CBD to be sold on a website using a type of app that basically allows you as a customer to buy the CBD products but you can’t check out using PayPal. I’m looking into that but also plan on registering for a permit to be authorized to sell it but from I’ve been told by the owners of the CBD company I work for that it can take 3 or 4 months to get approval so we’ll see how this all plays out. The shave soaps and serums are now in a climate controlled environment in the CBD labs and are just fine and probably the soaps will be even better with more time to cure.  

2.  I have been working the last 10 days completely alone as my assistant is on vacation and I’m happy for her to be able to get away and see CA with her family but at mine end I unknowingly got slammed by the biggest amount of orders I’ve ever gotten in such a short period, so trying to do everything including making some new products along with some products that I ran out of because of the number of orders I got. I also had a few custom products I squeezed in and of course trying to fill and ship the orders. So overwhelmed is putting it mildly!  Riley will be back on Wednesday and it can’t come quick enough. 

3. Continuing on the subject of ordering & shipping I’ve had a few of the same situations come up this past 10 days I’d like to address. Here’s an example. So a customer orders and pays for 3 separate orders within a 12 hr time period and then messages me if I can ship them all together so that not only they can get all their products in one box but also when combining the 3 separate orders it would easily surpass the $75 Free Shipping threshold and I totally get that. Here’s the problem, anyone of those orders had a weight to them and the shipping is calculated based on weight and distance. Well if I were to put all 3 orders in one box. Any one of those 3 shipping labels would not reflect the true weight of the parcel and if I tried using one of them that let’s say was only 1 lb when the combined 3 orders might weigh 4.6 lbs I don’t think the USPS or UPS would appreciate that. The only way I could do that is to cancel all 3 of the orders and issue a refund and have them reorder all the items at one time.  All of that takes time not only to do it but also I had to in a couple cases contact the customer to ask a question before moving forward with the order,  so that  makes it take even more time to get the order out the door on its way to the customer. So the main message here is please give some thought when ordering and if possible please place one order with however many products you wish. Also please understand that if I get multiple orders over a certain amount of time they may go out as 3 separate orders, and in some cases forfeiting what would have qualified you for Free Shipping had you combined your order into one. I mean it’s a win, win for both of us if you do.  Don’t get me wrong order as you please but I just wanted to make you aware of this type of situation. Also while I’m on shipping I just want those that ordered especially some of the out of the USA orders because I’m alone and because of the shear amount of the orders I got and throw in the loss of the holiday today and tomorrow I work at my other job so many orders won’t go out till Wednesday. Oh and just so you know I ship on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 

3. I NEED TESTERS! So as I’ve mentioned before I’m coming out with a Non Tallow Shave Creme. Well I have 2 separate formulas and I keep going back and forth on which one to release as I like them both but it’s not me I have to please but many of you. My customers.  So what I’m looking for is like 6 people to test both formulas. Obviously a blind test as one will be marked A and the other B and let the testers tell me which one worked best and why. BTW these are both Cremes not crops. Very soft and shinny. Both lather up like crazy and a half a teaspoon will produce more than enough for 4 or 5 passes at least on my face. I’m probably going to put some kind of simple aroma blend in the samples. 

So how about this.  I’ll put in 6 slots below and the first people to sign up will be the testers. US only please as I’d like to release the shaving cream within the next couple of weeks. So please copy and paste the 1 - 6 list as you sign up. 
Then please send me your complete shipping information via an email to 
Ethosgroomingessentials @gmail.com 


Got a lot of new things coming out from now until the 1st of 2022. With more updates coming. 

Happy trails all 


1. Glock
2. Marhos24

1. Glock
2. Marhos24
3. Patriot
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