
Don’t know how many saw this thread below over in my merchant section but I thought I’d post it here also and I’ve got a question to ask. After reading about this product what name do you like better. I’m going to order the labels tomorrow and I’m going back and forth on 3 names. Which one do you like best? 

          Renew   Restore   Revive 

So a couple of shaving friends of mine are quite the collector of high quality shaving brushes and in conversations over the phone I’ve heard them talk about issues with shaving brushes in general like some of them have a funky smell to them when they first get them. Also they’ve mentioned that some seem to have a coating on them so they don’t lather very well until their broken in. Also issues like they get a build up from shave soaps and even after a good rinsing the hairs seem to separate and the not doesn’t get as full after drying and again there’s separation. Hard water can also add build up on a brush which happens to human hair as well. In the hair industry which I’ve been a part of there’s what we call “ cosmetic weight build up “ that comes mostly from hair products an especially styling products. There’s also environmental build up that can come in many forms. A couple of examples are, let’s say you are working as a auto mechanic an working with grease a lot well that can do it or a chef especially a short order one who’s standing over a grill all day. I think you get the picture. Well in the hair business we have had for years what are called “  Clarifying shampoos “ which if formulated properly have chelating ingredients in them to deep clean the hair and remove the build up. Some work great while others rely on high PH and harsh surfactants which can dry the heck out of the hair. Also a lot of women and some men get their hair colored or bleached and get a permanent waves and hair straightening. All pretty harsh chemicals found in these products like ammonia and high volume peroxide and even admit formaldehyde vapors which is not healthy to breath in. Well some years back a very well known cosmetic chemist who I’ve worked with on many projects along with a well known hair and skin care ingredient company along with a large fragrance company came up with a formula that not only gets rid of cosmetic weight build up but chemical vapors and eliminates the odors that they give out. The formula is pretty awesome and it’s in my professional use only line and is way beyond what a common clarifying  shampoo can do. It is only sold to salon & spa licensed professionals. Here’s an example of what I do if I’m doing a class on using it. I take pure ammonia which if anyone has used it is pretty powerful aroma wise an enough so that if you try to smell it with your nose to the bottle I’ll guarantee you’ll back off as fast as you can! Lol So I take a few drops in a small glass condiment bowl and pass it around the class so that each person can get a whiff. Well like I said they usually don’t even get it near their nose before making a face like I ain’t getting that any closer to my nose! I then ask the last person to pass it back up. I then take about a teaspoon of the product and mix it in the ammonia and let it sit for about 10 to 15 seconds and then pass the bowl around the class again. They are shocked that they can’t smell the ammonia at all anymore and bring the bowl right up to their noses. I tell them hair color, bleach and perms only have between 4 to 6% ammonia in them and the product not only got rid of the smell but the vapors of 100% ammonia! That usually gets them onboard as chemicals and their  vaporous gasses are not only bad for hair & scalp but also to breath in day after day. 

I have thought about making a commercial version as like I mentioned it’s amazing at not only deep cleaning gently, neutralizing chemical vapors & gasses but the way it eliminates odors. Here’s a funny example of a potential use for it and you guys might get a kick out of it. Being Italian I cook with a lot and use a lot of garlic and onions so I keep a small pump bottle of it I made for myself right on the sink as it completely gets rid of the smell on my hands when I give myself a 20 second hand wash with it. 

Well after giving you the history of my hair product I decided to use the technology that’s in that product to create a shave brush cleaner only I modified and simplified the formula since we are not dealing with harsh chemicals on shave brushes but we are dealing with build up from the butters and oils found in shave soaps and creams. Also dealing with a build up of fragrances on our brushes and strong synthetic fragrance oils would be contribute to that more than mild or most natural essential oils would. The funky odor of a new brush or in some cases the oils that some brush brands/ makers use to protect the brushes in transit. I’ve gotten a couple of custom brushes from Europe that had the oil coating on them and they couldn’t build a good lather right out of the box. Also had that funky smell to them. Using dish detergent is not a good remedy as it’s high PH and some brands would definitely not be recommended to be used on any kind of hair be it human or animal as it could dry the heck out of the hair. I’ve used my professional cleaner on those brushes and honestly it’s a bit of overkill but it worked great but I never gave a thought to making a shave brush cleaner until my 2 friends brought it up. I see some brush cleaners out there out there but what I see is shave soap with butters and oils in them so to me that’s kind of counter productive in my humble opinion. I mean your trying to remove the build up of butters and oils. So maybe you can see my point. Odor alone can be removed using vinegar but it’s very acidic and the smell can linger for a while so not an option. At least for me. 

So anyway I just used these two new products on two new high end shave brush which didn’t feel quite right when I got them ( not naming names ) but after using both products on it the brushes the  knots feels amazing. Also had the build up problem on one of my synthetic brushes and the brush cleaner alone took care of the problem quickly. 

The bottles are filled and I’m just waiting for my graphic designer to create the label and then get them up on the site. 
I’d like to to thank my two shaving buddies for pushing me to create these products. I don’t have a large  brush collection but what I do have I’d like them to perform at their potential. So using these 2 products now and then to me would be good maintenance. 

Anyway here’s a photo of the unlabeled bottles. They are 4 oz with a dispensing cap on then for easy use. 

I’ll post up the finished product and usage information as soon as their ready to go up on the website. 

Great shaves

[Image: 0GIXNsi.jpg]

zaclikestoshave, pork, Patelliott and 1 others like this post

NYC | Singapore
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2021, 11:18 AM by stesa.)
My suggestion would be to be more specific, i.e., Brush Renewer, since there is a small chance these R words may be used for future serums.

Otherwise, to answer the directly, my vote would be for Renew.

Smattayu, Dragonsbeard and mrdoug like this post
- Shi Yuan

New York
(05-10-2021, 11:10 AM)stesa Wrote: My suggestion would be to be more specific, i.e., Brush Renewer, since there is a small chance these R words may be used for future serums.

Otherwise, to answer the directly, my vote would be for Renew.
Very good point stesa .

I think, of those, revive would least likely be used for a serum or balm for the face, if you are looking for a one word title Frank.

All three are good at face value though.

stesa and Dragonsbeard like this post
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2021, 01:57 PM by Dragonsbeard.)

Ok I should of added the tag line or the subtitle which would be.

Clarifying Shave Brush wash and odor eliminator

So that’s what the product does. So does the description change anything as far as the name?

stesa Brush Renew is a good name.

Smattayu likes this post

(This post was last modified: 05-10-2021, 02:28 PM by Patelliott.)
I think all three names would work. I kind of like Brush Restore. If you think about old brushes that may have a funk or have soap residue all in it, or the bristles are real stiff and tough, then the wash and conditioner would restore the hair/fibers to its original condition. Also if it is a wash and conditioner in separate bottles you could do Brush Retore for the wash and Brush Renew for the conditioner. Or “Restore: Step 1” and “Restore: Step 2”. I’m excited for it to hit the shelves Frank!

New York
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2021, 02:23 PM by mrdoug.)
(05-10-2021, 01:40 PM)Dragonsbeard Wrote: mrdoug

Ok I should of added the tag line or the subtitle which would be.

Clarifying Shave Brush wash and odor eliminator

So that’s what the product does. So does the description change anything as far as the name?

stesa Brush Renew is a good name.
Yep, I knew you were taking about the brush wash. I was saying, to expound on what stesa said, if you were looking for a one word name, revive is least likely to fit for other products (so it's safer?). That said, it's also a little morbid... Revive it, like it's dead? Lol.
[Image: giphy.gif?cid=349c9dd7ch942iskkwd85uh1nf...y.gif&ct=g]

Marhos24 likes this post

NYC | Singapore
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2021, 02:34 PM by stesa.)
Just a simple mock-up with the subtitles - if you have those, I guess we can dispense with the extra "brush" in front to maintain a clean aesthetic. I don't think you can go wrong either way, and I would also agree that "restore" is used more often with regards to shaving brushes. 

I initially thought "renew" would be a refreshing change, but I now see why it could be less clear / more confusing.

Also, cleaned up the subtitle text a little, since washes like this may also be used for makeup brushes too.

[Image: VmKzy2h.jpg]

Dragonsbeard, mrdoug and Patelliott like this post
- Shi Yuan
No strong opinion on Renew vs Restore but curious: about how many brush washes will 4 ounces handle?
(This post was last modified: 05-10-2021, 03:08 PM by frenchy.)
I like Revive or Revival…Based on your description that’s exactly what this product does..
(05-10-2021, 02:33 PM)stesa Wrote: Just a simple mock-up with the subtitles - if you have those, I guess we can dispense with the extra "brush" in front to maintain a clean aesthetic. I don't think you can go wrong either way, and I would also agree that "restore" is used more often with regards to shaving brushes. 

I initially thought "renew" would be a refreshing change, but I now see why it could be less clear / more confusing.

Also, cleaned up the subtitle text a little, since washes like this may also be used for makeup brushes too.

[Image: VmKzy2h.jpg]

Perfect! I’m going with the Restore and thank you for the help.  

I’m actually leaving to meet with my graphic designer right now so I’ll show her this. 

Thank you so much for the extra effort. I’ll be in touch!

Smattayu, stesa and mrdoug like this post

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