
Frank...thanks for planning to make a Rose shave cream.  For some reason, the Rose creams that have been on the market (only a handful are still available) all have a stronger scent profile than the Rose shaving soaps I have tried (for which I have no explanation).  Based on your skills and success in bringing some of the best shaving products to market, I cannot wait to try your Rose line.  Also, a massive thanks for bringing some alcohol free aftershave and lotions to market.  Recently, I have had skin reactions to most alcohol based products and your products have prevented any adverse skin rashes and break-outs.  I hope you feel better and best wishes for a total recovery.

AlphaFrank75, Nero, WhiskeyJack and 5 others like this post
(03-04-2023, 04:13 AM)Captainjonny Wrote: Frank...thanks for planning to make a Rose shave cream.  For some reason, the Rose creams that have been on the market (only a handful are still available) all have a stronger scent profile than the Rose shaving soaps I have tried (for which I have no explanation).  Based on your skills and success in bringing some of the best shaving products to market, I cannot wait to try your Rose line.  Also, a massive thanks for bringing some alcohol free aftershave and lotions to market.  Recently, I have had skin reactions to most alcohol based products and your products have prevented any adverse skin rashes and break-outs.  I hope you feel better and best wishes for a total recovery.

Thank you sir for the thoughtful and encouraging words. 

First off I’m feeling a little better daily and I can’t wait to get back to work as I’m bored to death staying home. 

As far as the Shaving Creme vs Shaving Soap in regards to scent strength in my findings making both of my current formulas and the process of making them here’s my thoughts and current conclusion. If I put certain Aroma ingredients in like Grapefruit Essential Oil for example and I put in the same 6% in each product because of the heat the EO has to withstand when making shave soap that particular EO’s scent strength is quite diminished compared to the Shave Creme where the Aroma and in this case the Grapefruit EO the integrity and scent strength is much more pronounced in the Shave Creme. One of the reasons there are some Aroma ingredients and blends I’ll only make a Shave Creme in from now on. 

With that said, with some Aroma ingredients and blends you can up the percentage of the Aroma ingredients in the Shave Soap to get you to a scent strength that’s similar to the Shave Cremes.  With the Grapefruit that is not so. If probably have to put so much in the Shave Soap that it would negatively affect the performance of the Shave soap. So that’s why I’d not do a pure Grapefruit Shave Soap. Of course I could get a little more scent strength if I used either a pre-done synthetic Grapefruit fragrance oil or use an Aroma Chemical but then it wouldn’t smell like using the Grapefruit EO. Rose EO or Absolute is not like that. An as a floral it has good natural scent strength so I won’t have to use a very high percentage of the blend in the Shave Soap to achieve the same as it would be in the Shave Creme. I will note though it will require a bit higher amount compared to the Shave Creme.  Also in my findings the Aroma whatever it is comes out slightly different in each base and I’m not talking about scent  strength but more about integrity of the scent when compared to the pure Aroma blend that was put into the products.  An I’ll make note that I also see that happen even in my two Shave Soap bases even though they are both put in at the same temperature. I believe it’s just the ingredients in the base aroma aside that makes it slightly different. I’ve experienced this with my Lavender Supreme. The F Base and the S  Base final scent although is the same exact blend there is a slight difference between the two and in the case of the Lavender I think the S Bade is closer to the Lavender EO smelling it right out of the bottle than it is in the F Base. It’s still is very good in the F Base but it’s just not exactly like the S Base. Now the next time I make the F Base Lavender I’m assuming that if I slightly increase the amount of the EO it will take be as one with the S Base. I want to make it clear I’m only talking about the Lavender Supreme. Other Aroma blends come out pretty much the same but each Aroma has to be adjusted based on that particular Shave Soap base and each batch.  

As a conclusion I’m going to try and get the F Base Shave Soap to be as close to the Shave Creme and without actually doing it yet it’s my opinion that no matter what I do the Shave Creme to a trained nose will slightly represent the integrity of the Aroma Blend but to the average nose they won’t be able to tell the difference as it would be unlike the Grapefruit where almost anyone could smell the difference between the two.  A little more information. The average person starts to loose their nose when smelling Aromas in 5 to 7 scents. In comparison to a Grand master perfumer who’s naturally gifted and trained nose can do a 1000 before loosing their nose. Master Perfumers such as the ones that work at big Fragrance houses are about at the 300 scents.  Any none trained individuals that can smell over 10 is lucky or self trained. Probably a lite of both. I’m the shaving community because hobbyist smell so many different scents it’s my belief that there are more that can smell 10 or over because they are self tearing wether they know it or not. I will add like muscle, with age of left not exercised regularly the mulches start to diminish as dose the nose. That’s why really goof perfumers not only stay on top of their game by exercising their scent olfactory senses. They also if their smart attend work classes. Nowadays it’s great that we can attend classes like this online by zooming.  Some are free and some are very expensive. There are still live and in person classes available both privately and sometimes at cosmetic trade shows. 

Sorry I went into such a deep exploration but I guess this is what happens when you have to much time at home with nothing to do. Lol

Best regards!

WhiskeyJack, frenchy, DanLaw and 1 others like this post

Posting Freak
While your'e at home recovering and possibly drifting in an out of fever induced delirium you may want to give some thought to new fragrances, blends products or even another bay rum!!  Big Grin  I'm only half kidding as I have done some of my best thinking in a feverish state.  Not sure if the elevated temperature gets the brain neuron's firing faster or differently but I can recall back in my university days getting sick around final exam time but surprisingly getting some of the best final exams marks Ive ever had.  Not that I'm going looking to get sick to boost my brain...just saying.  I hope you get well as fast as possible.

DanLaw and Dragonsbeard like this post
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2023, 01:22 AM by Dragonsbeard.)
(03-04-2023, 06:21 PM)Marko Wrote: While your'e at home recovering and possibly drifting in an out of fever induced delirium you may want to give some thought to new fragrances, blends products or even another bay rum!!  Big Grin  I'm only half kidding as I have done some of my best thinking in a feverish state.  Not sure if the elevated temperature gets the brain neuron's firing faster or differently but I can recall back in my university days getting sick around final exam time but surprisingly getting some of the best final exams marks Ive ever had.  Not that I'm going looking to get sick to boost my brain...just saying.  I hope you get well as fast as possible.


You bring up an interesting point and I’m not sure it’s happened to me. I will say these medicines I’m on has me up at all kinds of crazy hours as it effects my sleep.  I don’t know if the stimulant effects give me any more creativity as thinking of new things has always just come naturally. When I was younger and playing music melodies and lyrics would come to me in all kinds of ways. I remember I used to keep a little portable tape recorder with me at all times to make sure I wouldn’t forget what had come to me. I haven’t done music in years but that’s another story. 

Creativity can be a blessing but it can also be overwhelming at times as they come to often and hard to keep in check at times but It’s kind of what I like about this business and working for myself as I don’t have anyone keeping me corralled and telling me what to do or think. 

I think I’ve got to many Aroma Blend ideas but I’m lucky I have an App on my phone where I write them down for maybe another day. You know how I feel about Bay Rum and I’m happy to tell you that I not only got some West Indian Bay Leaves right from a person in Jamaica but also some really nice Bay Rum Essential oil and they even had a Tincture which smells great so I think I can make the next batch even a little better just by using these Bay Rum ingredients instead of the ones ones I used last time.  

Sounds like fevers been good to you my friend! Lol 

Have a great weekend!

DanLaw, TheHunter, Marko and 2 others like this post

So I’m home and thinking about all the things I have to do when I go back to work which hopefully I get the ok from the Doctor at tomorrow morning’s appointment. I’m feeling better, certainly not 100% but better and I’ll go with that. I’ve got to get back to work as soon as I can because I’ve not only fallen behind on the projects I’ve got going pertaining to products but the first thing I need to do is get all the customers orders out to them. It’s damn embarrassing how long some of these folks have been waiting and to make matters worse I’ve been getting a lot of new orders as these people must not be on any Shaving forums or Social media where I’ve posted my health issues and what their orders have been delayed.  Anyway that’s top priority!  My assistant will be back in Rochester on the 10th of March and he will be into work immediately as I know he feels badly about leaving me but to be clear he had this family vacation planned before he started working with me and he left for the vacation 2 days before I got hit with the whole health issue. 

Great shaves! 


jbreakfield, Dave in KY, frenchy and 2 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 03-05-2023, 05:03 PM by Dragonsbeard.)
Input needed: 

Ok it’s Sunday and I don’t expect a lot of feedback today but I’m hoping Monday will bring more people back on here. 

Topic- Vanilla Safi 

[Image: uUdftL6.jpg]

So first off this is just one thing I’ve been thinking and it’s been on my mind since the last release as I’ve gotten numerous emails, texts and it’s come up many times in conversations with my customers/friends.  Post shave products to go with the Vanilla Safi. My thoughts way back then were no one wants to put a straight Vanilla Aftershave or EDT on and wear the scent. Well things have changed somewhat and here are some of my thoughts why.  I have made several Custom Revitalizing Serums with the Vanilla Safi natural Aroma blend just as it is without adding any other Aroma ingredients in. It smells and works great in the serum and that’s the feedback I’ve gotten for the gents that have purchased it for not only themselves but it seems like the ladies really like Vanilla as well or even more so as some guys have said “ my wife stole mine almost immediately after I got it so I need another bottle for myself “  I’ve heard that line many times since introducing skin care products into the line up and I get a kick out of it. 

Anyway so I’ve also done some Serums, Splashes and a few EDT’s for customers that either had their own strong opinions on what Aroma ingredients they wanted added to the Vanilla Safi or they have asked me my thoughts and I’ll usually stick with one or two options as I don’t want to totally loose that beautiful Vanilla Aroma that’s so warm and relaxing. Well at least to me and it’s what most others say about it that have the Shave Soap if I were to quote the majority of them. 

So I usually suggest these blends. 

1. Vanilla and Tonka Bean - they go so well together as Tonka Bean has its own Vanilla vibe to it but brings other notes to the table. Great pairing. 

2. Vanilla, Tonka Bean and Mysore Sandalwood as all 3 I have have that nice creaminess to them that also blends so well with the other two and again having a little woody base in there takes it to another place. 

3. Vanilla, Tonka Bean, Mysore Sandalwood and Red Champaca Absolute. I’ve only done two of these and one was in an EDT  and the other in the Serum. Both were for the same customer. To be honest this blend is quite expensive as Red, Yellow, Orange and White Champaca are some of the worlds most expensive Aroma ingredients. On the Normal list the Red is usually in the top 3 to 4 .. if Vintage Essential oils and Absolutes are included on the lists then prices get absolutely ridiculous expensive. I’ve actually seen a vintage Oud at $5,000 and oz! Most expensive Aroma ingredient to date I’ve run into. Anyway Red Champaca runs somewhere between $500 to $1,100 an oz. I get a good price from my one supplier but still very expensive. Good thing is it’s in the blend so little is needed to make what I call a magical aroma experience. Anyway was one blend. An sorry for the long explanation but Red Champaca that all by itself takes you on an olfactory journey like very few others. It’s almost 
Sacrilegious to mix it with anything. It’s used as an Attar. 

Anyway so what I’m looking for is some input and the number of people that seem to be the same page on what would be a good blend to use as the Aroma blend to go with Vanilla Safi. I’ll be interested to see how many would just like to use only the Vanilla as I’ve definitely had some customers say they’d wear a straight Vanilla. 

I’m interested in hearing the replies! 

Oh and have a great Sunday! 


DanLaw, Dave in KY, WildShaver and 2 others like this post

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
Bourbon and Vanilla

Dragonsbeard, dtownvino, TommyCarioca and 1 others like this post

(This post was last modified: 03-05-2023, 05:41 PM by Itsallgravy.)
(03-05-2023, 04:57 PM)Dragonsbeard Wrote: Input needed: 

Ok it’s Sunday and I don’t expect a lot of feedback today but I’m hoping Monday will bring more people back on here. 

Topic- Vanilla Safi 

[Image: uUdftL6.jpg]

So first off this is just one thing I’ve been thinking and it’s been on my mind since the last release as I’ve gotten numerous emails, texts and it’s come up many times in conversations with my customers/friends.  Post shave products to go with the Vanilla Safi. My thoughts way back then were no one wants to put a straight Vanilla Aftershave or EDT on and wear the scent. Well things have changed somewhat and here are some of my thoughts why.   I have made several Custom Revitalizing Serums with the Vanilla Safi natural Aroma blend just as it is without adding any other Aroma ingredients in. It smells and works great in the serum and that’s the feedback I’ve gotten for the gents that have purchased it for  not only themselves but it seems like the ladies really like Vanilla as well or even more so as some guys have said “ my wife stole mine almost immediately after I got it so I need another bottle for myself “  I’ve heard that line many times since introducing skin care products into the line up and I get a kick out of it. 

Anyway so I’ve also done some Serums, Splashes and a few EDT’s for customers that either had their own strong opinions on what Aroma ingredients they wanted added to the Vanilla Safi or they have asked me my thoughts and I’ll usually stick with one or two options as I don’t want to totally loose that beautiful Vanilla Aroma that’s so warm and relaxing. Well at least to me and it’s what most others say about it that have the Shave Soap if I were to quote the majority of them. 

So I usually suggest these blends. 

1. Vanilla and Tonka Bean - they go so well together as Tonka Bean has its own Vanilla vibe to it but brings other notes to the table. Great pairing. 

2. Vanilla, Tonka Bean and Mysore Sandalwood as all 3 I have have that nice creaminess to them that also blends so well with the other two and again having a little woody base in there takes it to another place. 

3. Vanilla, Tonka Bean, Mysore Sandalwood and Red Champaca Absolute. I’ve only done two of these and one was in an EDT  and the other in the Serum. Both were for the same customer. To be honest this blend is quite expensive as Red, Yellow, Orange and White Champaca are some of the worlds most expensive Aroma ingredients. On the Normal list the Red is usually in the top 3 to 4 .. if Vintage Essential oils and Absolutes are included on the lists then prices get absolutely ridiculous expensive. I’ve actually seen a vintage Oud at $5,000 and oz! Most expensive Aroma ingredient to date I’ve run into. Anyway Red Champaca runs somewhere between $500 to $1,100 an oz. I get a good price from my one supplier but still very expensive. Good thing is it’s in the blend so little is needed to make what I call a magical aroma experience. Anyway was one blend. An sorry for the long explanation but Red Champaca that all by itself takes you on an olfactory journey like very few others. It’s almost 
Sacrilegious to mix it with anything. It’s used as an Attar. 

Anyway so what I’m looking for is some input and the number of people that seem to be the same page on what would be a good blend to use as the Aroma blend to go with Vanilla Safi. I’ll be interested to see how many would just like to use only the Vanilla as I’ve definitely had some customers say they’d wear a straight Vanilla. 

I’m interested in hearing the replies! 

Oh and have a great Sunday! 


Straight Vanilla is great cause it works mixed with a lot of scents.  A few thoughts as I have experimented myself with mixing vanilla with other scents.

Cherry Vanilla
Orange and Vanilla(orange creamsickle)
Almond and Vanilla(my wife always comments how nice this smells)
Tobacco and Vanilla

Dragonsbeard, TommyCarioca, Dave in KY and 2 others like this post
I have been known to actually mix your Blood Orange cream with your Safi soap…
Proportion roughly 75% Safi….25% Blood Orange…
I think it’s a terrific combination…

Dragonsbeard, dtownvino, AlphaFrank75 and 2 others like this post
“Please do consider that advice with the seriousness it deserves.”

Chester County, PA
There are so many good options here.  

Vanilla and bourbon sounds fantastic.  
Vanilla and sandalwood would be awesome. 
Vanilla and Lavender is my evening aromatherapy scent.  

I do one thing.  I sometimes use 1 part Tonka, one part Vanilla and one part Lavender.  I have found it to be really good on my skin, top notch in fact.  

I will use it tonight now, I am like a little kid in a candy store.

DanLaw and Dragonsbeard like this post

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