
Philadelphia, PA
Great to see some leftys on the forum!

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Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.
(04-05-2016, 05:26 PM)drjenkins Wrote: I'm a righty, throw righty, and bat lefty. Also, when I go shooting I'm left eye dominant. I'm all mixed up. Happy2

I'm a righty who's left eye dominant as well. Always made shooting a challenge.

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Garrett, The Shaving Disciple - Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, YouTuber, Head Shaver
2024 Software Restraint

Austin, TX
(This post was last modified: 04-05-2016, 06:24 PM by kwsher.)
I have tried using both hands but just to check it out. Only use my dominant right hand.

Although, when I was a kid I was always jealous of the lefties and wished I was left handed myself. Liked the special scissors Smile

Freddy, BadDad and hawns like this post

South Saint Louis, MO
(04-05-2016, 06:16 PM)kwsher Wrote: I have tried using both hands but just to check it out. Only use my dominant right hand.

Although, when I was a kid I always jealous of the lefties and wished I was left handed myself. Liked the special scissors Smile

My dad is a lefty, and he always tells me that he is living in a right-handed world.

When I turned 12, he bought me a baseball glove that I had really wanted. I was so excited when I opened the package, only to realize he had accidentally bought a glove for a lefty.

San Diego CA
Because of this thread I decided to shave only with my off (right) hand today. Took a little longer, but my face is still arranged just as it was.

BadDad and MaineYooper like this post

San Diego CA
(04-05-2016, 06:16 PM)kwsher Wrote: I have tried using both hands but just to check it out. Only use my dominant right hand.

Although, when I was a kid I was always jealous of the lefties and wished I was left handed myself. Liked the special scissors Smile

Being a lefty is all fun and games until you have to write and get ink all over your hand.

BadDad, andrewjs18 and kwsher like this post
Yes, both hands. Righty dominant, but I play guitar, so due to that experience, it seems that my left hand is a tad bit more controllable and somewhat more useful than it otherwise would be.

Blackland Razors and BadDad like this post
Unless you are the lead dog, the view never changes...

San Diego CA
(This post was last modified: 04-05-2016, 07:19 PM by Blackland Razors.)
(04-05-2016, 07:04 PM)LegalEagle1 Wrote: Yes, both hands. Righty dominant, but I play guitar, so due to that experience, it seems that my left hand is a tad bit more controllable and somewhat more useful than it otherwise would be.

My friend and I were debating how handedness affects guitar playing. He's right-handed and as he's just starting out chord shapes are killing him much less than they bothered me as a lefty. I think being a lefty is actually really helpful for playing right-handed guitar.
Hadn't ever thought about it that way, but it really makes a lot of sense.
Unless you are the lead dog, the view never changes...
Course you could also just flip the guitar over and flip the strings too, a la Jimmy Hendrix. Or you could flip the guitar over and the strings as is a la a lot if old time blues players. You've got some serious options as a lefty, on top of the fingering deal you just noted.
Unless you are the lead dog, the view never changes...

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