
New York
(12-20-2021, 05:27 PM)Dave in KY Wrote:
(12-20-2021, 05:19 PM)MaineYooper Wrote:
(12-20-2021, 03:01 PM)Dave in KY Wrote: I gave the knot time to get set up before this morning letting it have a little soak. I then gave it one test lather and I'm happy to report that this was a very good knot with one single hair lost and feels perfect to me. I would definitely consider the Maggard's premium Boar Knot as a great buy for the money!
[Image: HO8B8jf.jpg]

Great news and review of the Maggards premium boar! Did you use it for the morning shave? Or was this a test lather? And I agree after hand lathering the big knot I got from Maggard's: after a soak and lather, it feels ready to roll! My problem is the soap I am using is in a little tub, and loading a big brush be like
[Image: nycqBrJ.jpg]

What size knot is that in the Fluffy Industries Dave edition? I think I need a 24mm for my Fluffy Industries MaineYooper edition handle and have a luxury bulb enroute from AP Shave Co.
Just a test lather in palm and cleaned up ending with a towel strop. Will use tomorrow. I was using a scuttle this morning and I did not want to chance cracking it with that copper handle. And yes 24 mm knot.
Nice. I'll be watching that for sure! I most certainly am going to change the knot in my fluffy handle. Right now I'm trying to decide between a 24 maggard boar or a 24 APSC Synbad. I'm leaning towards the boar, but I want to see a review first.

Thanks Dave!

Dave in KY and MaineYooper like this post

Shaving Enthusiast
Kansas City, Missouri
My Omega Premium Jade is jam-packed with bristles. This is the epitome of what a good boar does, gives great backbone but incredibly soft tips. Because of how dense this beauty is, this is what I compare all others to. I know, that's not fair, but it is what it is!
[Image: wiV0WAX.jpg]

ewk, MaineYooper, Dave in KY and 1 others like this post
David - Shaving enthusiast - Kansas City, Missouri


Just Here for the Shaves
Williamsburg, KY
Fluffy Industries 86 with Maggard's 26mm Premium Boar: This handle is a heavy beast as I said but it feels great in the hand and looks amazing as well. I put a spit shine on mine and we'll see if I keep it shiny or let patina have it's way. Can't thank Ken enough for his generosity in sharing it and his creativity in his designs. The Knot had a single and short test lather after a hour soak in some water yesterday and lost 1 hair then. Today during the shave, clean up and towel strop it lost...............................again a SINGLE hair. That's amazing for a new boar knot. On top of that it feels soft already with zero pokey feeling and will only get better as it breaks in. This one is a keeper and I'm stoked I got the right knot set in this handle right from the get go.
[Image: IWgGB1g.jpg]
[Image: R4ulefe.jpg]

Stubble Daddy, mrdoug, MaineYooper and 1 others like this post
This post by Dave in KY mentions views and opinions expressed and makes it known that they are "those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of DFS or any other member, agency, organization, employer or company."  Big Grin
DecemBoar Shave #16

Razor: vintage Star
Blade: Feather
Brush: Omega 10077 boar
Soap & A/S: La Toja

[Image: eGv8whU.jpg]
First use of La Toja. Nice soap, huge aftershave bottle. An acquatic scent to pair with a very rainy day.

Stubble Daddy, Dave in KY, mrdoug and 1 others like this post

Trotter Handcrafts
Bellingham, Washington USA
[Image: 1926c99e096a51041088050f087e798a.jpg]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Dave in KY, MaineYooper and ewk like this post

Scentsless Shaver
Oakland, ME
(This post was last modified: 12-21-2021, 06:27 PM by MaineYooper. Edit Reason: correct knot size )
DecemBoar 21: The Winter Solstice!

[Image: f9Ad9q8.jpg]

I post this for educational purposes and fun with astronomy, as many of the Trotter Handcrafts handles have spacey themes! We in the Northern Hemisphere are NOT farther away from the Sun, but getting the energy at an angle, spreading it out over a greater area (imagine shining a flashlight on a spot directly overhead versus at an angle and you'll get the idea!). The Reason of the Season is the Babe in the manger and what He went on to do for us. The reason of the Solstice is our axial tilt and position in our orbit around the Sun. 
[This educational moment has been brought to you be Quaker Oats and too much coffee!]

Back to shaving
[Image: 8T8QIQp.jpg]

This is the new Premium boar from Maggards Razors, in a 28mm knot. It is Huge-mongus!! I almost think it is too big for me. You can almost hide behind it! Just kidding! I have liked large synthetic brushes, one of my faves being the 30mm SynBad. But after weeks of boars in the 22mm to 24mm range, this was a monster! I think it looks awesome in Communion. Regarding shedding: not a single hair! At least, none that I found on my face or in the sink. Maggards have a winner with this line. I am tempted to order more but I am reigning in my purchases. I have plenty and am thankful for every bit of kit I have. 

On that note, I would take this moment to remind the Reader of the PIF I have going in the Contests and Giveaways section. A wonderful Christmas memory was shared by Lipripper660and I am going to take the example his father showed when cutting some Christmas trees. There will be multiple folks "winning" and I am committing to letting the "winners" pick from most of my gear. I am not limiting to things I don't use but am trying to open up to true Christmas giving and if that means one of my faves is picked, so be it. There will only be a limited number of things reserved, and these are things special to me for reasons beyond likes and dislikes. 

Have a great day folks!

Dave in KY, ewk, Stubble Daddy and 2 others like this post
- Eric 
Put your message in a modem, 
And throw it in the Cyber Sea
--Rush, "Virtuality"

Overloader of brushes, Overlander fanboy, Schickhead, and a GEM in the rough!

New York
For the DecemBoar 21st shave I chose my Semogue OC in Cherry wood. I don't think I've used this before, I believe it was the butterscotch I used of the 'club'. Thus, It only had a small handful of (2 probably) test lathers. Nonetheless, it worked like a champ. Soft, without any pokiness. It held three solid passes of lather, too.

I also used the new to me 47 super speed, just cleaned yesterday. I ordered this on a whim, after seeing Bryan post of his shave. I am so far from an expert on vintage razors, it's comical. Bryan spent a lot of time explaining to me why the 47 was different than the other super speeds. Thank you Old Sarge !

Speaking of Bryan, I Hope you are safe and doing well my friend. It has been a while since you've graced these pages. Please know we noticed and miss you buddy.

The razor performed well. While it is nowhere near on par with my modern shavers, this has to be the best vintage I've used. I managed to get a near BBS shave, which for me and Gillette, is impressive. It had more feel than the other Gillette TTOs I've used, but nothing irritating or painful. I'm not sure I'll use it too often, but for themed shaves, it's absolutely a keeper. Again, kudos Bryan for the help. I think we found a winner.

Happy Tuesday DFS![Image: b2ea0cea2b087b6ea0dd7739b21ee1dd.jpg]

Stubble Daddy, Dave in KY, Marko and 1 others like this post

Scentsless Shaver
Oakland, ME
Wonderful write up and review, Paul mrdoug!

I agree on the SOC cherry wood, arguably the best of my boars. I am really enjoying DecemBoar!

mrdoug and Stubble Daddy like this post
- Eric 
Put your message in a modem, 
And throw it in the Cyber Sea
--Rush, "Virtuality"

Overloader of brushes, Overlander fanboy, Schickhead, and a GEM in the rough!

Scentsless Shaver
Oakland, ME
(12-21-2021, 06:17 PM)mrdoug Wrote: For the DecemBoar 21st shave I chose my Semogue OC in Cherry wood. I don't think I've used this before, I believe it was the butterscotch I used of the 'club'. Thus, It only had a small handful of (2 probably) test lathers. Nonetheless, it worked like a champ. Soft, without any pokiness. It held three solid passes of lather, too.

I also used the new to me 47 super speed, just cleaned yesterday. I ordered this on a whim, after seeing Bryan post of his shave. I am so far from an expert on vintage razors, it's comical. Bryan spent a lot of time explaining to me why the 47 was different than the other super speeds. Thank you Old Sarge !

Speaking of Bryan, I Hope you are safe and doing well my friend. It has been a while since you've graced these pages. Please know we noticed and miss you buddy.

The razor performed well. While it is nowhere near on par with my modern shavers, this has to be the best vintage I've used. I managed to get a near BBS shave, which for me and Gillette, is impressive. It had more feel than the other Gillette TTOs I've used, but nothing irritating or painful. I'm not sure I'll use it too often, but for themed shaves, it's absolutely a keeper. Again, kudos Bryan for the help. I think we found a winner.

Happy Tuesday DFS![Image: b2ea0cea2b087b6ea0dd7739b21ee1dd.jpg]

Just took a closer look at the photo and, "Cool Mug!" Given your fear of dropping pottery (lol!), is that plastic? It looks very retro cool and the Iwantsies are shrieking in my head again, although I am not sure what I'd due with a mug!

mrdoug likes this post
- Eric 
Put your message in a modem, 
And throw it in the Cyber Sea
--Rush, "Virtuality"

Overloader of brushes, Overlander fanboy, Schickhead, and a GEM in the rough!

New York
(12-21-2021, 07:57 PM)MaineYooper Wrote:
(12-21-2021, 06:17 PM)mrdoug Wrote: For the DecemBoar 21st shave I chose my Semogue OC in Cherry wood. I don't think I've used this before, I believe it was the butterscotch I used of the 'club'. Thus, It only had a small handful of (2 probably) test lathers. Nonetheless, it worked like a champ. Soft, without any pokiness. It held three solid passes of lather, too.

I also used the new to me 47 super speed, just cleaned yesterday. I ordered this on a whim, after seeing Bryan post of his shave. I am so far from an expert on vintage razors, it's comical. Bryan spent a lot of time explaining to me why the 47 was different than the other super speeds. Thank you Old Sarge !

Speaking of Bryan, I Hope you are safe and doing well my friend. It has been a while since you've graced these pages. Please know we noticed and miss you buddy.

The razor performed well. While it is nowhere near on par with my modern shavers, this has to be the best vintage I've used. I managed to get a near BBS shave, which for me and Gillette, is impressive. It had more feel than the other Gillette TTOs I've used, but nothing irritating or painful. I'm not sure I'll use it too often, but for themed shaves, it's absolutely a keeper. Again, kudos Bryan for the help. I think we found a winner.

Happy Tuesday DFS![Image: b2ea0cea2b087b6ea0dd7739b21ee1dd.jpg]

Just took a closer look at the photo and, "Cool Mug!" Given your fear of dropping pottery (lol!), is that plastic? It looks very retro cool and the Iwantsies are shrieking in my head again, although I am not sure what I'd due with a mug!
It is plastic. So it's quite solid and safe in my den! It's sole purpose in my den is to soak boar brushes and it does a great job.

Dave in KY and MaineYooper like this post

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