
St. Louis MO
What a great pass around grouping. I am really looking forward to the various reviews of the razor. I wish I had the patience to wait for all of them before making a decision on a purchase. I DON'T. Kudos to GlazedBoker for putting this on and managing it. It can't be easy.

1700Z shadow and GlazedBoker like this post
RAD is just a permanently temporary condition.  I'll get over it.. eventually.


It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
(This post was last modified: 06-09-2024, 04:20 PM by GlazedBoker.)
A quick summary of the Atelier Durdan N*7 razor. Remember, I only did a couple of shaves, 1 each with the 1.5 & 1.1 base plates respectively. It’s really not much to go on, except for that I’ve had plenty of experiences with AD’s other offerings and in my estimation they are superb razors with both style & performance.I own 2 in the Le Faulx & the Vestige and I will say that besides being exquisite pieces of whisker removing shaving tools, they function to near perfection. The Le Maurice which I sampled in a pass around some time ago and the one that started my fascination and admiration for this very talented artisan razor producer, was and is an exceptional performer.

Now, he presents this new release, the N*7 with a unique take on design and how it was done to present a style and motif that is exclusively inherent to Augustin’s talents and to this house. The N*7 has a unique feel and look to it that as a whole still brings that French flair & style of innovation yet with a semi classical touch. Simultaneously, there is a sort of Art Deco, retro-esqe infusion while still giving the overall creation just enough of a look and styling cues of contemporary or modern razors made today. While using it I felt as if I had a piece of history in my hands while it exhibited contemporary shave performance. The razor is a looker and that is unmistakeable from the moment one opens the well made wood box. Everything laid out in front of you with its own precisely cut slots to hold all components perfectly, not to tight nor not to loose, just right. Augustin pays attention even to the smallest of details in his creations. What I’m saying here that the experience doesn’t start with the shave or picking your preferred base plate and installing one’s blade but, I think the true experience starts at opening the wonderfully made box and just contemplating what you have in front of you. I know, it’s only shaving but, one will just have to experience it to understand what I’m getting at here. Some can care less in what it is shipped or stored in but, for me it all starts with a presentation that I believe is the heart & soul of what Atelier Durdan brings to the table. It’s an EXPERIENCE from the moment you set your eyes on it. Well, that’s what it does for me. What it will do for those that sample or purchase this kit, I can’t speak to intelligently. 

Build quality & finish is on elite level status with the likes of Wolfman, Timeless, Carbon, Blackland, Lambda and a few others. The feel in hands is excellent for my tastes with near perfect balance from top to bottom with a very slight weight bias towards the middle of the handle up. The tapering of the handle helps with this and actually enhances the effect especially when in action. The downward turn of the top cap creates a seamless feel and helps in bridging that almost intimidating looking gap to the safety guard with ease & function. It feels like a well composed and quality safety razor like any other but, with a unique feel & sound. And if there is one negative that I will speak of about the N*7 it is precisely in that sound & feel effect. If one looks at the head design, there is a hollow and expansive cavity between both sides of the blades pinch points. The blade width of that expanse has no support anywhere except for those pinch points at the working end of the blade. Mind you, I used a washer at the base plate to preserve the finish and keep it looking pristine so, that nylon washer could have impacted my shaves and experience somewhat. I feel as though the blade while being held pecisely in the head, felt somewhat not as rigid as other more supported blades along its whole breadth or span of said blade. Perhaps I’m conflating that audible effect or more directly the very subtle resonance that I get from the razor once it starts to cut at the whiskers. Mind you, I never felt any skipping nor chatter, it just felt like it could bring those actions about but, it never did. At first shave and a couple strokes in, it felt weird and different to other razors. Like the Le Maurice is as solid and holds the blade as rigidly as some of the best in the business. I didn’t get that solid and robust feeling with the N*7 as I did with the Le Maurice but, it never impacted the shaves negatively with both the 1.5 & 1.1. If there is a way to describe it, I would say it’s something soft & delicate. Which shouldn’t correlate to a razor that should cut well but, here it does it without any ill effect. Like I said, it’s just the feel and sound that kind of threw me off for a couple minutes but, it delivered the goods in spades. Take that with a good pinch of salt, Gents. Minus that very minor caveat, the razor performed brilliantly. I would have loved to have sampled every gap but, the two shaves with the N*7 and especially with the 1.1 (the best of the two for me) proved to be enjoyable and confidence inspiring from start to finish. The head has a natural ability to really keep lather and shaved hairs away from the point of contact allowing one to really shave away a full pass without having to rinse. And when one does, it’s cleared out quickly without any soap residue. Grip is not tactile feel like a Rex Ambassador but, it was plenty good enough for me and I never felt as if it would slip even with a load of suds running down the handle. It performed exactly as it had to from start to finish. And that stand just holds the razor perfectly. It fits the N*7 seamlessly and to perfection. It displays proudly atop one’s sink top or shave shelf with style.

My experience is unique to me and all I can say is to everyone that can do so, sign up for the pass around and find out for yourself. The razor is built beautifully and performs its cutting duties as was intended. Augustin at Atelier Durdan created something both unique and artful while still being able to accomplish the duty of shaving with performance & class. And all with that touch of French style. Another fine creation from this very talented artisan.

Great shaves to all and excuse me for putting this up rather late….

cigarman, Big_T, bbssboss and 11 others like this post
(06-09-2024, 04:15 PM)GlazedBoker Wrote: And if there is one negative that I will speak of about the N*7 it is precisely in that sound & feel effect. If one looks at the head design, there is a hollow and expansive cavity between both sides of the blades pinch points. The blade width of that expanse has no support anywhere except for those pinch points at the working end of the blade. Mind you, I used a washer at the base plate to preserve the finish and keep it looking pristine so, that nylon washer could have impacted my shaves and experience somewhat. I feel as though the blade while being held pecisely in the head, felt somewhat not as rigid as other more supported blades along its whole breadth or span of said blade. Perhaps I’m conflating that audible effect or more directly the very subtle resonance that I get from the razor once it starts to cut at the whiskers. Mind you, I never felt any skipping nor chatter, it just felt like it could bring those actions about but, it never did. At first shave and a couple strokes in, it felt weird and different to other razors. Like the Le Maurice is as solid and holds the blade as rigidly as some of the best in the business. I didn’t get that solid and robust feeling with the N*7 as I did with the Le Maurice but, it never impacted the shaves negatively with both the 1.5 & 1.1. If there is a way to describe it, I would say it’s something soft & delicate. Which shouldn’t correlate to a razor that should cut well but, here it does it without any ill effect. Like I said, it’s just the feel and sound that kind of threw me off for a couple minutes but, it delivered the goods in spades. Take that with a good pinch of salt, Gents. Minus that very minor caveat, the razor performed brilliantly. 

Terrific review, thank you!  That possible negative was exactly what I was wondering about.  I like rigid blades, so no support after the clamping point, not even top-support from the cap, has me wondering.  The rigidity of Le Maurice is great.  That's why I'm so excited about the passaround to see if it matters.

Calm_Shaver and 1700Z shadow like this post

It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
(06-09-2024, 04:52 PM)spacemonkey42 Wrote:
(06-09-2024, 04:15 PM)GlazedBoker Wrote: And if there is one negative that I will speak of about the N*7 it is precisely in that sound & feel effect. If one looks at the head design, there is a hollow and expansive cavity between both sides of the blades pinch points. The blade width of that expanse has no support anywhere except for those pinch points at the working end of the blade. Mind you, I used a washer at the base plate to preserve the finish and keep it looking pristine so, that nylon washer could have impacted my shaves and experience somewhat. I feel as though the blade while being held pecisely in the head, felt somewhat not as rigid as other more supported blades along its whole breadth or span of said blade. Perhaps I’m conflating that audible effect or more directly the very subtle resonance that I get from the razor once it starts to cut at the whiskers. Mind you, I never felt any skipping nor chatter, it just felt like it could bring those actions about but, it never did. At first shave and a couple strokes in, it felt weird and different to other razors. Like the Le Maurice is as solid and holds the blade as rigidly as some of the best in the business. I didn’t get that solid and robust feeling with the N*7 as I did with the Le Maurice but, it never impacted the shaves negatively with both the 1.5 & 1.1. If there is a way to describe it, I would say it’s something soft & delicate. Which shouldn’t correlate to a razor that should cut well but, here it does it without any ill effect. Like I said, it’s just the feel and sound that kind of threw me off for a couple minutes but, it delivered the goods in spades. Take that with a good pinch of salt, Gents. Minus that very minor caveat, the razor performed brilliantly. 

Terrific review, thank you!  That possible negative was exactly what I was wondering about.  I like rigid blades, so no support after the clamping point, not even top-support from the cap, has me wondering.  The rigidity of Le Maurice is great.  That's why I'm so excited about the passaround to see if it matters.

Thank you amigo. I am also a huge proponent of blade support & rigidity. Again, I need to be straightforward with what I said in my short assessment in my previous post. It shaves very well and there’s enough to hold that blade down the along that blade edge on both sides. It’s the lack of support that gives me this “feel & sound” for lack of a better description that I get while shaving with the N*7. I had not a single instance of the blade not being able to move smoothly across the face without any semblance of a skittish action that experienced. It’s just feel & sound that kind of threw me off for a moment or two. But, once through a few strokes, one gains more confidence that the razor & blade will hold through and perform its intended purpose. Both shaves in the end were BBS with very little to no irritation.

spacemonkey42, Stickshift, rocket and 1 others like this post

North Carolina
GlazedBoker your review makes me even more eager to get this razor in my hands!

GlazedBoker likes this post
(06-09-2024, 05:10 PM)GlazedBoker Wrote:
(06-09-2024, 04:52 PM)spacemonkey42 Wrote:
(06-09-2024, 04:15 PM)GlazedBoker Wrote: And if there is one negative that I will speak of about the N*7 it is precisely in that sound & feel effect. If one looks at the head design, there is a hollow and expansive cavity between both sides of the blades pinch points. The blade width of that expanse has no support anywhere except for those pinch points at the working end of the blade. Mind you, I used a washer at the base plate to preserve the finish and keep it looking pristine so, that nylon washer could have impacted my shaves and experience somewhat. I feel as though the blade while being held pecisely in the head, felt somewhat not as rigid as other more supported blades along its whole breadth or span of said blade. Perhaps I’m conflating that audible effect or more directly the very subtle resonance that I get from the razor once it starts to cut at the whiskers. Mind you, I never felt any skipping nor chatter, it just felt like it could bring those actions about but, it never did. At first shave and a couple strokes in, it felt weird and different to other razors. Like the Le Maurice is as solid and holds the blade as rigidly as some of the best in the business. I didn’t get that solid and robust feeling with the N*7 as I did with the Le Maurice but, it never impacted the shaves negatively with both the 1.5 & 1.1. If there is a way to describe it, I would say it’s something soft & delicate. Which shouldn’t correlate to a razor that should cut well but, here it does it without any ill effect. Like I said, it’s just the feel and sound that kind of threw me off for a couple minutes but, it delivered the goods in spades. Take that with a good pinch of salt, Gents. Minus that very minor caveat, the razor performed brilliantly. 

Terrific review, thank you!  That possible negative was exactly what I was wondering about.  I like rigid blades, so no support after the clamping point, not even top-support from the cap, has me wondering.  The rigidity of Le Maurice is great.  That's why I'm so excited about the passaround to see if it matters.

Thank you amigo. I am also a huge proponent of blade support & rigidity. Again, I need to be straightforward with what I said in my short assessment in my previous post. It shaves very well and there’s enough to hold that blade down the along that blade edge on both sides. It’s the lack of support that gives me this “feel & sound” for lack of a better description that I get while shaving with the N*7. I had not a single instance of the blade not being able to move smoothly across the face without any semblance of a skittish action that experienced. It’s just feel & sound that kind of threw me off for a moment or two. But, once through a few strokes, one gains more confidence that the razor & blade will hold through and perform its intended purpose. Both shaves in the end were BBS with very little to no irritation.

Exactly, specs only tell a part of the story.  I've regularly been surprised when razors perform nothing like their specs.  For instance, the Lambda and Tatara razors are far more efficient than their specs would suggest.  One can only find this out by using them.  That's why I am so excited for this passaround.  I am hoping that apparent lack of support doesn't affect the shave.  

Passarounds in general can let you try this without the pain of buying.  I wouldn't have bought Le Maurice, but after the last passaround I had to have one!  Le Maurice also surprised me.  I thought I would like the lower gaps, at that time I had never shaved with any gap over 1 mm.  To my surprise I liked the 1.2mm the best.  I only learned that through the benefit of the passaround experience.  Thank you, DFS, and Augustin for letting us do this.

1700Z shadow and SinCityAg like this post

It's sharp and it cuts. I like it...
Northeast, USA
(06-09-2024, 05:12 PM)Big_T Wrote: GlazedBoker your review makes me even more eager to get this razor in my hands!

Big_T, it’s worth the experience, good or not so good just to see and feel how this razor works. That huge gap between top and safety bar looks like a ferocious Lion ready to gouge out pieces of the skin but, it really turns into a well composed and quite comfortable performer. It’s unique and I think you’ll get a real distinctive shave feel against the norm of razors once you try it.

Calm_Shaver and Big_T like this post
The No.7 arrived today, safe and sound. Gus packed it in fine fashion.

I'm going to try to upload some photos, but I'm not sure how to do that. Here's a try.

[img][Image: 53784901506_e8d2172f8c_c.jpg]RS_No.7 First by Phoenixkh, on Flickr[/img]

[img][Image: 53784902461_5b415fde97_c.jpg]RS_No.7 Second by Phoenixkh, on Flickr[/img]

[img][Image: 53784903106_437fd877d3_c.jpg]RS_No.7 Close_Up by Phoenixkh, on Flickr[/img]

spacemonkey42, keto, GlazedBoker and 4 others like this post
A Male Kim "Perception is reality." 
OK.. I figured out how to do that.... I posted the BBCode from Flickr.... I used that procedure on POTN, a photography site that is now defunct, unfortunately.

I'll get a shave in with the .7 gap base plate later this afternoon. The close up is the best I can do with my iPhone. I wish it was more clear, but you can see the blade exposure on the right if you look closely. <eg> evil grin.

cigarman likes this post
A Male Kim "Perception is reality." 

It looks good on that Timeless handle.

GlazedBoker, cigarman and Phoenixkh like this post
- Jeff

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