
Nashville, TN
I could see the floating blade working. Keep in mind the the amount of float is 1/20th of a millimeter, which isn't much.

Michael P likes this post
(This post was last modified: 10-29-2016, 04:34 PM by grim.)
(10-29-2016, 04:40 AM)Blagoja Rajevski Wrote: Really?  $1 million for r&d on a razor? Some people are gullible....

Link? Point to proof they did not.

Pensa bills?

Nashville, TN
I've been thinking about this thread, relative to how people feel about the OneBlade company. There is a group, including myself, who will never have anything to do with them again. There is another group who doesn't like some of the things they have done, but still feel they deserve support.

What I realize both groups are correct. As consumers, we each get to decide who to support with our money.

While my OneBlade works perfectly, they have violated my sense of fair play. I'll never do business with them again unless they apologize for some of their behavior and demonstrate action to show they have changed.

There are also folks like Michael P and Will Schupp who feel like they have made some errors, but that they really did create a better mouse trap and deserve to be supported (with purchases) if they fix the smiling issue and turn out good product.

Who is right? All of us. Who is wrong? None of us
(This post was last modified: 10-29-2016, 10:03 PM by grim.)
(10-29-2016, 04:40 AM)Blagoja Rajevski Wrote: [  I'll never do business with them again unless they apologize for some of their behavior and demonstrate action to show they have changed.

There are also folks like Michael P  and Will Schupp  who feel like they have made some errors, but that they really did create a better mouse trap and deserve to be supported (with purchases) if they fix the smiling issue and turn out good product.

Who is right?  All of us.   Who is wrong?  None of us

Its much deeper than that. Go back to the Summer of 2015 and read the forums. The vitriol began then. It was so bad that anything said good about the company and threads were deleted (not here, elsewhere).

It was focused on the civil fines of the owner, the "hinge (an imitation of cartridges), the blades, the cost, and it was "too easy" to shave good.

Thats a bunch of nonsense. As I have repeatedly said many times, find any company who hasn't paid civil fines. Cost? Don't like it, don't buy it. Too easy to shave? What kind of nonsense is that?

No, the hatred of this company has existed since its beginning. The amount of vitriol has been staggering, yet when people get the tools, they like them.

Michael P likes this post

Las Vegas, NV, USA
(10-29-2016, 02:06 PM)Will Schupp Wrote:
I just received and shaved with the new design. It is much better. There is no smile. There is a "float" to the blade as previously hinted by Andrew. This basically means that, instead of being too tight and making the blade smile, this design is about 0.05mm too loose  and the blade can move around. The shave is exceptional, though. It is vastly more efficient.

Will, it’s good to have you here on DFS. Thanks for participating in this thread and sharing your experience and thoughts.

This new “float” in the OneBlade head sounds interesting. If you ever have a chance to post a photo, it would help understand the concept a little better. Also, I’m wondering if you are planning on using Gem blades with your new OneBlade. It would be nice to know if they still work as well as they do in the original design.

Once again, thanks for chiming in!

SharpSpine and Michael P like this post
Whenever I go to shave, I assume there’s someone else on the planet shaving, so I say “I’m gonna go shave, too.”
– Mitch Hedberg
Will, nice to see you here, and thank you for that post. You're the first person I've seen that's given feedback on the razors they're shipping after they realized they had a 'smiling' blade issue.

It's a testament to the overall concept that you were able to get decent shaves with the 'smiling' blade version. I can't quite get my head around how the company could make the claim that this was an intentional feature of the razor for two reasons: 1. It wasn't a feature of the first iteration (the ones I have) and there's nothing in their marketing material that points to this 'feature' or a change in design; and 2. Common sense-it would seem that shaving with a curved blade with a varying blade gap just doesn't make sense. (Although I've heard of some who have Weber DEs with a big 'wave' in their blade that say it doesn't affect the shave at all).

Happy to hear you've finally gotten one that shaves efficiently for you. Does the replacement razor look different than the first one you received?

Matsilainen and Pete123 like this post
All the best,

Michael P
Yes please tell me if the gem blade fits.
(10-29-2016, 10:47 PM)Matsilainen Wrote:
(10-29-2016, 02:06 PM)Will Schupp Wrote:
I just received and shaved with the new design. It is much better. There is no smile. There is a "float" to the blade as previously hinted by Andrew. This basically means that, instead of being too tight and making the blade smile, this design is about 0.05mm too loose  and the blade can move around. The shave is exceptional, though. It is vastly more efficient.

Will, it’s good to have you here on DFS. Thanks for participating in this thread and sharing your experience and thoughts.

This new “float” in the OneBlade head sounds interesting. If you ever have a chance to post a photo, it would help understand the concept a little better. Also, I’m wondering if you are planning on using Gem blades with your new OneBlade. It would be nice to know if they still work as well as they do in the original design.

Once again, thanks for chiming in!

Yes, pictures and info on whether or not a GEM blade can fit (with or without a spine) would be greatly appreciated.

Matsilainen likes this post
>>> Brian <<<
Happy beeps, buddy! Happy beeps!
(10-29-2016, 04:30 PM)grim Wrote:
(10-29-2016, 04:40 AM)Blagoja Rajevski Wrote: Really?  $1 million for r&d on a razor? Some people are gullible....

Link? Point to proof they did not.

Pensa bills?

Where is the proof they actually shelled million bucks for razor development?

Want to get realistic numbers on r&d spending?, go talk to razorock, Rockwell, black land, supply provision etc etc....

It's the perfect excuse for them saying, hey the r&d costed us million bucks there for we have to charge 300 for the razor.

Million dollars for r&d on a razor? They are lying

wyze0ne likes this post
The Gem works great! Only 1 shave with it, compared to just 1 shave with the feather, but I couldn't tell the difference between the two. I despine and nibble my gem. I tried to put it in despined but not nibbled, just to see, and it had a smile (which has always been the case). That smile is about the same as the feather smile on my last razors. I did not shave with it.

The float is a fore and aft movement only, it does not move upward. So, there is no chatter. I can't comment on whether this makes the shave better or if the lack of the smile is responsible.

I think the speculation that they would attempt to make the Gem intentionally incompatible is incorrect.

I don't get hung up on the R&D thing. I can see how 1 year of consulting fees from a New York engineering firm could easily hit $1 million. They may be including advertising and other costs as well. Bear in mind that this is a novel design, compared to the razorock. I think razorock is great, but it is not fair to think their R&D should be the same.

Bottom line: the razor is top notch. There are other razors in the $200-300 range, but none that have attracted the same ire. I like it.

Matsilainen and Pete123 like this post

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