Forgive me if this question has been asked already. I broke two razors by dropping while showering (butterfingers). Neither was a CNC-machined razor.

I concluded that many supposedly "steel" razors contain a pot metal internal part. It was the attaching screw as I recall.  

MY QUESTION: A) Are there any CNC-machined razors in which every part is 100% forged steel (no pot metal)?

Alternately, if you do not know the answer,  B) Can you recommend a good CNC-machined razor that you know from personal experience can easily survive such a drop?

Thanks in advance for your help.
(07-29-2021, 07:40 AM)More Better Wrote: Forgive me if this question has been asked already. I broke two razors by dropping while showering (butterfingers). Neither was a CNC-machined razor.

I concluded that many supposedly "steel" razors contain a pot metal internal part. It was the attaching screw as I recall.  

MY QUESTION: A) Are there any CNC-machined razors in which every part is 100% forged steel (no pot metal)?

Alternately, if you do not know the answer,  B) Can you recommend a good CNC-machined razor that you know from personal experience can easily survive such a drop?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Yeah, I’ve never had an issue dropping or accidentally knocking various cnc razors against the sink or faucet.

Hard to recommend one without knowing what level of aggression and efficiency you’re going for but I’d start with Razorock’s CNC razors such as the Lupo. Check out Italian Barber’s site for explanations of the various aggression levels.

CK89 likes this post
I don't think most if not any modern day CNC machines razor uses forged metals, whether we are talking about stainless steel, brass, copper, titanium or aluminum.

Those blocks that are used in the machines to sculpt and chip away material has to be in their raw softer form, without having gone through a forging process. If they are forged, I think the machines would have a very hard time doing it's job.

The things that comes to mind that uses forged steel would be the car industry, for making performance rims, or perhaps swordsmiths making a katana sword.

That said, the weak point for almost all razors is usually the threaded post that connects the top cap through the baseplate into the handle. The heavier or denser razors would suffer more in this case.

I don't shave in the shower, so I don't have a reference in terms of how durable razors can be if dropped, but have managed to scuff and ding them in the sink. In my opinion, given the right circumstances, all metals can be subject to deformity, at quite an easy rate from my experience.

Having said that, I think it makes sense that a very light machined aluminum razor might be able to survive a shower drop, but this is just pure speculation on my part.

CNC machined razor could be any number of materials.

A stainless steel razor, whether CNC machined or not, will generally survive a drop, but it may not make it out unscathed. A dropped razor will often be slightly dented and scraped up. To what extent depends to some extent on the hardness of the steel, which depends on the heating process.

Posting Freak
A dropped razor could also injure a toe or crack or chip a ceramic tile. You should attach a safety lanyard if you’re going to use it in the shower. Just make sure it’s either short enough or long enough that the dropped razor doesn’t hit your body in a sensitive area.

ExtraProtein, jesseix, Gopneg and 2 others like this post
People laughed when Muhle brought out the Companion labeling it as unisex and included a cord. Seems that their marketing department may know something.

As for dropping any CNC machined razor, having it break is not the only way to damage a razor. safety bar or combs may bend. I keep a plastic Dorco razor loaded in my shower. Not that I shave in the shower, but in case I find I missed a spot, it is great for that.

ExtraProtein, Marko, Deus Vult and 2 others like this post
I doubt you'd break a CNC SS razor dropping it a few feet on a hard surface, but you could knock it out of alignment if it hit the floor just right.

Frl2, Deus Vult and ExtraProtein like this post

They should do crash tests like they do with cars except for razors, and instead of a wall have a ceramic tub.
"Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong."―Oscar Wilde
If anyone wants to donate a stainless steel razor to the cause I'd be happy to run some MIL-STD 4 foot drop tests and do a video for the YouTube channel...

Gopneg, ExtraProtein, Frl2 and 1 others like this post
Garrett, The Shaving Disciple - Christian, Husband, Father, Writer, YouTuber, Head Shaver
2024 Software Restraint
Perhaps a bakelite would survive the fall.

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