
Max Sprecher
Las Vegas, NV
(This post was last modified: 06-30-2020, 06:37 PM by Max Sprecher.)
(06-30-2020, 05:22 PM)vicstarrr Wrote: That sucks man. They should have started work on your handle before they receive the incorrect one, it's only fair.  The good thing is that at least you were able to get a shave using a different handle.
Everyone runs their business how they think is fair so one has to abide by their rules. You are correct and the proper way would have been to make things right with priority without adding more downtime. In the end it's just a handle and there are things far worse to stress about. As long as it gets resolved in a timely manner.

Zhang Doe, DSR and herbert7890 like this post
"Simple: not to be confused with easy."
(This post was last modified: 06-30-2020, 06:27 PM by DSR.)
(06-30-2020, 04:53 PM)Max Sprecher Wrote: Finally after a total of 8 months I received my Wolfman. The anticipation and excitement was very high. Like all Wolfman razors they are a thing of beauty. Unfortunately I was send the wrong handle so instead of the 7/3 XL hollow I received the solid. That was a bummer but we're all human and mistakes happen. Now I have to ship it back for a replacement but what rubs me totally wrong is that I have to wait until they get the handle back before they would even consider making the correct one which means I'll probably have to wait god knows how long. Anyway, it is what it is. I would have kept the handle but it's overly bottom heavy and overall weighs too much for me at 94.8 grams. I did have my first shave in last night with a different handle. I measured the blade gap to be shy of 1.10 and it delivered. It upped the efficiency of the 1.05 and kept the comfort so it really sits between a 1.05 and 1.15. Of course I need to give it a few more shaves before i can come to a final conclusion but so far so good.

Sorry to hear about the problem with your handle!
Hope you get the correct one without having to wait too long...

Very interested to hear how you like the 1.10 gap as a daily driver.
I’m looking for something similar to (or just a smidge below..) the Titanium Timeless .95 SB or the Karve SB-D, and it sounds like it would be either WR2 1.05 or 1.15, so debating between the two... but maybe your chosen gap would hit the right spot...?
Enjoy your shaves!!

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Max Sprecher
Las Vegas, NV
DSR I have used the Karve D and 1.15 extensively and for me they were very closely matched. Extremely efficient and the closest shave with a Wizamet, Gillette SV, Voskhod, Timor,... these are all blades that aren't overly and extremely sharp like a Feather or Treet for example. But I settled on the Karve C as it was way more comfortable, still gave me that close shave without making my face feel hot or give the impression that I just scalped myself. Same with the 1.05. That's why I aimed for something in between and hopefully I'll be able to give a final verdict after several shaves. For whatever reason I never get the best shave from a new DE blade. The second and most importantly the third shave of a DE blade is the sweet spot for me where they perform the best. Then it starts to slowly degrade. Still usable, just not as close anymore.

Same with the Karve. Ideally I'd love something between a C and D plate. But again I'd rather opt for comfort. With that said I used a Personna Lab Blue recently for several shaves and it really upped the sharpness and efficiency with the 1.05 I have on loan. I've gotten very fond of that particular blade. I have a sample of the Personna Med Prep which I'll use next but apparently they are the exact same as the Lab Blue only they come sterilized for hospital use. We'll see how that goes.

Zhang Doe, DSR, Zen Shaver and 1 others like this post
"Simple: not to be confused with easy."
(06-30-2020, 06:32 PM)Max Sprecher Wrote: DSR I have used the Karve D and 1.15 extensively and for me they were very closely matched. Extremely efficient and the closest shave with a Wizamet, Gillette SV, Voskhod, Timor,... these are all blades that aren't overly and extremely sharp like a Feather or Treet for example. But I settled on the Karve C as it was way more comfortable, still gave me that close shave without making my face feel hot or give the impression that I just scalped myself. Same with the 1.05. That's why I aimed for something in between and hopefully I'll be able to give a final verdict after several shaves. For whatever reason I never get the best shave from a new DE blade. The second and most importantly the third shave of a DE blade is the sweet spot for me where they perform the best. Then it starts to slowly degrade. Still usable, just not as close anymore.

Same with the Karve. Ideally I'd love something between a C and D plate. But again I'd rather opt for comfort. With that said I used a Personna Lab Blue recently for several shaves and it really upped the sharpness and efficiency with the 1.05 I have on loan. I've gotten very fond of that particular blade. I have a sample of the Personna Med Prep which I'll use next but apparently they are the exact same as the Lab Blue only they come sterilized for hospital use. We'll see how that goes.

Thank you.
If Karve D and WR2 1.15 are very similar, then I think I would also find 1.10 perfect for daily shaves, like you.
Looking forward to hearing how you get on with it.

Max Sprecher
Las Vegas, NV
Will do. Don't get me wrong. I could own the 1.15 and D and be totally happy. Just not as a daily driver as I would need to give my skin an extra day rest.
"Simple: not to be confused with easy."
(06-30-2020, 04:53 PM)Max Sprecher Wrote: Finally after a total of 8 months I received my Wolfman. The anticipation and excitement was very high. Like all Wolfman razors they are a thing of beauty. Unfortunately I was send the wrong handle so instead of the 7/3 XL hollow I received the solid. That was a bummer but we're all human and mistakes happen. Now I have to ship it back for a replacement but what rubs me totally wrong is that I have to wait until they get the handle back before they would even consider making the correct one which means I'll probably have to wait god knows how long. Anyway, it is what it is. I would have kept the handle but it's overly bottom heavy and overall weighs too much for me at 94.8 grams. I did have my first shave in last night with a different handle. I measured the blade gap to be shy of 1.10 and it delivered. It upped the efficiency of the 1.05 and kept the comfort so it really sits between a 1.05 and 1.15. Of course I need to give it a few more shaves before i can come to a final conclusion but so far so good.

If it is mirror polished, keep the handle. Ill buy it and pay shipping. Keep it and use it until James sends you the replacement. Save you both some heartburn maybe.

JimmyH, Max Sprecher, IanG153 and 2 others like this post

Max Sprecher
Las Vegas, NV
(This post was last modified: 06-30-2020, 08:53 PM by Max Sprecher.)
LOOT Unfortunately It's too late. It was already packed and shipped back an hour ago as the mail man already made his rounds. But thank you for the kind offer.

LOOT likes this post
"Simple: not to be confused with easy."
(06-30-2020, 03:21 PM)herbert7890 Wrote: HOLY COWWWW!!!!!!  Guys,  I'm Mega excited after my first shave with my 1.15 with 2 blade shims (my homebrew "1.35" for now).

Let me summarize for you:  UTOPIC SHAVE.  Absolutely the best shave of my life and I have been wet shaving for 7.5 years now.  This is exactly what I wanted to get from a Wolfman WR2.  Super smooth, super efficient, and not having to do multiple touchups like I had to with the normal 1.15.

If I had to compare the regular 1.15 vs the "1.35" I would say the following:

-This is will be a shock for some, but the "1.35" seems even smoother than the 1.15,  dont even ask me how,  i dont even know how is this possible.  Baffles my mind.

-A much-improved efficiency vs the 1.15 (that was my gripe with the 1.15).  I needed something close to the blackbird and this "1.35" does it perfectly and about 100 times smoother than the blackbird (but I adore the blackbird as well).  No more multiple touch-ups needed (which can lead to irritation).

-Results;  a complete BBS,  I don't think its possible to shave closer than this (but will try with 4 shims on my next shave to simulate a 1.55).  In contrast, the 1.15 was more between DFS and BBS,  much less satisfying to me.

I will definitely be needing a real 1.35 when my next turn comes up, even if I need to add a 1.55 later on as well (unless somehow my shave with 4 shims gets even better than this one,  but it will be hard,  lets see! 

I'm so mad at myself of picking the 1.15 on my first turn......... guys take my advice, go 1.35 or higher on the WR2.  the 1.15 provides a great shave, the 1.35 provides a DREAM shave,  big difference.

Good post,

I have to agree re: the 1.35 vs the mighty Blackbird,
In my experience the step up from 1.35 to 1.45 is significant, however I did not find going from 1.45 to 1.55 to be as beneficial, the 1.55 for me gave way a little smoothness for Very little more efficiency,
I have settled on the 1.45 as the sweet spot for the Wr2 gaps, as always Ymmv.
I look forward to hearing your shimmed comparisons Cool

herbert7890, Darktrader, keto and 1 others like this post

Golf Nut
San Antonio, Texas
(07-01-2020, 12:57 PM)Starman Wrote:
(06-30-2020, 03:21 PM)herbert7890 Wrote: HOLY COWWWW!!!!!!  Guys,  I'm Mega excited after my first shave with my 1.15 with 2 blade shims (my homebrew "1.35" for now).

Let me summarize for you:  UTOPIC SHAVE.  Absolutely the best shave of my life and I have been wet shaving for 7.5 years now.  This is exactly what I wanted to get from a Wolfman WR2.  Super smooth, super efficient, and not having to do multiple touchups like I had to with the normal 1.15.

If I had to compare the regular 1.15 vs the "1.35" I would say the following:

-This is will be a shock for some, but the "1.35" seems even smoother than the 1.15,  dont even ask me how,  i dont even know how is this possible.  Baffles my mind.

-A much-improved efficiency vs the 1.15 (that was my gripe with the 1.15).  I needed something close to the blackbird and this "1.35" does it perfectly and about 100 times smoother than the blackbird (but I adore the blackbird as well).  No more multiple touch-ups needed (which can lead to irritation).

-Results;  a complete BBS,  I don't think its possible to shave closer than this (but will try with 4 shims on my next shave to simulate a 1.55).  In contrast, the 1.15 was more between DFS and BBS,  much less satisfying to me.

I will definitely be needing a real 1.35 when my next turn comes up, even if I need to add a 1.55 later on as well (unless somehow my shave with 4 shims gets even better than this one,  but it will be hard,  lets see! 

I'm so mad at myself of picking the 1.15 on my first turn......... guys take my advice, go 1.35 or higher on the WR2.  the 1.15 provides a great shave, the 1.35 provides a DREAM shave,  big difference.

Good post,

I have to agree re: the 1.35 vs the mighty Blackbird,
In my experience the step up from 1.35 to 1.45 is significant, however I did not find going from 1.45 to 1.55 to be as beneficial, the 1.55 for me gave way a little smoothness for Very little more efficiency,
I have settled on the 1.45 as the sweet spot for the Wr2 gaps, as always Ymmv.
I look forward to hearing your shimmed comparisons Cool

As a brief update, with the "1.35", this was 100% my longest lasting BBS shave ever.  I think It was around 15 hours without feeling any hair at all in the neck (hardest place).  I would dare to say the 1.35 its more efficient than the blackbird,  judging on the BBS time and growth after 24 hours as well.   I usually shave every other day, but I might not be able to shave until friday with this beast (good thing for me).

I wonder how many additional BBS hours would I get with 1.45 or 1.55. (dont even know I need that many, but curious).   You say there is a significant diff between 1.35 and 1.45,  is that for efficiency, smoothness or both?   the "1.35" felt like butter and even better than the 1.15 but if there is a sudden smoothness decrease with the 1.45, that might keep me at 1.35 on my next turn.

Vpetrishky likes this post
Is your angle shallow or steep?

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