(This post was last modified: 09-25-2019, 11:43 PM by LOOT.)
Fantastic image that will help a lot of first time Wolf hunters out, like me.
Do you have a preference for one over the over when using the standard length H1 or H2?  No real preference.  The 1 handle obviously has better grip, but I've never dropped any of my handles due to slippery.  1 and 2 handles are interchangeable to me.
Is one more comfy than the other?  The 7XL fits my hand perfectly.  So, I had a couple of hybrids built around that platform.
Does the standard weight work well or do you wish they were hollowed out?  [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] I had a hollow SS7XL but wound up trading it out for the solid SS.  The solid, for whatever reason, works better for me. I just traded for a hollow SS WRH2 but I've not used it yet.  I think it will work well on the 94OC WR1 head in transit, we will see.  I'm weird with handles...I have the  heaviest one available, and the second lightest (my 80mm WRH2Ti is solid).  I enjoy them all.  For the most part the handles stay on the heads they were ordered with.  It's the only I can keep them straight until I label them.  I'm not one for swapping handles  [/font]

I see that this was Porks photo.  I'll be open to comments from everyone who has tried both handles....

AQU, Tim33z, Starman and 1 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 09-26-2019, 01:45 AM by george1906.)
Question, when I get an email to confirm my details, is there a way to have each side of my baseplate marked as to the gap that I may do? Like 1.35 on one side and 1.55 on the other? Will James do that? I guess I’ll be waiting for a couple weeks, I got my confirmation email on 9/23. I am
Patiently waiting for another email to confirm my choices. As an owner of a 1.25 WR2, I’m ok with the wait but I am salivating over these higher blade gaps now.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Living on the edge
I'm on a 72 hr beard growth and was glad to just take delivery of a spanking new 1.45 SB
I wanted to get this as close to Ti weight as possible so chose the WRH7 hollow... this razor should
weigh in at around 69-73gm. Blade gap looks more than generous to me. 

LOVE the brushed satin finish...enough jibber jabber, here's the pix...

[Image: 8h2k50g.jpg][Image: wKTIpXe.jpg][Image: BHbjMeD.jpg][Image: kCzwL0s.jpg][Image: Dfg862d.jpg]

Starman, Roydrage, Kri4unapika4u and 6 others like this post

Northern NJ
Gorgeous razor Tester28 I love how the brushed satin looks. I ultimately went with high polish so I can mix and match heads and handles that I already had but yours looks great!

Tester28 and LOOT like this post
(09-26-2019, 04:58 AM)Tester28 Wrote: I'm on a 72 hr beard growth and was glad to just take delivery of a spanking new 1.45 SB
I wanted to get this as close to Ti weight as possible so chose the WRH7 hollow... this razor should
weigh in at around 69-73gm. Blade gap looks more than generous to me. 

LOVE the brushed satin finish...enough jibber jabber, here's the pix...

[Image: 8h2k50g.jpg][Image: wKTIpXe.jpg][Image: BHbjMeD.jpg][Image: kCzwL0s.jpg][Image: Dfg862d.jpg]

That looks sexy AF!
I have now decided what finish i am getting!!

Tester28 and LOOT like this post
(09-26-2019, 04:58 AM)Tester28 Wrote: I'm on a 72 hr beard growth and was glad to just take delivery of a spanking new 1.45 SB
I wanted to get this as close to Ti weight as possible so chose the WRH7 hollow... this razor should
weigh in at around 69-73gm. Blade gap looks more than generous to me. 

LOVE the brushed satin finish...enough jibber jabber, here's the pix...

[Image: 8h2k50g.jpg][Image: wKTIpXe.jpg][Image: BHbjMeD.jpg][Image: kCzwL0s.jpg][Image: Dfg862d.jpg]
Very nice looking rig you've got there tester28. That's a nice weight,  do you have an idea what a TI weighs in at?

LOOT likes this post

Living on the edge
(This post was last modified: 09-26-2019, 09:52 AM by Tester28.)
Before I got this 1.45SB, I had floated a theory that a high gap razor might actually be
gentler on the skin as it wouldn't require repetitive buffing. I also theorised that the brushed
satin would handle glue spot smudges without triggering an OCD urge to clean the mirror
polish after every shave. Today's shave tested both those premises.

Based on the inaugural shave, I found this to be an excellent razor and gap to have in the rotation.
As always, high gaps require buyers to read a lot of opinions before proceeding and I'm glad I did.

My beard growth, at the 3 day mark, can be described as very consistent, hard and scrubby....the 1.15
handles it very well, but 1.45 took it to a new level of smoothness ....and equally, facial softness
post shave.

Loaded a new Pol Silver and went to work....this thing scythes through 3 day's growth rather well
and cuts pretty darn close. Blade feel, to me felt a smidge or two more than my 1.15.
Excellent audio feedback, perhaps a tad more high pitched than my other WR2. On second pass, I wouldn't say the blade vanished,
it was still there, almost as much, or maybe just a tad lesser than the first pass. Razor performed very well on my trouble areas like chin
and below lower lip/corners of mouth. On the neck too, it was stellar....at no point did this feel like an aggressive razor that needed to
be reined in. I cant say that will apply to everyone.

Bottom line: I got more done – comfortably and with less work/buffing....now that is efficiency.


• the razor was indeed kinder to my skin as it significantly lessened the need to buff. My lower neck can sometimes
get a bit dark with overzealous buffing but I found this occurrence to be greatly reduced.

• the brushed satin finish was not impervious to glue spot smudges but they seem very muted,
so much so that I did not feel any burning desire to clean this razor immediately. A welcome

• Glide: I also tried to gauge how the brushed satin glides on the face compared to mirror polish. I don't think
you would notice unless you were specifically watching for it, but the mirror polish glides a tad more smoothly
over the face...which is not to say the brushed satin doesn't...it just feels different. I don't mind the glide of
BS at all, it's very pleasing and, dare I say it, satin-like.

• The low weight of the hollow H7 (36-40 gm) worked rather well for me. I think I'm one who subconsciously applies more
pressure than necessary, so this handle saved me from myself. I was a little worried when I first saw the handle
as I thought it might prove too wisp-like in the hand....I have medium hands....if you have big grippers, go XL, I think
it will be great. It offered good grip, but I can see that changing if one's hands are slippery with soap.

• Does this make me want to sell off my 1.15? I don't know yet, might have to run the 1.45 for a week before deciding.
I can tell you that I was contemplating a 1.25 Ti earlier, but now Im seriously wondering if that should be a 1.35 Ti instead.
Could I handle a 1.55? I don't see why not...but with the 1.45 in hand, I don't feel Im missing a hell of a lot.

• There have been some comparisons made, likening 1.45 SB to BB and CG L3 SB razors. Going by memory, I would say
that the blade feel on 1.45 seems a tad more than BB and L3....but it comes packaged with a nicer, better face feel and more comfort.
Efficiency-wise, 1.45 exceeds both razors, the L3 more than the BB. Smoothness-wise, I give it hands down to the 1.45
These are just my opinions, please weigh them against other reviews too..

Starman, Einar, JimmyH and 6 others like this post

Living on the edge
(This post was last modified: 09-26-2019, 11:34 AM by Tester28.)
(09-26-2019, 08:57 AM)keto Wrote: Very nice looking rig you've got there tester28. That's a nice weight,  do you have an idea what a TI weighs in at?

Cheers, man....I asked ShaveMD to weight his WR2 1.45 Ti SB razor (same handle) and he said it was 60gm if Im not mistaken.

Edit: just weighed mine.
Top Cap:12gm
Plate: 24gm
Handle WRH7 Hollow: 40gm

So 76 gm....still 16 gm more than Ti.

AJSharp, keto and LOOT like this post
(09-26-2019, 09:30 AM)Tester28 Wrote:
(09-26-2019, 08:57 AM)keto Wrote: Very nice looking rig you've got there tester28. That's a nice weight,  do you have an idea what a TI weighs in at?

Cheers, man....I asked ShaveMD to weight his WR2 1.45 Ti SB razor  (same handle) and he said it was 60gm if Im not mistaken.
      Thats good info to me, I like it. Is his handle solid or hollow? I'm guessing a solid TI handle.

LOOT likes this post
(09-26-2019, 10:01 AM)keto Wrote:
(09-26-2019, 09:30 AM)Tester28 Wrote:
(09-26-2019, 08:57 AM)keto Wrote: Very nice looking rig you've got there tester28. That's a nice weight,  do you have an idea what a TI weighs in at?

Cheers, man....I asked ShaveMD to weight his WR2 1.45 Ti SB razor  (same handle) and he said it was 60gm if Im not mistaken.
      Thats good info to me, I like it. Is his handle solid or hollow? I'm guessing a solid TI handle.
Gentleman, Yes my Ti Handle is a solid WRH7. I forget the weight but I believe Tester28 is correct at 60g.

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