
(07-19-2019, 12:07 AM)FloridaCreekIndian Wrote: Got my WR2 1.35 SB WRH7 XL “cheaper” brushed finish razor today. I can see a flaw in the cheap finish at all!
[Image: uaIQueQ.jpg][Image: zP4bUjd.jpg][Image: 7lWWYXT.jpg][Image: wkdyJZZ.jpg][Image: K4Hl0H3.jpg]
That Finish looks Outstanding! Congratulations!

Deus Vult, LOOT, AQU and 2 others like this post
Loot, thanks for everything! Yes, solid handle and the "BASIC" brushed finish. That handle is very weighty but works well with this head. I will be using it tomorrow morning!

I had initially contacted James and flip-flopped between the 1.35mm and the 1.45mm blade gap but finally decided to go with the 1.35mm because I have never used a WR2 razor.

nitinkapur, Deus Vult and LOOT like this post
Thanks TheHunter! I couldn't imagine the finish being any better than this. I surely wouldn't pay extra for the high end finish.

LOOT, nitinkapur and TheHunter like this post
Beautiful! First time I've seen that brushed finish in the 'standard' version - looks great! I hope that 1.35 works well for you.
PS. you may want to edit the second sentence of your post - 'can' --> 'can't' Smile

nitinkapur and shaveSymptomatic like this post
Good catch Ian!!!!! Posted that one from my phone!
(07-19-2019, 12:07 AM)FloridaCreekIndian Wrote: Got my WR2 1.35 SB WRH7 XL “cheaper” brushed finish razor today. I can't see a flaw in the cheap finish at all!
[Image: uaIQueQ.jpg][Image: zP4bUjd.jpg][Image: 7lWWYXT.jpg][Image: wkdyJZZ.jpg][Image: K4Hl0H3.jpg]

I love that finish!! Beautiful razor and can’t wait to hear how you like the 1.35! Thinking of that in titanium next.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

shaveSymptomatic and LOOT like this post
(07-19-2019, 12:19 AM)FloridaCreekIndian Wrote: Loot, thanks for everything! Yes, solid handle and the "BASIC" brushed finish. That handle is very weighty but works well with this head. I will be using it tomorrow morning!

I had initially contacted James and flip-flopped between the 1.35mm and the 1.45mm blade gap but finally decided to go with the 1.35mm because I have never used a WR2 razor.
You are very welcome. You are going to love the 1.35. shave report is mandatory.

The hobo finish looks fantastic.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Deus Vult, IanG153, nitinkapur and 2 others like this post
HA!!!! This is quite far from a hobo finish for sure though!!!!!

Deus Vult and LOOT like this post
1.35!!! I am still struggling to get my 1.05 as a daily 2-pass shaver Smile need to get the 0.95 on the next drop!

Kehole, shaveSymptomatic, Deus Vult and 1 others like this post
So...I'm pretty sure there is another 1.45 on the street. Let's hear it! Is there only the one?

Anyone get a 1.55?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

george1906, JimmyH, Roydrage and 2 others like this post

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