(09-07-2021, 11:53 AM)FaceScraper Wrote:
(09-07-2021, 06:48 AM)blacksmallhand Wrote:
(09-07-2021, 06:43 AM)BPman Wrote: It has absolutely nothing to do with "needs". It has everything to do with "wants".

Actually, I think it's the same thing.

But for different people, their ideas are different.

Ordinary users who only want to solve problems must have different ideas from enthusiasts.

It depends on how you want to justify something, I suppose. Take automobiles, for example. I want a Mercedes Maybach (not really). I certainly don't NEED a Mercedes Maybach. Nobody NEEDS a vehicle that costs nearly $200,000. Someone spent $18 million for a Bugatti a little while back. I kinda doubt that person needed a car that costs that much. A vehicle is designed to get you from point A to point B. Some vehicles do it in style, and garner envy of others. Which is exactly the point of most luxury goods...envy and attention. 

A Louis Vuitton purse performs the same function as one you can get at T.J Maxx. Which one do you think others are more likely to notice?

The luxury market is alive and well. There are plenty of folks who will stop at nothing, and spend whatever amount of money necessary to obtain luxury goods. I'm not knocking it. Everyone can choose how they want to spend their money. 

Like someone else posted, our hobby is peanuts compared to other hobbies.

Although it is the same from point a to point B, the actual experience of the driver is different when the tools used in this process are different. Although the results are the same.

In fact, taking the razor as an example, when I can skillfully use SR, for me, I believe I can perfectly control any DE. But I will still pursue some high-end DE. Because they make the shaving process easier and more comfortable. Moreover, keeping some beautiful collections is easier to make me feel happy when using them.

Of course, this is just a personal feeling. I can't quantify it to prove its existence. I'm tired of arguing with people about it. After all, everyone's situation is different. How much we are willing to pay for a product depends entirely on how we look at it.
(09-05-2021, 07:35 PM)LOOT Wrote: Hey, you damned kids get off my lawn!

But Mr LOOT our baseball went into your yard, and that one kid stepped in something.

ExtraProtein likes this post
(09-07-2021, 12:33 PM)keto Wrote:
(09-05-2021, 07:35 PM)LOOT Wrote: Hey, you damned kids get off my lawn!

But Mr LOOT our baseball went into your yard, and that one kid stepped in something.


muzichead, keto, ExtraProtein and 2 others like this post
(09-07-2021, 12:49 PM)LOOT Wrote:
(09-07-2021, 12:33 PM)keto Wrote:
(09-05-2021, 07:35 PM)LOOT Wrote: Hey, you damned kids get off my lawn!

But Mr LOOT our baseball went into your yard, and that one kid stepped in something.

Is he imitating Joe Biden ?

ExtraProtein likes this post
(09-07-2021, 12:19 PM)blacksmallhand Wrote:
(09-07-2021, 11:53 AM)FaceScraper Wrote:
(09-07-2021, 06:48 AM)blacksmallhand Wrote: Actually, I think it's the same thing.

But for different people, their ideas are different.

Ordinary users who only want to solve problems must have different ideas from enthusiasts.

It depends on how you want to justify something, I suppose. Take automobiles, for example. I want a Mercedes Maybach (not really). I certainly don't NEED a Mercedes Maybach. Nobody NEEDS a vehicle that costs nearly $200,000. Someone spent $18 million for a Bugatti a little while back. I kinda doubt that person needed a car that costs that much. A vehicle is designed to get you from point A to point B. Some vehicles do it in style, and garner envy of others. Which is exactly the point of most luxury goods...envy and attention. 

A Louis Vuitton purse performs the same function as one you can get at T.J Maxx. Which one do you think others are more likely to notice?

The luxury market is alive and well. There are plenty of folks who will stop at nothing, and spend whatever amount of money necessary to obtain luxury goods. I'm not knocking it. Everyone can choose how they want to spend their money. 

Like someone else posted, our hobby is peanuts compared to other hobbies.

Although it is the same from point a to point B, the actual experience of the driver is different when the tools used in this process are different. Although the results are the same.

In fact, taking the razor as an example, when I can skillfully use SR, for me, I believe I can perfectly control any DE. But I will still pursue some high-end DE. Because they make the shaving process easier and more comfortable. Moreover, keeping some beautiful collections is easier to make me feel happy when using them.

Of course, this is just a personal feeling. I can't quantify it to prove its existence. I'm tired of arguing with people about it. After all, everyone's situation is different. How much we are willing to pay for a product depends entirely on how we look at it.

I'm not arguing your points. It's all about perception and desire. If you desire a Wolfman or a Rocnel (or whatever razor), go for it. If you feel a luxury razor provides you with a luxury experience, that's perfectly cool. Many of us are fine with using our iPhone cameras, but there is certainly a market for Leica. And so on, and so on. 

I'm camped out in the middle of the road. I love Blackland razors and also have a Charcoal Goods razor. I happen to like the looks and the way they feel in the hand. To me, that's luxurious enough. I can justify these razors simply due to enjoyment of owning and using them. The bulk of my co-workers and friends think my hobby is strange (and, really...it kinda is if you think about it) and would NEVER spend even $50 on a razor, or be willing to negotiate the learning curve. They're content with their disposables or electrics. Also fine. 

All I'm saying is there's something for everyone, for whatever reason they want it. 

Collectors (of any item) are a different breed altogether. There are plenty of folks who seek out and purchase items with the intent of putting them in a display case and never using them. I'm not one of those people. If it's something I won't actually use, I won't get it. BUT - I do have admiration for collectors. If merely owning an item brings them joy, that's awesome. Most collectors are somewhat of historians as well. Those are the people you turn to when you have questions about origin or variations. They know their stuff. They can provide all the information you could ever want - and more. Everyone has a different passion. That's what makes the world go 'round. 

If we really, really want to get down to it, just about every product we discuss on forums such as this can be considered as luxury items, or wants. There are millions of people around the world (in our own country, for that matter) who don't even have access to safe drinking water or food to sustain their lives. Even something as pedestrian to us, such as a puck of artisan soap, is a luxury.

LOOT, mrdoug, BPman and 4 others like this post
Quote:"Although it is the same from point a to point B, the actual experience of the driver is different when the tools used in this process are different. Although the results are the same.

In fact, taking the razor as an example, when I can skillfully use SR, for me, I believe I can perfectly control any DE. But I will still pursue some high-end DE. Because they make the shaving process easier and more comfortable. Moreover, keeping some beautiful collections is easier to make me feel happy when using them.

Of course, this is just a personal feeling. I can't quantify it to prove its existence. I'm tired of arguing with people about it. After all, everyone's situation is different. How much we are willing to pay for a product depends entirely on how we look at it."

Sir, if you need a Mega Buck razor to make you feel "happy" then your problem is not shaving. Trust me. Deeper issues are at play.

ExtraProtein likes this post
(09-07-2021, 04:52 PM)FaceScraper Wrote: Many of us are fine with using our iPhone cameras, but there is certainly a market for Leica. And so on, and so on. 

Yeah, if you think Wolfman is overpriced check out prices for secondhand Leica M cameras - nevermind new - prices have rocketed for film Leicas lately.

AQU, Frl2 and ExtraProtein like this post
So, are we really diagnosing perceived mental illness now...over razor choice?

I'm all for having strong opinions but good Lord.

JimmyH, Frl2, ExtraProtein and 2 others like this post

I like Pizza
(09-07-2021, 05:59 PM)LOOT Wrote: So, are we really diagnosing perceived mental illness now...over razor choice?

I'm all for having strong opinions but good Lord.

Roflmao….. LOOT, here’s the REAL funny of the thread: 

James D is reading every single written word here, both the original versions and the edited 2-3x recycled versions eating his cereal and saying; “I love these guys, I will NEVER have to spend 1 single dime on advertising/marketing with this crew…..  AND when I resume orders with the new menu, the line will be 3x as long

JD: have a fantastic holiday fishing, we’ll keep the FREE marketing alive, how about another auction before you go after that trophy Muskie? That should churn the speculation further


BPman, AQU, cliffwegner and 1 others like this post
(09-07-2021, 05:59 PM)LOOT Wrote: So, are we really diagnosing perceived mental illness now...over razor choice?

I'm all for having strong opinions but good Lord.


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