Vétyver, série limitée (Martin de Candre)
a 3017 odyssey
Shave 42
For quite some time sellers of essential oils have been touting the reviving and restorative properties of vetiver oil. Thing is though, they didn’t have the hard data to back up their claim. Lucky for them, a group of scientists took up the challenge. They wired some rats’ brains to an EEG and then exposed the critters to a diffusion of vetiver oil and water. Turns out, a whiff of this fragrant blend lengthened the rodents’ waking hours and shortened their sleep. What’s more, the oil tinkered with their brain waves, stirring up a hive of activity in certain parts of their cerebellum. The rats, it seems, were on the receiving end of an aromatic pick-me-up, courtesy of vetiver oil.
According to the great minds behind this study, vetiver essential oil may truly possess a property that jazzes up your mental faculties and helps keep you alert. So next time you wake up groggy and you find your own cranium in need of a tonic, a vetiver shave might just be the ticket to rouse the gray matter.
Source Cheaha D, Issuriya A, et al. (2016). Modification of sleep-waking and electroencephalogram induced by vetiver essential oil inhalation. Journal of Intercultural Ethnopharmacology, 5(1), 72–78 ・ Brush Plisson pour L’Occitane (10) ・ Razor Blackland Vector Ti (83) ・ Blade Feather ProGuard (9)