(05-24-2022, 12:54 AM)Bouki Wrote: Maya (Tallow + Steel) the Yucatán
Shave 6 ・ 78% left
Maya smells like you’ve taken a shovel into the jungle and started a nice hole for your barbecue pit. As you dig deep the smells that come up are earthy, sort of sandy, and wet. Then come the spicy notes of cardamom, coffee, cocoa, and allspice. It’s nice and sort of soothing. My label also mentions lime and orange, but over the years they’ve burnt off. What’s left is just dark and delicious.
Razor Bic Twin Select ・ Brush Blackheart Foolery Slightly Cloudy ・ Hoard 17,698 g (⇣784 g)
Are you still diving into the back of the den for long-lost soaps? I'm just curious to see if Mystic Water makes an appearance