(This post was last modified: 08-11-2021, 10:41 AM by Bouki.)
88 Chestnut St t. (Declaration Grooming)
neroli explosion
Shave 4 ・ 94% left
The neroli caught me by the nose right off, but what really impressed me was all the green in the fragrance. I didn’t notice it off the puck, but once the lather came together, I got all sorts of curious herby bits that gave the scent body and depth. As for the performance, I'm still having trouble loading this semi-soft soap. The more I swirl my brush over the puck, the mushier it gets. But oddly it doesn't cling well to the bristles. This might end up being a 'scoop & smear' soap.
Razor 1947 Gem Micromatic Bullet Tip Flying Wing ・ Blade Gem Super Stainless ・ Brush Phoenix Shaving Peregrino ・ Esbjerg Grapefruit Aftershave Cream ・ YTD 456 g