Rose (Martin de Candre) distant rose
In cool weather, this soap performs magnificently, giving me a very close shave without any irritation. I'm using a sample, which lasts for quite a while. Unfortunately, the scent has long flown, leaving behind only the acrid smell of the soap's base – Rose now smells like rubber. I think in a full jar the scent would fare better. I see that the soap is once again offered at Martin de Candre, just in time for the holidays.
Rockwell 6S R4 • Feather (1-2) • Plissoft 400 • Habit Rouge
In cool weather, this soap performs magnificently, giving me a very close shave without any irritation. I'm using a sample, which lasts for quite a while. Unfortunately, the scent has long flown, leaving behind only the acrid smell of the soap's base – Rose now smells like rubber. I think in a full jar the scent would fare better. I see that the soap is once again offered at Martin de Candre, just in time for the holidays.
Rockwell 6S R4 • Feather (1-2) • Plissoft 400 • Habit Rouge