(07-05-2017, 02:52 AM)BadDad Wrote: Soapy Sudsery Jack Frost
Just got this amazing stuff as a surprise add-on to a recent purchase. Really excellent stuff. The scent is great, and definitely completely different from anything else I have in my den. Performance is outstanding, which means this stuff will take a font & center position on my top shelf. Really happy with this stuff!
Chris, Sudsy Soapery was at the St. Louis meet-up and while there with my friend, he treated me to their Sandalwood & Myrrh scented shaving soap. Not only was the scent fantastic but the performance put it right up there with my two other brands of top tier soaps, Barrister & Mann glissant formula and Desmond's Barrow. Sudsy Soapery is definitely a brand that needs more recognition, in my opinion.
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