(02-13-2021, 09:19 PM)SRZ65LE#31 Wrote: Wolfman SS WR1 0.61 DC, with WRH7 hollow, in basic polishFeather blades are worthless for “ME” on the first run; the second and third use is incredible! Regarding the .61 Wolfie, it’s refreshing to see and hear you like it
Feather (4)
The 0.61 is a deceptively close shaving razor. There is some blade feel, but not a whole lot. It provides a nice close shave though. I have and have grown accustomed to the 0.61 OC. But this DC is new to me and I was impressed by how good the SB side was. (I’m starting suspect the Feather blades are not for me, though. However, it might just be that my face is still recovering from yesterday’s very close shave with the CG Lvl. 2). The hollow WRH7 balances with the WR1 head beautifully.
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