I was retired, now I consider myself semi-retired.
What do I do for work? When I retired I swore to myself that after all those years of doing what others wanted me to do I would only do those things I wanted to do anymore. So I only "work" at my hobbies, so I suppose I don't work at all. When I do "work" to make money I make shave products, and teach handgun (NRA certified instructor in a few fields). The rest of what I work at makes me no money; gardening, DIY, cutting firewood, and are all done for enjoyment even though I suppose most would consider them chores. Pure enjoyment hobbies are competing with a handgun (USPSA), and photography when I find the time, Oh and cooking; I'm a passible cook and baker. I have a lot more hobbies than those. I just wish I had more hours in a day; hours are always in short supply.
Brian. Lover of SE razors.