I had transitioned to straights, but found that my chin doesn’t like them as much as I do in the colder weather with the heat turned on in my house. So I figured that I would fool around with my DE razors, and vintage blades for the season.
In my opinion, these three razors are the REAL deal (in order of perfection):
1. Carbon Shaving Co. All Titanium with standard web baseplate - I had never held or used a titanium razor before yesterday. I always sort of thought them faddish and overpriced...I was wrong...whatever he charges for’s worth it...the razor is a treasure, absolute perfection on my face! It is also light as a toothpick...pretty neat!
2. RazoRock .84 Game Changer Open Comb - WoW was I impressed...what an efficient, smooth, and attractive razor. What you get at the set price point is pretty tough to beat...I think everyone should have one of these. I like the .84 better than the .68.
3. THE 1946-47 Gillette Aristocrat - I love these little Twist To Open golden razors! They are neat, smooth, and efficient...just marvelous shavers, and handsome to boot! It feels great in my hand,
and has never left me with anything less than a SUPERB shave! I have four sons, and I have acquired a New Old Stock one with the original case and blade holder for each of them. My plan is to gift them to each son when they do something special later in life. I have two that I in gold, and one that has been re-plated with rhodium.
I would hate to call any razors “over-hyped,” simply because everyone’s face and preferences are different, and all of the artisans work hard to provide us with their best products.