
Super Moderator
Stirling Bay Rum AS

I've read others state that a certain soap or splash has "lit them up" but I'd never experienced it...until this morning Sad.  Almost immediately after applying, I could feel some tingling which I attributed to the alcohol in the splash, even though a quick application of Alum after the shave told me I had done a good job.  Within about 30 seconds, it felt like it was on fire.  

Hopefully, it was just a one-time reaction.  I may be a fool but the scent on this one is so nice that I will try it again...next time though, I will have the cold water running just in case I need to rinse off quickly Smile

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Cold River Soap Works Olfactory Hue aftershave

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Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
[Image: 4EbKh10.jpg]

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Floid Vigoroso

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Aqua Velva Musk
[Image: oFt8GZU.jpg]
Tallow + Steel Orangeilla Splash

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Posting Freak
Saint Petersburg . Russia
[Image: 4rPuypw.jpg]
[Image: zp6irr6.jpg]

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Super Moderator
Tried the Stirling Bay Rum again today. It's definitely a no-go AS for me. Again, I love the scent but something in it is lighting me up and will have to go the B/S/T Sad

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Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
Acqua di Giò Profumo aftershave 
[Image: mhgJhJg.jpg]

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