
Chatillon Lux Gratiot League Square salve

hawns and HoosierShave like this post
- Jeff

Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
Houbigant Fougère Royale aftershave (vintage)
[Image: H6MZ3As.jpg]

Super Moderator
Chatillon Lux - Blackberry Blossom Bay salve

johnz3333 and hawns like this post

Soap Commander Wisdom Balm

Matsilainen likes this post

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
[Image: 1WTp2EI.jpg]

hawns, HoosierShave and Matsilainen like this post
Aqua Velva Balm
Canoe Cologne
Chatillion Lux TSM Fougere

Sent from my Samsung S8+

HoosierShave likes this post

Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
RazoRock R160 Sweet Almond aftershave balm
[Image: L6Y7e4T.jpg]

Super Moderator
Stirling - Arkadia balm

Matsilainen, Freddy and johnz3333 like this post

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
[Image: cDEbBHv.jpg]

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