
Vintage Shaver
Seattle, WA
If you're interested in what fragrance your favorite Hollywood star has worn, check this web site. I found it interesting that both Paul Newman and Robert Redford had bespoke Creed fragrances. If you want to go that route, experts estimate the cost now at $30,000-50,000. (There have also been recent packages available, including first-class airfare for two to Paris, hotel, gourmet dining, and consultations at Creed, for$475,000.)


Maranello, jesseix, Matsilainen and 1 others like this post

They forgot James Dean, who allegedly wore Knize Ten, just like David Niven. My favorite.

Matsilainen and Barrister_N_Mann like this post
Surprised Aaaaaaaaahnold and Nicholsen wear this.

Fun list to look at for sure.
I do wonder where this info comes from... it looks like they're 'sourcing' all their submissions from articles, interviews etc, I'd just be interested to see what the accuracy level on these is. Cool to look through though!

Matsilainen likes this post
Entertaining list, thanks!...equally entertaining would be the list of actors & celebs who allegedly don’t shower for days lol

Veni, vidi, vici
Vault 111
Which star wore Aqua Velva?
Shaving since 1971; enjoying my shaves since 2014
A che bel vivere, che bel piacere, per un barbiere di qualità! Happy2
Primo wears it

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