Declaration Grooming B11 Jefferson “Blood of Kings 2.0” - $375

Declaration Grooming B7 Jefferson “Blood Pact” - $280 (Has almost zero knot transparency)

Declaration Grooming B9a Jefferson “Storm Laser Dragon” - $280

[Image: vKEQdbV.jpg]Declaration Grooming B9a Jefferson “Tobias” - $250

Declaration Grooming B11 Washington “Star Spangled Blue” - $400
[Image: AjkD5Nk.jpg]

Rebus Knebus, jmkk6341, The_SwampFox and 3 others like this post
(This post was last modified: 06-27-2023, 08:48 PM by BVsaPike.)
*bump* reduced prices below...

Declaration Grooming B7 Jefferson “Blood Pact” - $250 SOLD

Declaration Grooming B9a Jefferson “Storm Laser Dragon” - $230 SOLD

Declaration Grooming B9a Jefferson “Tobias” - $230 SOLD

Declaration Grooming B11 Washington “Star Spangled Blue” - $350

wyze0ne likes this post
Star Spangled Blue B11 Washington 28mm - $325

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