(This post was last modified: 07-04-2023, 04:45 PM by Hoover53.)
[Image: IMG-2712.jpg][Image: IMG-2713.jpg]
I am selling these handles to benefit the Smart-Helix shaving company in Ukraine. As we all know the country is under incredible duress from an unnecessary and unethical war. I have been in contact with the founder of S-H, Victor, and the conditions and hardships the country is going through are just heart-breaking. 
Now some of you may have these beautifully made razors and it would be a great loss if the company were to go under. Victor and his fellow workers are doing everything they can to stay positive and afloat. But they need help for themselves and their families.
I decided to use these shells because they seem to be appropriate given the present circumstances. So I've put together these handles in two versions. One will accept most DE razor heads and the other is for Mach 3 blades. They are constructed with a flanged press insert epoxied into the shell casing. Painted to represent the blue over gold Ukrainian flag. The handles are 74 gm for the DE and 68 gm for the cart handle.
The handles are sold without the razor head or Mach 3 blade.
All profits are going to S-H. The only moneys being used by me are for material costs and tracked shipping. 
Both versions are being sold for $100 USD. The portion per handle going to S-H is $75. So you are in effect, buying the handle for $25 and donating $75. Victor will also reach out to thank you for your generosity.
If you decide to help out, please remember to not take these with you in your carryon luggage when traveling.
I accept PayPal so if you're interested please PM me and we can sort out the details.
Once again, thank you for your time and kindness.

jesseix, ceb21 and worldrallyx like this post
Perhaps I haven't explained the circumstances for S-H and their families as well as I should have. Victor and his fellow workers had to move from their home city further west to avoid the bombings and attacks that were happening to Kharkiv. Which meant they had to leave so much of their lives and belongings behind. Anyone who had children had to send them to other areas of the EU for safety. Victor hasn't seen his wife and son for over a year and a half. All families have suffered through separation and in a lot of instances child abduction by Russia. Supplies especially medicines, are being directed mainly towards the soldiers and their needs. Victor's father had to have his leg amputated when gangrene set in...the prognosis for his survival is not good. Everyday is a scramble for medicines, water, clothing and food. By purchasing one of these handles, you are helping people get through this terrible time.
I understand that times can be hard for a lot of us as well, but we are not literally fighting for our country and our freedom. Please help if you can.
Thank you
Well gentlemen...I do have to say this is disappointing. So I'll just close this out

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