
Living on the edge
One of my favourite ceramic tubs is the Mitchells Wool Fat...timeless design.
Come to think of it , the perfect resting place for a sheepdog's ashes.

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
Only issue is the MWF script whereas the Nuavia were timeless, rustic and unscripted

Dave in KY likes this post

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
Received the first container and Enzo I fit perfectly - he is resting next to my bed on the table

We still need 6 more various colours to help readily identify the dogs - black for black, blue for grey, red or green for brown&c.

Thank you. This was PERFECT! Well for Italian Greyhound sized dogs anyway

Dave in KY and IanG153 like this post

Cutting Edge Soap
Maricopa, AZ
If you haven't done so then you could also try reaching out to the vendor as well to see if he could give you his source. Given the fact that he's not using them anymore, and your intended reason to purchase not being to use them in selling soap, he might be inclined to share some information with you on how you might purchase as many as you'd like. They may even come in some other colors that he hasn't sold yet. If they were something he had made specifically for his soap then he may even have a few jars laying around that he'd be willing to sell you at a very reasonable price.

dmshaver likes this post

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
You know, had thought of that but suspected too intrusive

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
(This post was last modified: 02-26-2020, 11:49 PM by DanLaw.)
We have successfully homed 2 of our passed IGs: Enzo and Dante.  Still seeking 5 more Jars.  Note to others, anything bigger than an IG or MinPin won't fit if considering this.

[Image: t6nz5i1.jpg]

[Image: mXzdwIf.jpg]

[Image: McP0LDr.jpg]

kooshman7 and Dave in KY like this post

Posting Freak
Peachtree City, GA
Picture of 2 of the IGs rehomed  Enzo I and Dante

[Image: vdAA3JX.jpg]

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