

hrfdez, Hobbyist and Blackland Razors like this post

[Image: j-peterman-2.jpg]

hawns and fitzman49 like this post
Why is there no examples of this rant?
Totally agree!

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
May I respectfully suggest you say "I" instead of "we". How presumptuous of you to speak for everyone. Chris, I do not disagree with the idea you are trying to get across but I resent you speaking for me. Also, this is a wet shaving site, not an alcohol site. While, like you, I enjoy a good whisky (or whiskey, for that matter) this is not the forum to promote that. Go to The Lounge and make that a separate interest. I would enjoy joining you on that.

Shawn and Marko like this post
I understand where TSE is coming from on this issue. In many ways, long descriptions describing picturesque scenery do not do much to bring to mind actual scents, and may even be manipulative because they play on our positive associations with exotic destinations and the like.

That said, here are two reasonable counterarguments to that perspective: First, there is no such thing as Smell-O-Vision, and speaking as a fragrance enthusiast with a fairly decent level of experience in this area, I'd argue that it isn't always easy or possible to capture the smell of a product in its description; second, product descriptions aren't necessarily intended to be 100% informative since they also serve a purpose in a product's marketing campaign.

I can also see where Freddy is coming from on the "we" comments. Personally, I enjoy artful descriptions since they contribute to the branding of the product, which I tend to appreciate. But on the other hand, I don't think that TSEvangelist was intentionally trying to speak for everyone (though it did come out that way in parts of the video). From what I can tell having watched many of his videos, TSE is usually very careful in prefacing his comments with a nod to subjectivity and an observation/disclaimer that what works for some might not work for others. I'd bet that his use of the word "we" was an unintentional slip of the tongue, and that he'd recognize that some folks can disagree with his perspective, and are certainly entitled to do so.

Just my two yuan. I really enjoyed the video and see both sides of the description topic.

TheCleanShaver likes this post

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
(02-29-2016, 12:57 AM)NeoXerxes Wrote: I understand where TSE is coming from on this issue. In many ways, long descriptions describing picturesque scenery do not do much to bring to mind actual scents, and may even be manipulative because they play on our positive associations with exotic destinations and the like.

That said, here are two reasonable counterarguments to that perspective: First, there is no such thing as Smell-O-Vision, and speaking as a fragrance enthusiast with a fairly decent level of experience in this area, I'd argue that it isn't always easy or possible to capture the smell of a product in its description; second, product descriptions aren't necessarily intended to be 100% informative since they also serve a purpose in a product's marketing campaign.

I can also see where Freddy is coming from on the "we" comments. Personally, I enjoy artful descriptions since they contribute to the branding of the product, which I tend to appreciate. But on the other hand, I don't think that TSEvangelist was intentionally trying to speak for everyone (though it did come out that way in parts of the video). From what I can tell having watched many of his videos, TSE is usually very careful in prefacing his comments with a nod to subjectivity and an observation/disclaimer that what works for some might not work for others. I'd bet that his use of the word "we" was an unintentional slip of the tongue, and that he'd recognize that some folks can disagree with his perspective, and are certainly entitled to do so.

Just my two yuan. I really enjoyed the video and see both sides of the description topic.

We'll have to agree to disagree, NeoXerxes.  The video was out and out offensive to anyone who might choose to think for himself/herself.  A simple, "I" instead of "we" would have put a whole different spin on this,  Also, adding the alcohol puts a different feel on these videos.  His thoughts on the whisk(e)y he drinks belongs in The Lounge, not in a review of shaving soaps.
Freddy I'm not disagreeing with you on that lol Smile. I'm simply suggesting that the wording may not have been intentional, since it clearly contradicts his usual comments about YMMV and the like.
You see the same thing in the fragrance industry.
I laugh when I read the descriptions on the ads for fragrances for men and women.

But - we all know there is no such thing as smell-a-vision. Only Paul H Films has it in his youTube videos, and I'm a fan of Paul, but not only for that reason.
Cheers, Claus from Denmark

Super Moderator
San Diego, Cal., USA
NeoXerxes, perhaps Chris is looking for the controversy.  Then again, perhaps not.  There are so many ways to bring about a particular point but I just don't think this was one of them.

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