so there I was at the barber shop. I was the first customer and had 15 minutes to wait before my choice of barber showed up. While waiting, the owner strolled in and with no one waiting, he proceeded to walk over to the mirror and faceturbated for several seconds. He's clean shaven except for a rather long goatee (4 or 5 inches) below his chin. I thought, hot dog, he's gonna shave, and he was. But to my chagrin, he pulled an electric razor out of a drawer and shaved around the goatee and the rest of his face. I was thinking he would surely whip out a straight razor and even with the hot lather from the electric machine turn in a professional shave.
What a disappointment! I was all set to be entertained!
What a disappointment! I was all set to be entertained!
Does Mean I Must Buy High End Shaving Gear?