Roam rules!

NeoXerxes likes this post
Evidently you are very happy with your purchase ANG69 Smile. Congrats! Roam in Glissant is a great combo.
(This post was last modified: 04-08-2016, 03:04 AM by ANG69.)
I am! I only wish I ordered at least two containers of this soapSmile

NeoXerxes likes this post

I have Mike's, B&M, Stirling, and Wholly Kaw soaps in my den. Will I be blown away by the performance of Nuavia?
(04-08-2016, 02:52 AM)gregcss Wrote: I have Mike's, B&M, Stirling, and Wholly Kaw soaps in my den. Will I be blown away by the performance of Nuavia?

Yes! At least I am blown away, and Nuavia is going to be very hard to dethrone as my favorite soap.

SharpSpine, beisler and NeoXerxes like this post
Many soaps can be flawless performers without blowing me away. Nuavia blew me away. It oozes quality on all fronts.

gregcss, I can't say for certain how you'd like it compared to your tallow options (which are also great), but in my estimation Nuavia is a work of genius.

beisler and SCShaver like this post
I agree. I thought SMN v.3 was as good as it could get. Then I tried Nuavia Rossa and it was just incredible. It has everything you can want in a shaving soap. Easy to lather, extremely slick, great protection, amazing post-shave, and great scent (at least to me). And to make all this better, it is a vegan soap.

SharpSpine and onethinline like this post
(This post was last modified: 04-09-2016, 03:21 AM by NeoXerxes. Edit Reason: grammar )
Barrister & Mann

Overall Rating: 9.5/10 (Glissant base)/8.5/10 (original base)

Packaging: Barrister & Mann does not have a luxury packaging option (yet). That said, it is one of the most functional plastic tubs that I've ever used. Especially convenient for users of larger brushes, the B&M tubs are quite wide, which ensures that one can easily twirl even a Chubby 3 on the soap's surface. The quality of the print, stickers, and text isn't particularly special, but then again users will not be charged for extravagant packaging.

Olfactory impressions: I have chosen not to review a specific scent so that I can discuss a few options. In my view, Will of Barrister_N_Mann is one of the most respectable artisans in the industry when it comes to knowledge of fragrance and fragrance classics. As a fragrance reviewer, this is especially important to me as I am easily able to perceive the quality of B&M scents. Unlike the scents produced by many soap artisans, B&M scents are simultaneously high quality, measured, precise, and artistically meritorious. Rather than mere blends of essential oils, B&M scents come across as actual fragrances. Out of what I have tried from the brand, a few scents stand out. Exclusive to the original base (and now discontinued), I highly recommend Vetyver Santal, which is a true masterpiece (my favorite from the brand in terms of scent) and is a stunning blend of vetiver and sandalwood, both of exceptional quality. Available soon in the Glissant base, Seville stands out as being a simple yet pleasant barbershop fragrance, while for cold weather some users would prefer something like Cologne Russe, which to my nose is an excellent blend of clove and something that comes across like a fresh leather saddle in cold Russian air.

Performance characteristics: Everyone knows by now my taste leans towards the luxury soaps/creams, however B&M is one of the few artisan soaps that I enjoy and love to use regularly, along with Mystic Water, PannaCrema (original), Jabonman, and a small number of others. Though it is an artisan and not (in my view) in the luxury category, it deserves a review in this luxury thread primarily for its performance and for its exceptional fragrances. In reviewing this soap I will endeavor to provide separate comments on the original soap base and the new Glissant.

I should say, though, that the performance of the original formula is not my favorite. Don't get me wrong - it's a great soap. However, when I first tried it in my extremely hard water, it was a bit difficult to use (though not as difficult as some). Like many tallow artisan products, it produces a slick lather with a nice post-shave feel. The post-shave feel of the original (for me) was not as nice as Mystic Water, but it is better than most of the other artisan soaps on the market. Consequently, I awarded the original formula an 8.5/10 on my luxury scale, as it is better than almost all of the artisans in scent, and better than most in performance.

Glissant was a different experience entirely. As the release of PannaCrema's Nuavia was a game changer in the luxury category, B&M's new Glissant base is a game changer for the artisan market. For me, Glissant performs better than the original in every single category. While the look of the lather is less yogurt-like and dense in appearance, it is noticeably slicker, more protective, is significantly easier to lather in even the hardest water (thanks to the inclusion of a chelating agent), and has a better balanced post-shave feel. The Glissant formula is a truly excellent product that can compete with many of the top luxury soaps/creams on the market. Its excellent performance, accessible price, beautiful scents, and ease of use has earned B&M Glissant my top recommendation in the artisan category. I don't quite think it is a luxury product (mostly due to presentation), and consequently I can award it no higher than 9.5/10 on this particular scale. But make no mistake - B&M Glissant is a product should not be missed. If this thread was dedicated to artisan products and if my admittedly crude rating scale was without a "luxury" component, B&M Glissant would earn a 10/10 without question.

Post-shave feel and look: The original formula is nice in this area but not nearly as flawless as Glissant, as with my skin the original is a bit heavy in post-shave feel, which would be better for people that tend more towards drier skin. In contrast, with Glissant my skin feels moisturized, perfectly balanced (no tallow "heaviness" to my skin, if that makes sense), and refreshed. I'm not sure what ingredient is responsible for this, but it also seems to reduce skin redness for me, which almost always materializes after a shave.

Who might like this product: If you want pure performance and scent quality at an accessible price, B&M Glissant is the way to go. I recommend Glissant without hesitation, but couldn't give that same recommendation to the original (though it is a good soap) - in my opinion Glissant represents a massive improvement. A good choice for someone who requires great performance, B&M Glissant is one of the few soaps that is exceptional in all categories and not lacking in any. Moreover, it is the only artisan soap that I have yet tried that combines flawless performance in all categories with exceptional scents AND ease of use. Another plus is B&M's excellent customer service and Will's willingness to listen to criticism (which is a huge advantage in my book, as it leads to a steady improvement in the quality of his products).

Who might not like this product: The downside to Will's knowledge of and interest in perfumery is that he sometimes creates challenging scents that - while artistically meritorious - will not appeal to everyone. If you'd like to avoid the more challenging fragrances, I'd suggest that you veer more towards the permanent scents (such as Seville, Cheshire, Bay Rum, etc.), as they are generally more simple than many of the special/limited edition soaps.


Thanks for reading gents! If you have any comments or suggestions on the format of this review, please let me know.


Question: Are there any other review requests before I begin the roundup?

Freddy, andrewjs18, onethinline and 3 others like this post

Maker of Soaps and Shaver of Men
Cooperstown, NY, USA
Thank you for the wonderful review, Neo. Smile We'll be updating/improving our packaging soon, which may not quite push it up into the luxury category, but should make it seem far less........amateur.

clint64 and Freddy like this post
“You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think.” – Marcus Aurelius

Fine grooming products at Barrister and Mann.  Smile www.barristerandmann.com

(04-09-2016, 03:23 AM)Barrister_N_Mann Wrote: Thank you for the wonderful review, Neo. Smile We'll be updating/improving our packaging soon, which may not quite push it up into the luxury category, but should make it seem far less........amateur.

I really like the direction your package designs are going. The labels for Night Music and Roam are both very cool, IMO. I think it would be a good idea if you redid the rest of the white label stuff in the same style. Or are the new designs reserved for LEs?
- Jeff

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